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2.7 changes bring new Era to PvP.


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It honestly doesn't matter what we say, I don't think bioware has ever made a changed based on forum post. Think the new Sorc changes are garbage, its just a little bit less of randomness. Which in my eyes is less damage, if the changes are accurate.
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Whatever the overall effect, we do not need it on sniper/slinger. Give it to op/scoundrels or something.


Really don't see sniper/slinger needing anything in PvP except maybe an increase to flourish effectiveness in MM tree might be nice. Maybe they are lacking in PvE? If so, don't know how this evasion buff will help there

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Whatever the overall effect, we do not need it on sniper/slinger. Give it to op/scoundrels or something.


Really don't see sniper/slinger needing anything in PvP except maybe an increase to flourish effectiveness in MM tree might be nice. Maybe they are lacking in PvE? If so, don't know how this evasion buff will help there


Best PvE class in the game.

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Are 2.7 changes significant? Outside of rage changes no. Contrary to the believe, ops healer will still be the strongest, but mercs now r within close range and sorc still very weak for competitve PvP. Sorc still has on viable tree, madness, juggernauts r completely unviable dps, as they always are. Ops dps will be better, but not competitive. Mercs dps still suck.


It will be interesting to see how snipers will perform after 2.7. I am suspecting that lethality will be so insanely powerful. As for aoe damage, put ap pt instead of smasher. Wzs will be dominated by pts as they are the only available aoe damage and one of the strongest single target damage.


For arenas, rage was already a dying bread, and it will never be played after 2.7. We will see a bit more merc healers and leathality snipers, but nothing else would change.

Edited by Ottoattack
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Are 2.7 changes significant? Outside of rage changes no. Contrary to the believe, ops healer will still be the strongest, but mercs now r within close range and sorc still very weak for competitve PvP. Sorc still has on viable tree, madness, juggernauts r completely unviable dps, as they always are. Ops dps will be better, but not competitive. Mercs dps still suck.


It will be interesting to see how snipers will perform after 2.7. I am suspecting that lethality will be so insanely powerful. As for aoe damage, put ap pt instead of smasher. Wzs will be dominated by pts as they are the only available aoe damage and one of the strongest single target damage.


For arenas, rage was already a dying bread, and it will never be played after 2.7. We will see a bit more merc healers and leathality snipers, but nothing else would change.


PTs could not replace smash damage. Their AOE is channeled. Their single damage is easily guarded. And they do not have undying which is a disadvantage in targeted ranged attacks. Lethality, as it appears will have greater survivability with 4" immunity.

In Arenas yes, but in Arenas half of swtor specs are underperforming.

Edited by Aetideus
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Are 2.7 changes significant? Outside of rage changes no. Contrary to the believe, ops healer will still be the strongest, but mercs now r within close range and sorc still very weak for competitve PvP. Sorc still has on viable tree, madness, juggernauts r completely unviable dps, as they always are. Ops dps will be better, but not competitive. Mercs dps still suck.


It will be interesting to see how snipers will perform after 2.7. I am suspecting that lethality will be so insanely powerful. As for aoe damage, put ap pt instead of smasher. Wzs will be dominated by pts as they are the only available aoe damage and one of the strongest single target damage.


For arenas, rage was already a dying bread, and it will never be played after 2.7. We will see a bit more merc healers and leathality snipers, but nothing else would change.


Mercs dps doesn't suck but we could use a better disengage ability.

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Why is it that snipers have been outperforming the other 30m classes by so much, since pretty much the beginning of the game? And I say this after taking into account that sniper is an all DD AC. It wasn't until 2.0 that the other 30m guys gained some ground and were a bit more equal. At this point, non-sniper 30m classes are very strong, so to keep the favoritism and to keep snipers where they have been (above everyone else), they throw in yellow dmg resistance to dodge and roaming entrench?... why can snipers be unstoppable (through entrench, dodge and covered escape) and be impervious to CC, when they have plenty of CC themselves? and the marauder is 100% stoppable? Whats with the +20% defence chance when in cover?... that is unbelievable. Hard CC? when the other all DD AC does not have one?... can assassins/Operative truly n consistently shut down a sniper inside a wz the same way a sniper shuts down a marauder, because it's the "counter class"? (NO). Why do snipers have access to hybrid specs that can perform better than straight specs and the marauder has no ranked-ready hybrid spec worth a damn? Why is it so clear that these guys have been favored over all other DD specs from pretty much the beginning of the game, and up to this day?...


PS: Also, either ALL ACs should be required to face their targets properly before initiating an attack, OR NONE should (I'd pick the 1st).

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Why is it that snipers have been outperforming the other 30m classes by so much, since pretty much the beginning of the game? And I say this after taking into account that sniper is an all DD AC. It wasn't until 2.0 that the other 30m guys gained some ground and were a bit more equal. At this point, non-sniper 30m classes are very strong, so to keep the favoritism and to keep snipers where they have been (above everyone else), they throw in yellow dmg resistance to dodge and roaming entrench?... why can snipers be unstoppable (through entrench, dodge and covered escape) and be impervious to CC, when they have plenty of CC themselves? and the marauder is 100% stoppable? Whats with the +20% defence chance when in cover?... that is unbelievable. Hard CC? when the other all DD AC does not have one?... can assassins/Operative truly n consistently shut down a sniper inside a wz the same way a sniper shuts down a marauder, because it's the "counter class"? (NO). Why do snipers have access to hybrid specs that can perform better than straight specs and the marauder has no ranked-ready hybrid spec worth a damn? Why is it so clear that these guys have been favored over all other DD specs from pretty much the beginning of the game, and up to this day?...


PS: Also, either ALL ACs should be required to face their targets properly before initiating an attack, OR NONE should (I'd pick the 1st).


Because people need an easy mode class that counters everything else, or else, they'll have to play Mercs & Sorc and realize how difficult those classes can be at some moments, then QQ their butts off on forums. I still don't understand why Snipers have so many defense mechanisms in the first place...if a Melee class gets to you, he's supposed to wreck the hell out of you for allowing him to do so.


Yet, snipers can not only take down melees before they even get to them, but ironically they can also deal with them in melee range because they have much better tools than all other ranged classes. A class like a sniper that requires you to go turret-style in order to benefit from you abilities to the max, should deal high dmg (which it already does), but should also be extremely vulnerable when somebody closes the gap on them, which is currently very far from being the case.

Edited by Tevzz
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