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What to do about Spawn Camping? (if anything)


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Previous to Deathmatch mode, I never saw spawn camping in GSF, but now I've seen it repeatedly.


Now, I don't think that people who spawn camp in this game are being malicious. I think they see the red dots on their screen/minimap and fly towards them. When one side has an advantage, more and more of those red dots are going to be near the spawn point.


Telling people not to do it doesn't help. In the last game I was in, I and another player repeatedly asked others not to go to the capital ships, but while a few hung back, the majority continued to swarm.


What do you think BioWare should do to prevent or limit spawn camping? If you think things are fine as they are, why do you think spawn camping is a good thing?

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It's not a good thing, but short of giving the ship turrets a longer range, I'm not sure what BW can do. Any measure they put in would only push the campers back to outside of it's area of effects (say they gave any player within 1k of their spawn point a massive damage reduction buff, the campers would just move further away so that the camped players would have to go far enough to loose the protection). In my experience it only happens when one team massively overpowers the other be that due to skill, ship upgrades etc.


Better matchmaking would probably help, so that the teams aren't so mismatched, but that would lengthen the queues. :(

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Like I've said in numerous other threads ... get rid of the 2 capital ships on each side and replace them with 4 hyperspace beacons on each side.


When you respawn, you default to the beacon which has the fewest enemies near it (or alternatively, the default could be randomly determined). The player has the option to choose a different beacon than the default.


This way, players should only spawn near enemies if they explicitly choose to do so.

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yes, there are 2 spawn points, 2 points that are easily covered by 3 gunships... using the left side of the map as opposing team for example, you park one gunship to the east of each Cap ship just out of range with something to your back and put one more directly between the north and south Cap Ships, fill the rest with missile-boats (or a swarm of Flashfires) and you effectively lock down the other team... made even more effective with 2 Gunships in-between the Caps... Edited by Elly_Dawn
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Here's what to do. Get a fast scout and go harass the nearest gunship. Once peole start chasing you lead them away from your cap ship. Keep trying.


I've never played a shooter that was immune to lopsided battles. At least in this game it isn't true spawn camping. Anyone remember the first ghost recon on xbox?


With cap ship turrets you at least have a chance to fight your way out. The more people play and close the skill gap the fewer you will see these types of matches.


For players whose sole tactic is to snipe from within cap ship turret range I say grow a pair but even this can be countered by bringing other gunships in.

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Previous to Deathmatch mode, I never saw spawn camping in GSF, but now I've seen it repeatedly.


Now, I don't think that people who spawn camp in this game are being malicious. I think they see the red dots on their screen/minimap and fly towards them. When one side has an advantage, more and more of those red dots are going to be near the spawn point.


Telling people not to do it doesn't help. In the last game I was in, I and another player repeatedly asked others not to go to the capital ships, but while a few hung back, the majority continued to swarm.


What do you think BioWare should do to prevent or limit spawn camping? If you think things are fine as they are, why do you think spawn camping is a good thing?



I see 2 options that would be effective


If your hit by a cap ship your re spawn time is 60's . If you get by by a cap ship again it goes up 30 seconds


if your hit by a cap ship your req gets erased.


as far as people who run back to cap ships.


I always thought a map redeisgin of the map would be better. To make it tougher to get back to cap ships. I never liked the ships at the four corners just one ship at the left and right and we should all meet in the middle and have a good time

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the thing about spawn camping is you're seeing it happen a lot due to death matches pushing people back to their capship. but we have 2 seperate spawns. so really it shouldn't be that hard to get around it. I'm convinced most people enchourage a s spawn to be camped to get the advantage of the "defensive wall" of their capships
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On the flip side of this, there is the issue ive been seeing repeatedly on my server. Imp team taking 5+ gunships and sitting on their cap ships after they get the lead in kills. Then the options are either hide and make them come to you but since they have the lead they will just let the game time out, or rush them and between the 5 gunships and the cap ship turrets, you die anyways. So far this is the only type of spawn point play that I have witnessed, not seen any spawn camping for more than a very brief moment before they spawn at different ship.
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  • 3 months later...

Frankly, I see it is a viable tactic. Cutting off an aircraft carrier's ability to launch fighters is a perfectly reasonable way to achieve air superiority. Cut off an enemy's supply or refit line and you have crippled them.


Makes sense to me.


Besides, all they have to do is either fly away or respawn at a different ship.

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Frankly, I see it is a viable tactic. Cutting off an aircraft carrier's ability to launch fighters is a perfectly reasonable way to achieve air superiority. Cut off an enemy's supply or refit line and you have crippled them.


Makes sense to me.


Besides, all they have to do is either fly away or respawn at a different ship.


LOL another armchair warrior. It's not war it's a game so the question needs to be not is the tactic effective but is it too annoying to allow,

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LOL another armchair warrior. It's not war it's a game so the question needs to be not is the tactic effective but is it too annoying to allow,


I cautiously agree. The thing is, the game has IMO gotten worse since the removal of cap ship turrets. But I see what was annoying, having been there- I'm in a premade with two other goods, we push enemy team back to their spawn, our nubs keep running into turret range and dying. And of course, the much spoken of "enemy team gets three kills, sits on their cap ship with gunships for the rest of the game".


With all that being said, spawn camping has had bandaids applied, and we are about to see another (decentish) one, where the spawn of the true food will be randomized (it'll be randomized for everyone, but nonfood ships will pick their spawn as they do now). At the time, I suggested cap turrets be left on, but SOME type of objective be placed that would, if entirely uncontested, lead to free points for the obviously dominant team.


But it's hard to even try to figure how to make a good setup for players so awful. They are going to lose, all you can do is try to make it a learning experience for them.




I'd prefer a combination of turrets enabled AND something else going on in the map.

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