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Is SWTOR the pariah of MMOs?


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I play a variety of MMOs but SWTOR is my main game. And whenever this game is mentioned in chat channels of other games, or on other forums, the common response is "lol".


It's almost embarrassing to say you play SWTOR? Is it like this across the genre or just in certain games? Curious what other peeps have noticed.

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You do realize this game is a laughing stock to the rest of the MMO community, do you not? Go in GW2 and lots of ppl will talk **** about this game n how it flopped.


It turned into one huge cash grab and went f2p in less than a year. what did you expect? The old BW team is to blame as well. Making an MMO on singleplayer standards was NOT the way to go...

Edited by Gamesux
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You do realize this game is a laughing stock to the rest of the MMO community, do you not? Go in GW2 and lots of ppl will talk **** about this game n how it flopped.


It turned into one huge cash grab and went f2p in less than a year. what did you expect?


Yea, right up until you tell them its still probably the 2nd biggest (maybe 3rd) MMO is the West. Then suddenly they stop talking and get confused.

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You do realize this game is a laughing stock to the rest of the MMO community, do you not? Go in GW2 and lots of ppl will talk **** about this game n how it flopped.


It turned into one huge cash grab and went f2p in less than a year. what did you expect? The old BW team is to blame as well. Making an MMO on singleplayer standards was NOT the way to go...


Quick, somebody alert the defenders!

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'The first rule of Fight Club...'


I've drifted through a few other MMOs on my way to SWTOR and there has always been a vocal hatred of other games in general chat. Hey, even on fleet you've got a better than even chance of getting called out for offering praise of SWTOR.

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Yea, right up until you tell them its still probably the 2nd biggest (maybe 3rd) MMO is the West. Then suddenly they stop talking and get confused.


and then they spend 2 seconds thinking about what else there is and the license.


SWTOR is only as big as it is because of the SW license and going F2P...it's so profitable because of the nicken-and-diming.


I like SWTOR well enough. But that doesn't change facts. Fact is SWTOR is one of (if not the biggest) MMO failure. Despite what Bio tells you now they WERE in fact, gunning for WoW...the game didn't cut it becuase of shortcuts and design choices...and because of that people left in droves and SWTOR was forced to go f2p nickel-and-dime shop in less than a years time. That's sad. The competition SWTOR has outside of WoW are MMO's that made a lot of the same mistakes.


But I applaud your attempt.

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Apparently it's the second highest gross profit mmo Last year I just hope they funnel some of that cash into improving The game Like x server tech A better engine

I've played a few mmos too and tried the Eso beta Swtor doesn't have much to worry about.

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You do realize this game is a laughing stock to the rest of the MMO community, do you not? Go in GW2 and lots of ppl will talk **** about this game n how it flopped.


It turned into one huge cash grab and went f2p in less than a year. what did you expect? The old BW team is to blame as well. Making an MMO on singleplayer standards was NOT the way to go...


FYI, the GW2 forums also have a bunch of people talking **** about GW2 and how it flopped. You think forums are some beacon of truth and integrity?

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Apparently it's the second highest gross profit mmo Last year I just hope they funnel some of that cash into improving The game Like x server tech A better engine

I've played a few mmos too and tried the Eso beta Swtor doesn't have much to worry about.

Too bad that's never going to happen bc BW went full retard during development and chose a version of the HeroEngine during its prealpha stages...

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Apparently it's the second highest gross profit mmo Last year I just hope they funnel some of that cash into improving The game Like x server tech A better engine

I've played a few mmos too and tried the Eso beta Swtor doesn't have much to worry about.


Yes. They need to optimize/scrap the engine. Seen the recent Cantina Event answers? Every other question was answered with "Technical problems" or "Performance issues". The engine is like a tissue paper. Pull it a tiny bit too hard (like you know, increasing the guild cap or mission cap) and it tears.

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Yes. They need to optimize/scrap the engine. Seen the recent Cantina Event answers? Every other question was answered with "Technical problems" or "Performance issues". The engine is like a tissue paper. Pull it a tiny bit too hard (like you know, increasing the guild cap or mission cap) and it tears.

Which is another reason why this game is a laughing stock to all other MMO'ers...

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Which is another reason why this game is a laughing stock to all other MMO'ers...


Feel free to hit the /unsub button (million have already after all, whats one more) or let your exploitation of the friend referral lapse. Whatever works. Unless you enjoy hurting yourself or playing forum pvp like certain other individuals seems to...

Edited by Nickious
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Which is another reason why this game is a laughing stock to all other MMO'ers...


Umm... the opinions of other MMOers don't matter to me. They can go fight their elves and goblins all they want. I think I'll stick to my lightsabers and blasters.


I agree the engine is ********, but again, whiners' opinions on a forum entirely unrelated to this game, seriously do not affect my gameplay, Bioware's actions, or my enjoyment of the game.

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Feel free to hit the /unsub button (million have already after all, whats one more) or let your exploitation of the friend referral lapse. Whatever works. Unless you enjoy hurting yourself or playing forum pvp like certain other individuals seems to...

You do realize the friend referral link only works for those who are preferred or ALREADY SUBBED? And it's the latter that's the problem. lol I haven't even been exploiting the RAF system.


Oh and I've been unsubbed for quite some time now sooo yeah... Also can you blame those who are engaging in what some call "forum pvp"? I mean sometimes the forums are more fun than the actual game.


Umm... the opinions of other MMOers don't matter to me. They can go fight their elves and goblins all they want. I think I'll stick to my lightsabers and blasters.


I agree the engine is ********, but again, whiners' opinions on a forum entirely unrelated to this game, seriously do not affect my gameplay, Bioware's actions, or my enjoyment of the game.

So wrong. Remember all that QQ about opening up more servers? Well BW did just that and look where it got them :o

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I thought WoW was the pariah. Everyone seems to hate WoW. Hell play WoW and you'll see people complaining about the game. SWTOR, as number 2, is also hated. Popular things are hated these days. Look at how people want to claim Avengers sucked. Because suddenly everyone has refined tastes hence why all action movies kill in the box office lol. The internet sucks. Get used to it.
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In a way, I dont really care about other peoples opinion of this game.


My reason for this is....I am still playing this game.



I hung up my Star Wars boots a while ago and went to Guild Wars 2...I quit that game in less then a month and came back here


I done the same thing with World of Warcraft...I got sick of the fat pandas, so i came back to sith and lightsabers.


Yes, Customer Service is bad with this game, so what? Its bad with every game ive been on.


So....I play this game because I find it fun, and at the moment, for me, its the best game in my game folder

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Nop. It's not. Usually what you are seeing most of the time in these other games are either SWG veterans that did not get SWG 2. People who had WAY too high of expectations for this game even though they saw what they were getting (it's called delusional) and people who just for the sake of hating and bashing a game will hate and bash it no matter what.


SWTOR is the cool thing to hate for some reason. I never understood the dislike for this game. Bashers can go on and on about how it failed and completely flopped, but does a game really have to beat WoW for it to be considered a success?


What if it has a bunch, yes a bunch because this game does, of players who enjoy themselves, the company keeps putting out patches, are maintaining the game and overall keeping the player base healthy, happy overall all while they add things in the game to keep it going, update it and are making money because of it? I say that's a pretty good way of looking at success.


You are just seeing angry, bitter, delusional, completely clueless people that don't even know what the game is because they haven't been here since they quit a month after the game got released so they are going by THAT. They are NOT going by what is the game now. This game is great and they can say what they want. Defend SWTOR if you play other games then.

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Why would I care if other people think the game is crap? They're not playing it and I know how good the game really is (better than any other MMORPG I've ever played).


If I walk up to someone who is a regular at a bar and tell them I'm a regular at the bar across the street, what do you think their response will be? Basically the same.

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Yes. They need to optimize/scrap the engine. Seen the recent Cantina Event answers? Every other question was answered with "Technical problems" or "Performance issues". The engine is like a tissue paper. Pull it a tiny bit too hard (like you know, increasing the guild cap or mission cap) and it tears.


This times 100,000k. I cannot stress enough how much this engine sucks.

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This times 100,000k. I cannot stress enough how much this engine sucks.


Feel free to start writing it because they aren't changing it. That would be ridiculous.





Anytime I see people ask the same question the OP did I can't help but think they have self esteem issues. You cant just make a decision on your own? You let people, on Internet forums (trolls no less), change your judgement of a game you obviously enjoy (or you would have left)?


OP I am not saying YOU have self esteem or confidence issues. It just the posting of the question. Make your own mind up. Letting other people affect your judgement when you have already used the product is kind of...strange.

Edited by Arkerus
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Swtor is the worst mmo and bioware made the biggest and stupidest mistakes. Except all the other mmos released after wow and their devs. Yeah they have all been failures and almost all of them failed because of Devs who thought they knew what an mmo needed and what it didn't need and were wrong and all they had to do was look at what other games did and didn't do before them.


But for the title of biggest failure? I would have to give it to swtor. If you consider the money spent on it and take into account that its a star wars game and it still failed, theres no question.

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