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Is SWTOR the pariah of MMOs?


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I'm surprised none of the usual EAware white knights have shown up yet, it must be passed their bed time.


I'm not sure why you think there's white knighting ( :rolleyes: ) that needs doing. People are talking smack about SWTOR on other games? Uh, so what? It's just the usual MMO gamer nonsense. TOR is doing respectable business and isn't going anywhere anytime soon. PVPers are unhappy which is as it should be. Zayne Carrick gear can now be had. All's good and right from where I sit. :D

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I'm not sure why you think there's white knighting ( :rolleyes: ) that needs doing. People are talking smack about SWTOR on other games? Uh, so what?


Because there is a small group of neckbeards that patrol these forums searching for ANY negative comment about TOR/EAware. After they have discovered such blasphemy, they proceed to launch a full blown white knight attack on the perpetrator.

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Because there is a small group of neckbeards that patrol these forums searching for ANY negative comment about TOR/EAware. After they have discovered such blasphemy, they proceed to launch a full blown white knight attack on the perpetrator.


And there's a cadre of people who like to whiz on the game like it was the floor of a rest area in Alabama. C'est la vie.

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Some people just aren't happy unless they're complaining and many people who enjoy things simply aren't as vocal. It's that way with everything entertainment related - TV shows, movies, books, music etc. If you're enjoying the game then good for you, if you're not then that's your option as well. Nothing will make everyone happy and trying to appease everyone is a recipe for disaster.
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And there's a cadre of people who like to whiz on the game like it was the floor of a rest area in Alabama. C'est la vie.


At least most of the people who have gripes about this game also acknowledge that there are positive aspects. The group of white knights I mentioned view this game/company as the second coming of Jesus Christ and believe it is infallible.

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As the Devs made their road map for 2014, we can probably assume there will be a new level cap along with the new tier of gear. With two new flashpoints(FP) concentrated to Tython and Korriban I can only hope for a deeper Jedi/Sith story.


Over the past year there have been a concentration on PvP and PvE content, maybe, just maybe it's time to make the coming year a RP year! I think that when you are done with the PvE and in periods get tired of the PvP, RP is what you want to explore, maybe realize it can be used to a mean to make your gaming experience deeper and greater.


and the struggle for new subscribers seems to be ever so hard, but what I'd like to see is;

- subscriber free/exclusive chairs.

- Subscriber free/exclusive meditation emotes (like the ones at house Organa 'Jedi meditating with levitating stones/rocks')

- Subscriber exclusive Jedi/other class robes/armors, with a variaty from the non jedi like armors to the classic robes. This could be made into a 1 choice opportunity, as it is now we seems to get a very none jedi-ish speeder!!!


As for the gaming experience after hitting level cap I think the key to successes is in listening to the RP community. It is within RP community the Star Wars loyalty resides, they will be the last to abandon the game as the PvP community will be the first.

Edited by t-darko
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And Bioware cant stress enough how much time/money changing Engine would cost. It will never happen.


That really is the crux of the matter isn't it. The largest flaw in the game is unable to be remedied because neither Bioware is willing to invest a bunch of money into a IP they don't own to fix it, and neither is EA willing to invest the money because SW:TOR didn't turn out to be the cash cow they needed it to be. So because of the engine running this game there really is a hard ceiling in place in terms of how far this game can expand. I feel bad for the Cantina Tour having to field technical questions. They know the system is flawed, but there isn't anything that's going to be done about it.

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That really is the crux of the matter isn't it. The largest flaw in the game is unable to be remedied because neither Bioware is willing to invest a bunch of money into a IP they don't own to fix it, and neither is EA willing to invest the money because SW:TOR didn't turn out to be the cash cow they needed it to be. So because of the engine running this game there really is a hard ceiling in place in terms of how far this game can expand. I feel bad for the Cantina Tour having to field technical questions. They know the system is flawed, but there isn't anything that's going to be done about it.


A ton of assumptions presented as fact. Can't really take any of that seriously.


The only thing you CAN take with any bit of accuracy is the engine has some technical hiccups because you can see them while you play. Other than that, nothing you stated is backed with any factual evidence.

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At least most of the people who have gripes about this game also acknowledge that there are positive aspects. The group of white knights I mentioned view this game/company as the second coming of Jesus Christ and believe it is infallible.


ding ding ding we have a WINNA


exactly the difference.


Those of us posting that play..obviously enjoy the game enough to pay....that doesn't mean it's without flaws and/or problems...and acknowledging them is a sign of intelligence.


meanwhile (and no I'm not pegging ALL defenders this way) blind defending that goes on shows a total lack of intelligence..because people turn a blind eye to justify their love of something.

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You do realize this game is a laughing stock to the rest of the MMO community, do you not? Go in GW2 and lots of ppl will talk **** about this game n how it flopped.


It turned into one huge cash grab and went f2p in less than a year. what did you expect? The old BW team is to blame as well. Making an MMO on singleplayer standards was NOT the way to go...


Yet here you are, subscribing to it. How does that reconcile with the words you wrote?


Edit: Oh. Looking at your user ID, I think I know the answer. You're one of those who finds value in $15/month solely by posting negative comments on the forums? How sad for you.

Edited by DarthTHC
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That really is the crux of the matter isn't it. The largest flaw in the game is unable to be remedied because neither Bioware is willing to invest a bunch of money into a IP they don't own to fix it, and neither is EA willing to invest the money because SW:TOR didn't turn out to be the cash cow they needed it to be. So because of the engine running this game there really is a hard ceiling in place in terms of how far this game can expand. I feel bad for the Cantina Tour having to field technical questions. They know the system is flawed, but there isn't anything that's going to be done about it.


What hard ceiling?


Take a look at the tech they implemented in the new KDY flash point. If there were a hard ceiling, could they have done that? I'm unaware of any other MMO that does anything like KDY. Are there any?

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I play a variety of MMOs but SWTOR is my main game. And whenever this game is mentioned in chat channels of other games, or on other forums, the common response is "lol".


It's almost embarrassing to say you play SWTOR? Is it like this across the genre or just in certain games? Curious what other peeps have noticed.


Interesting, although the game is fairly popular as compared to most MMOs whole, one gets the sense of a lot of disappointment with the title. Firstly, the game was positioned as the WarCraft killer and when it didn't live up to that, the industry really turned on the title. Literally, magazines that were raving about it at release went and changed their ratings. Secondly, a lot of fans were expecting a "revolutionary" title and when they didn't get that, they left feeling quite annoyed with themselves for waiting so long for the game.


Personally, I'm a fan but I think I have some criticisms of the title. If I could summarize my critique it would be that I feel the game is a little plastic, and does not take risks or push any meaningful boundaries. But that is a positive too, because it is the most stable and easily accessible MMO I've ever played. Anyways, obviously they are offering enough to keep me interested since I've been a sub since release and don't have any plans to jump anywhere else for the foreseeable future.


- Arcada

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I play a variety of MMOs but SWTOR is my main game. And whenever this game is mentioned in chat channels of other games, or on other forums, the common response is "lol".


It's almost embarrassing to say you play SWTOR? Is it like this across the genre or just in certain games? Curious what other peeps have noticed.


Go to any game and mention another mmo and people will talk smack. The fact is if you don't like the game why are you here trying to incite a riot?

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Oh hell no. SWTOR is a game. Let the GW2 kids and W0W fanatics rage all they like about it, I'm pleased I'm playing THIS MMO and not one of the other numerous flops out there.


If anyone here gives a **** about what other MMOers think about SWTOR, you need to grow up. If you live your life just to do what's cool, you're a fool. Play what you like, have fun doing what you enjoy. I truly don't give a **** what anyone else playing any other game thinks of this game. They may enjoy elfs and swordplay...I don't. Setting MATTERS to me...and SWTOR has the setting I want.


What I DO have issue with in this game is the terribly slow development cycles.

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What hard ceiling?


Take a look at the tech they implemented in the new KDY flash point. If there were a hard ceiling, could they have done that? I'm unaware of any other MMO that does anything like KDY. Are there any?


What's so special about KDY? The random encounters? KDY is quite unimpressive for a crap ton of reasons...I'm not sure what you see as so cool about it that other MMOs don't do?

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Swtor is the worst mmo and bioware made the biggest and stupidest mistakes. Except all the other mmos released after wow and their devs. Yeah they have all been failures and almost all of them failed because of Devs who thought they knew what an mmo needed and what it didn't need and were wrong and all they had to do was look at what other games did and didn't do before them.


But for the title of biggest failure? I would have to give it to swtor. If you consider the money spent on it and take into account that its a star wars game and it still failed, theres no question.


STO would be larger on the list because of 2 years with no content. From a customer interface point of view (the box office stuff is pointless) the main function of an MMO is to update.

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What's so special about KDY? The random encounters? KDY is quite unimpressive for a crap ton of reasons...I'm not sure what you see as so cool about it that other MMOs don't do?


Wow, you're on a tear today.


1) Bolster. Anyone from about 10 to 54 can get into the same instance and be effective.


2) Random Areas. Each run you do 2 out of N (5?) random areas then 1 of N (3?) random bosses. It changes each time you do it.


Which other MMO's do those 2 things?

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As the saying goes misery loves company. A game website I go to for the last month hating on Swtor has been all but non existing except for the die hard haters who resurrect old threads. On threads about the road map it was mostly positive which is rarly seen on any game. Right now ESO has got the haters attention.


Most of the times when it comes to haters of Swtor they usually have the following phrases in their hate speech "at launch" "had" "have" "6 months after launch". They have no clue about the current game or the progress Swtor has made. As for the haters in game chat or on these forums it's a byproduct of going f2p. Any game that goes f2p brings in the trash.


People hate on Swtor, WoW, EA, Bio, and MS because they are successful it's the haters mentality they can't stand seeing others successful or happy they are all about negativity and trying to bash anything they don't like. I can't imagine what type of lived these people live who spend years hating on video games.

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Wow, you're on a tear today.


1) Bolster. Anyone from about 10 to 54 can get into the same instance and be effective.


2) Random Areas. Each run you do 2 out of N (5?) random areas then 1 of N (3?) random bosses. It changes each time you do it.


Which other MMO's do those 2 things?


LOTRO has done #1 since it launched as has APB (since there are no 'levels'). The random quest updates, APB. As one objective is finished, another random one comes up. Nothing unique about it.

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LOTRO has done #1 since it launched as has APB (since there are no 'levels'). The random quest updates, APB. As one objective is finished, another random one comes up. Nothing unique about it.


Umm lotro has not done bolster from day one what are you talking about. It only came around during their last expansion. Helms deep is the only area you can bolster in lotro.

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I play a variety of MMOs but SWTOR is my main game. And whenever this game is mentioned in chat channels of other games, or on other forums, the common response is "lol".


It's almost embarrassing to say you play SWTOR? Is it like this across the genre or just in certain games? Curious what other peeps have noticed.


Why would the average MMO player like SWTOR when they could play another game, set up 3 macros and blindly spam the same 3 buttons for hours to feel "l33t"?


The average MMO player wants mindless, easy gameplay that still makes them feel like they are beating hard content. WoW gives them that, SWTOR does not.

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Umm lotro has not done bolster from day one what are you talking about. It only came around during their last expansion. Helms deep is the only area you can bolster in lotro.


I'm talking about the dungeons that scale to your level(s) and party size - not Helms Deep.

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