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Interfering in one's enjoyment of battle


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And if it is something like the bounty event where your boss has to die before they can summon a new one, wouldn't making them wait until you finally kill yours be interfering with their game play?

That sentiment is just as ridiculous as the OP's. No one's "making" anyone do anything. I have the right to kill my bounty as slowly as I want, just as I can't stop you from helping me kill it. Neither one is in any way "interfering."

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I've seen and witnessed a lot of players Interfering in other player's battles with bosses and mobs, with out asking if they need help or assistance.


Every one has their own style of game playing in a mmo, I will tell you All now, if you are not part of my group or I'm solo and you Interfere in combat battle with a mob or boss, Customer service will receive a ticket with your name on it for interfering.


Simple rule of thumb do not interfere in a players enjoyment of a battle, you will get burned... it his or her 's battle with a boss or mobs. that is why EA imposed the rule in the first place, do not interfere in the enjoyment of other player game play. simple put do not be a killjoy.


Term - Interfere is : To come between as so to be a hindrance.


On planetary quest battle with bosses can't be repeated or reset so if you interfere in a players game play you are breaking the Rules interfering is just that.


If people aren't getting banned for griefing, language, racial assaults etc etc, Customer Service isn't going to waste time actioning me for finishing your mob off for you.

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It's an open world. You can't tell me how to live my life.


If I want to help poor Timmy defeat a super hard mob, I will.


If I want to sit pack and so nothing while poor Timmy gets himself killed, I will.


If I want to take off my armor and /dance next to an enemy that poor Timmy is fighting, you're damn right I will.

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I definitely agree with everyone who who thinks this is ridiculous. You get the credit. If you're dying, I'm going to help. This is an MMO, multiplayer online game, if you can't deal with it, go play a single player game.

As mentioned earlier, SWTOR is not an MMO; it is an MMORPG, and while the multiplayer aspect is valid and important, wherein the myriad players in an area are capable of interfering with other people's gameplay in all sort's of ways, the RPG aspect is equally important, wherein the myriad players in an area can participate in and flesh out a role to play within a massive virtual universe. The OP prefers to do so without interference, and I fail to see why that request should not be honored, nor do I find it to be particularly unusual. The MMO part is not more valid than the RPG part. In fact, considering Bioware's history with single player RPG's, and their stated commitment to a story-driven aesthetic experience, I wouldn't be surprised if someone argued that the RPG part trumps the MMO part.


I'm just talking about my perspective on game etiquette, of course. As for submitting a complaint about the type of interference the OP is talking about...well...let me know how that works out for ya'.

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As mentioned earlier, SWTOR is not an MMO; it is an MMORPG, and while the multiplayer aspect is valid and important, wherein the myriad players in an area are capable of interfering with other people's gameplay in all sort's of ways, the RPG aspect is equally important, wherein the myriad players in an area can participate in and flesh out a role to play within a massive virtual universe. The OP prefers to do so without interference, and I fail to see why that request should not be honored, nor do I find it to be particularly unusual. The MMO part is not more valid than the RPG part. In fact, considering Bioware's history with single player RPG's, and their stated commitment to a story-driven aesthetic experience, I wouldn't be surprised if someone argued that the RPG part trumps the MMO part.


I'm just talking about my perspective on game etiquette, of course. As for submitting a complaint about the type of interference the OP is talking about...well...let me know how that works out for ya'.


But what if people help fellow players as part of their own RPG experience?


- A LS Jedi Knight will never see a fellow sentient being attacked and just run past or watch; he/she will help, even if the help wasn't absolutely needed.

- A Republic-loyal Trooper will help any fellow Trooper they see fighting a mob or enemy, but will ignore Jedi players in trouble because they resent the Jedi for what they perceive as abandoning the Republic during the last war.


On the flipside, a typical Sith will choose to NOT help other players (unless it benefits them in some way), and may in fact sometimes screw them over by opening the security chest or fulfilling the objective while the other player is busy fighting the enemy guarding said objective. Sure it pisses the other guy off, but this is an RPG and you are playing a Sith--the feelings of the weak don't matter.

Edited by Sanguiluna
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But what if people help fellow players as part of their own RPG experience?


- A LS Jedi Knight will never see a fellow sentient being attacked and just run past or watch; he/she will help, even if the help wasn't absolutely needed.

- A Republic-loyal Trooper will help any fellow Trooper they see fighting a mob or enemy, but will ignore Jedi players in trouble because they resent the Jedi for what they perceive as abandoning the Republic during the last war.


On the flipside, a typical Sith will choose to NOT help other players (unless it benefits them in some way), and may in fact sometimes screw them over by opening the security chest or fulfilling the objective while the other player is busy fighting the enemy guarding said objective. Sure it pisses the other guy off, but this is an RPG and you are playing a Sith--the feelings of the weak don't matter.


I think I understand your point, but I'm not sure how tenable it is. Jedi very commonly allow suffering; they have repeatedly done so both in the movies and within the KOTOR universe. Yoda suggested Luke allow his friends to suffer so that he could complete his training; Obi-wan threatened Anakin with ejection from the Jedi order if he deviated from his current mission to help Padme; on a grander scale, one might also include the Jedi Council's reluctance to engage the Mandalorians during the Mandalorian Wars as another great example of Jedi forbearance. So to claim that "A...Jedi Knight will never see a fellow sentient being attacked and just run past or watch" is neither true nor canon. But even if that were not the case, claiming that the only way to satisfy one's RP is to interfere with someone else's RP seems like a bit of an unfair proposition, and although not an RP'er myself, I doubt such a stance would be considered acceptable among the RP community.


I believe your last point is a bit off topic, but related, so I'll briefly address it. I don't think ninjaing someone else's loot is ever cool, Sith or no. For me, when someone steals the loot or activates the objective that I'm fighting for (even if they're Sith) it's an automatic Ignore list winner, and frankly, it's a good way to get a bad rep on your server.

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I think I understand your point, but I'm not sure how tenable it is. Jedi very commonly allow suffering; they have repeatedly done so both in the movies and within the KOTOR universe.




But you said that the player got to choose how they played out their RPG. So why do your examples matter? If I, as an RPG player decide to play a character who helps other people, why is that less valid than someone who decides to play their RPG as a character who never gets helped? Why do they get to play the game how they want, but when I try to play the game the way I want, I'm the one who's being selfish?


See, that is why the MMO part trumps the RPG part. The fact that there are multiple players around, means that the game is a conglomeration of multiple players desired play styles. The majority of players accept and passively appreciate simple help from other players, and the game is set up to not just allow that, but to encourage it.. If a player doesn't want help, it is on them to advertise that, and they have zero justification to punish someone who doesn't follow the majority opinion. More to the point: If that player attempts to report/punish players for behaving in expected and popular ways, then that player is the one who is being disruptive and abusive.

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But you said that the player got to choose how they played out their RPG. So why do your examples matter? If I, as an RPG player decide to play a character who helps other people, why is that less valid than someone who decides to play their RPG as a character who never gets helped? Why do they get to play the game how they want, but when I try to play the game the way I want, I'm the one who's being selfish?.


Its selfish when you want to impose your style of RP on other players.


There is nothing wrong with helping as long as you ask people first. Just because most people may say thank you for unsolicited help most of the time does not mean everyone is happy that you helped them all the time.


There is a lot of fun in soloing a challenging boss. The thrill of taking him down when your companion is dead and your HP is at 1%. When someone else rudely jumps into the fight without asking, they have not only denied me my fun by making it boring, they have also wasted my time.


The sheer number of people who seem to think that not only is it okay to "help" in a fight without the courtesy of asking, but that the person who received the "help" should be grateful is what I find truly astounding. But then again in today's online world it is always about me, me, me and feeling good about ones-self without a care or concern if you are troubling others, am I right?

Edited by BaronV
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Its selfish when you want to impose your style of RP on other players.?


The same goes for anyone complaining, using role playing as an excuse, about assistance because it "interferes."


The fact is that this is an MMO. Do I always seek help? No. Am I upset at times when someone jumps in to help? Sometimes. But again, there are certain things that I must expect when hundreds of others are playing.


It's like playing Halo and complaining that people bunny hop all the time; at this point it just has to be accepted as a fact of the game/genre.

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Every one has their own style of game playing in a mmo, I will tell you All now, if you are not part of my group or I'm solo and you Interfere in combat battle with a mob or boss, Customer service will receive a ticket with your name on it for interfering.


Simple rule of thumb do not interfere in a players enjoyment of a battle, you will get burned... it his or her 's battle with a boss or mobs. that is why EA imposed the rule in the first place, do not interfere in the enjoyment of other player game play. simple put do not be a killjoy.

Good luck with that. Someone else jumping into a fight in an open, non-instanced area of a planet is not against any rules and it's ridiculous to suggest otherwise. Now if there is some actual griefing going on, then that's a different story. Frankly, ninja-looting a chest while someone else fights a mob isn't even against their rules, although it's uncool to do.

If you've already tagged the enemy, then anyone coming into the fight after you is doing exactly one thing: helping you.


I welcome this kind of help. The enemy will be defeated. That is the foregone conclusion whenever I start a fight. The only variable is the time it takes to make that happen. If someone wants to help me end that fight more quickly and easily, they will get my thanks every time.

But let's be honest though....most of the time, they aren't doing it to help you, they are doing it to help themselves. Most of the time this occurs, someone is just trying to speed up the re-spawn time for that NPC so they can kill them and finish their own mission. People are impatient and obsessed with their XP per second and just want to get you out of their way faster. I understand why people would do that but let's not paint them as good samaritans, lol.

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But let's be honest though....most of the time, they aren't doing it to help you, they are doing it to help themselves. Most of the time this occurs, someone is just trying to speed up the re-spawn time for that NPC so they can kill them and finish their own mission. People are impatient and obsessed with their XP per second and just want to get you out of their way faster. I understand why people would do that but let's not paint them as good samaritans, lol.


You're walking down the street. Someone hands you a $100 bill and walks away, Doesn't say a word. He's lost in the crowd so you can't find him to ask him why.


Do you care why he gave you the $100? Do you put it in your pocket or crumble it up and throw it away?


Maybe he knows you or your family. Maybe he just feels like being generous. Maybe someone has threatened to kill him if he doesn't hand out some number of $100 bills each day and you just got lucky.


Point is, who cares why they're helping you?

Edited by DarthTHC
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I agree with the OP.


Sometimes in real life, when I'm just trying to mind my own business walking down the sidewalk, some old person will smile and say hello to me. Look old lady, I'm just trying to walk here, and you come up and start interfering with my ability to walk in silence how I like. I didn't ask for you to say hello to me.


Naturally, I do the most logical thing and call the cops so they can sort it out.

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I agree with the OP.


Sometimes in real life, when I'm just trying to mind my own business walking down the sidewalk, some old person will smile and say hello to me. Look old lady, I'm just trying to walk here, and you come up and start interfering with my ability to walk in silence how I like. I didn't ask for you to say hello to me.


Naturally, I do the most logical thing and call the cops so they can sort it out.


Ok that had me laughing.:D

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This discussion seems to have devolved into trite comparisons to hundred dollar giveaways and smiling old ladies. Comparing real life to virtual life is probably a fool's errand; but to carry the analogy out anyway, these are examples of helping, not interfering. The OP feels interfered with, and the real question here seems to be: is it legitimate, in a multi-player role playing game, to object to people interfering in one's activities, even if that interference is based on good intentions? Many people feel that because SWTOR is a multi-player experience, they have license to interfere in other people's gameplay, for no other reason than that it is the nature of a multi-player game, and although a number of players take objection to it, a number of others don't, so where's the harm? Many other people feel that because SWTOR is equally a role-playing game, they should be permitted to create a unique virtual role within the game's universe, and to do so without unsolicited interference from other players. Personally, I would rather be wrong on the side of someone having to endure a respawn than wrong on the side of spoiling someone's game experience.
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@humphreyhufnagel, there's nothing wrong with wanting to play the game your way, free of unwanted meddling.


But the OP was so incensed at the idea of other players "interfering" through help that he wants to report them to CS.


Don't you find that extreme? Even if someone didn't want the "interference", can't one just shrug it off if it happened and carry on?


It's not like there are roving bands of players everywhere killing mobs for people and keeping everyone healed to full at all times. At the most it's the once-in-a-while player moving past that sees someone low on health, or about to die, jumps in to help, and then moves on.


Hardly something for anyone to get worked up about.

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As you are going past and you see them at three quarters health or half just say "you want help?" then use common sense. If they don't answer and are about to kill them? Don't interfere. But if they still don't say anything and they are low in health while boss is still half, I would at least heal them or help them out.
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This discussion seems to have devolved into trite comparisons to hundred dollar giveaways and smiling old ladies. Comparing real life to virtual life is probably a fool's errand; but to carry the analogy out anyway, these are examples of helping, not interfering. The OP feels interfered with, and the real question here seems to be: is it legitimate, in a multi-player role playing game, to object to people interfering in one's activities, even if that interference is based on good intentions? Many people feel that because SWTOR is a multi-player experience, they have license to interfere in other people's gameplay, for no other reason than that it is the nature of a multi-player game, and although a number of players take objection to it, a number of others don't, so where's the harm? Many other people feel that because SWTOR is equally a role-playing game, they should be permitted to create a unique virtual role within the game's universe, and to do so without unsolicited interference from other players. Personally, I would rather be wrong on the side of someone having to endure a respawn than wrong on the side of spoiling someone's game experience.


No conversation that starts with 'I report people when they help me', which as absurd as it sounds, is EXACTLY what the OP is saying- can possibly devolve any lower.


The OP's insistence that everyone should be able to read his mind and know he is part of the 1% who gets furious when they are helped is beyond nonsensical.


OP, if you want others to act in a way that is completely contrary to what is a natural behaviour for people- it is up to YOU to say 'please don't help me'. Not up to them to figure out you're so anti-social you can't even handle interacting with people in a video game.

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Its selfish when you want to impose your style of RP on other players.


I agree. Entirely.


It's very selfish for someone to force your method of play onto others, preventing them from playing the way they want to.


So, why is the OP not being selfish? He's the one asking for the non-standard behavior. The game was designed as a multiplayer game where aiding other players is not just allowed, but encouraged. The game designers expect players to buff each other, heal each other, resurrect each other, and jump into fights to help each other. Most people play in ways that support those patterns. Many people actively seek out situations to help others. The OP (and others) are demanding that people not do that.


It's not my responsibility to check with every player in the area to see what play style they want to use. I will assume that they are playing the game in the default style intended by the developers until such time as they announce that they're not.


Even if it comes down to a simple conflict of opinions, it seems the best way to resolve it is to figure out who is in the majority. Let's see if there are more people who appreciate the occasional help, or more people who want zero assistance. Whichever group is smaller is required to bear the burden of announcing their alternate play style.

Edited by Malastare
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ya..if i see someone fighting and i am in no hurry...im gonna help them. deal with it OP and fans. You want to be left alone in a game where it is an open world environment with other people? Good luck with that. Create ticket after ticket. Report me if I help you. Customer Service wont care one bit. And that is the bottom line. Hell, some people will start to help each other out more just for seeing this thread (in hopes to piss off OP) i know I will...:D
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