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Petition to officially change the name to GunshipStarFighter


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Even if it's a rant, he is right.


The last 4 deathmatches all ended with my team getting slaughter by two gunships.


We lost by an extreme huge margin and they got 75% of all kills in all matches.


My whole team tried to killed them and we got insta gibed 75% of the time. The few times we could destroy one we there so badly damage that the rest of their team could kill us with a fly slap. Even our Vets said it's pointless.

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Even if it's a rant, he is right.


The last 4 deathmatches all ended with my team getting slaughter by two gunships.


We lost by an extreme huge margin and they got 75% of all kills in all matches.


My whole team tried to killed them and we got insta gibed 75% of the time. The few times we could destroy one we there so badly damage that the rest of their team could kill us with a fly slap. Even our Vets said it's pointless.


And let me quess, you were all flying in your no-brain scouts, right? Of course you were.

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Yeah because we are all idiots ...


Who could pulled a gunship and we could kill them a few times but there were 10 other people fighting you also ..




also i thought the insanely overpower sting is owning gunships with ease... (our exploded quite like all other ships)

Edited by PeterKannNix
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Yeah because we are all idiots ...


Who could pulled a gunship and we could kill them a few times but there were 10 other people fighting you also ..




also i thought the insanely overpower sting is owning gunships with ease... (our exploded quite like all other ships)


See, if you had one or 2 proper Striker pilots with you, those gunships would have been too busy running back to their capital ship to kill anyone. But hey, keep flying them scouts bro. :)

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Have to say I agree, lately the matches have predominately turned into nothing but giant gunship fests with the occasional bomber, dogfighting has become a thing of the past in most of the matches I have gotten lately. This game (at least with deathmatch) has turned into nothing more than a "who has the biggest ocean of gunships" fight. I've been trying to keep having fun with it in the hopes that I will get some real matches with people who want to actually have an epic dogfight, but after constant, nonstop pure gunship and bomber fights it seems that there is only two options now. Either grab a gunship myself which I find to be an extremely boring and skill-less play style... or be the one person who tries to fly into the ocean of gunships and mines to do something about it... which has an obvious outcome.
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Just need to get a grip of yourself and adapt your play... gunships are slow and static, so pick up some power ups... preferably, in order: engine, shields and overcharge and take the frigging lot out. This stuff doesn't always need to be spoon fed to you! Just 'cos it's a death-match doesn't means it's a race to die... be tactical, know your territory, find the edge and use it. And I'm always on a scout when I do this. Edited by leehambly
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So what you are saying is, if I want to play a real dogfighting class in a deathmatch game, that I have to first get three different powerups just to have a CHANCE at doing ANYTHING at all. So get three powerups... run in to the ocean of gunships and mines... kill one maybe two enemies... then get tagged by 4 other railguns since I'll be the only person trying to take them out in a role I enjoy playing. Or I can not try to do that, sit around all day in the hopes that someone will fly to a spot that I can attack them and not get an entire fleet of railguns aimed at me simultaneously and get non contributing debuff. Or I can go with the direction that this game is going, grab a gunship, join the sniperfest and be bored to death all match. Sounds fun and tactical. Yes I occasionally get a match where there is an actual brawl and only 1 or 2 gunships per side and can actually have fun in a huge dogfight but those are becoming far and few, the vast majority are becoming nothing but sniper standoffs.
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So what you are saying is, if I want to play a real dogfighting class in a deathmatch game, that I have to first get three different powerups just to have a CHANCE at doing ANYTHING at all. So get three powerups... run in to the ocean of gunships and mines... kill one maybe two enemies... then get tagged by 4 other railguns since I'll be the only person trying to take them out in a role I enjoy playing. Or I can not try to do that, sit around all day in the hopes that someone will fly to a spot that I can attack them and not get an entire fleet of railguns aimed at me simultaneously and get non contributing debuff. Or I can go with the direction that this game is going, grab a gunship, join the sniperfest and be bored to death all match. Sounds fun and tactical. Yes I occasionally get a match where there is an actual brawl and only 1 or 2 gunships per side and can actually have fun in a huge dogfight but those are becoming far and few, the vast majority are becoming nothing but sniper standoffs.


No, if you want to have a chance against an ocean of them all bunched though, of course you need to do something special. And I did say "preferably"... Again, it shouldn't need to be spoon fed to you. And I'll tell you - if you're only doing 1 or 2 GS with an overcharge, let someone else on your team pick it up. IMHO power-ups are for the faster ships, its part of the balance for the Gunship/bombers - works well but you need to play to it. I had a streak of 11 of the sods tonight, lucky sure... ran into a second overcharge on my way out of it. An overcharge on it's own will do, but those three together... even better!

Edited by leehambly
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So what you are saying is, if I want to play a real dogfighting class in a deathmatch game, that I have to first get three different powerups just to have a CHANCE at doing ANYTHING at all. So get three powerups... run in to the ocean of gunships and mines... kill one maybe two enemies... then get tagged by 4 other railguns since I'll be the only person trying to take them out in a role I enjoy playing. Or I can not try to do that, sit around all day in the hopes that someone will fly to a spot that I can attack them and not get an entire fleet of railguns aimed at me simultaneously and get non contributing debuff. Or I can go with the direction that this game is going, grab a gunship, join the sniperfest and be bored to death all match. Sounds fun and tactical. Yes I occasionally get a match where there is an actual brawl and only 1 or 2 gunships per side and can actually have fun in a huge dogfight but those are becoming far and few, the vast majority are becoming nothing but sniper standoffs.


Were you trespassing on someone elses lot AGAIN???


You have your own accommodations with the same commodities as the other campers, please stay away from their lots.


This is your final warning.


Stay out of other people's campsites or we are going to have to evict you from the campgrounds.


Also, please stop laughing at the "Bears are DANGEROUS" sign.

You have been giving other campers the impression that the presence of bears is not to be taken seriously.

I really don't see what is so funny about our sign.

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the vast majority are becoming nothing but sniper standoffs.


And I wouldn't worry too unduly about this... people are still adjusting to the game itself and the new changes/arena. Once more and more get to grips with it, they will go off the ocean of GS and become more balanced... if they wanna win, that is. :)

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And I wouldn't worry too unduly about this... people are still adjusting to the game itself and the new changes/arena. Once more and more get to grips with it, they will go off the ocean of GS and become more balanced... if they wanna win, that is. :)


Not really. That is the winning strategy. You have to do the same and stare each other down until one of you dares to go to the other side.


I know a lot of people play gunships and they like their win spoon fed to them, while apparently other ships have to "be creative" to figure out how to win, though no one really purposed any strategies other than try a strikefighter....

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Not really. That is the winning strategy. You have to do the same and stare each other down until one of you dares to go to the other side.


I know a lot of people play gunships and they like their win spoon fed to them, while apparently other ships have to "be creative" to figure out how to win, though no one really purposed any strategies other than try a strikefighter....


It really isn't, it's a winning strategy. Two teams of GS/Bombers facing each other... if one team has a decent scout using the power ups well... who wins? Players will work it out - and GS campers will have to come up with another strategy.


If you expect your playing strategy to remain equally successful after a significant release to the GSF, then well, what was the point of the update??

Edited by leehambly
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With the current setup gun ships do have an incredible advantage. They have the range to take out drones with ease and the ion can take out fighters and scouts.


None of this is a major issue if it wasn't for the sitting on the cap ship or barrel rolling to them as soon as they take the first bit of damage and then can hide behind the turrets till whoever is after them has to pull away as they can't close the gap.


Even more so in the lost shipyard if you are republic as you can see point B straight from the cap ship.

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With the current setup gun ships do have an incredible advantage. They have the range to take out drones with ease and the ion can take out fighters and scouts.


None of this is a major issue if it wasn't for the sitting on the cap ship or barrel rolling to them as soon as they take the first bit of damage and then can hide behind the turrets till whoever is after them has to pull away as they can't close the gap.


Even more so in the lost shipyard if you are republic as you can see point B straight from the cap ship.


For the 100000x time:


If an enemy squad camps the cap ship successfully with gunships, it is only because your team continues to approach too close and allows them to do it.


Stop taking the bait.


Having said that, there really isn't much you can do when even 1/4 of your team are noobs who don't take orders, as obviously despite your winning tactics, these noobs will continue feeding them kills until you are well into a loss, which may force you to approach in turn, hoping to snag a few kills to pick the game back up, but you can't compete with a cap ship.


Sometimes your bad tactics of pwning the other team forces them onto the cap ship because you decide to take your pwnsquad to their doorstep then start losing and blame the cap ship.

Who's at fault in this scenario?

Surely not the gunship that can reach it's cap ship with a barrel-roll.


I fully understand, but the problem here is the dim-witted players, not the game mechanics.

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Here is how you kill gunships. Take the baseline scout, upgrade the lasers, use the engine refill, barrel roll, sab probes, damping. You are invisible outside of 15km range to gunships since they all stack damping too. You close the 15km in 2s with a barrel roll and a bit of boost. You lock a sab probe and wait, most gunships blow their engine ability. If they wait too, close to <1000m and release. The hit can't be avoided from that close. If you can't finish a gunship with its steering and engines disabled you're a bad. Problem solved.
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Here is how you kill gunships. Take the baseline scout, upgrade the lasers, use the engine refill, barrel roll, sab probes, damping. You are invisible outside of 15km range to gunships since they all stack damping too. You close the 15km in 2s with a barrel roll and a bit of boost. You lock a sab probe and wait, most gunships blow their engine ability. If they wait too, close to <1000m and release. The hit can't be avoided from that close. If you can't finish a gunship with its steering and engines disabled you're a bad. Problem solved.


Why would you take booster recharge? Use EMP with Shield to engine converter for shield component. Works way better.

StoE > booster recharge.

Edited by Zoom_VI
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Because that is the best ship by far. If you want to win play that. It is the best to take out bombers with and the only ship you should be using in deathmatch.


Sign the petition for a more accurate description of this game mode.


Thank You



Gunships are so last month. You are supposed to be complaining about bombers now. (Or didn't you get the memo?)

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