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Rift launched in 1 day why cant you?


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I played rift the first day. The let the entire community enter at once and the game ran flawlessly all day. sure there were queues. They got up to 5 hours+ .. thats unavoidable.


Wrong. Queues are avoidable, and SWTOR avoided them all day!!!

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Rift was absolutely the smoothest launch in MMO history. Yes it had issues, teh servers went down a dozen times each of the first 4-5 days...but total downtime was under an HOUR each day. You had outrageous queues but that was because people were willing to sit through 10 hour queues, that's a self-induced issue.


They handled login server issues by openeing up teh server select lobby a good while prior to servers beign unlocked. I had hoped bioware would have taken note and copied the ideas for how to launch, not this artifically capped launch ********.

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I played rift the first day. The let the entire community enter at once and the game ran flawlessly all day. sure there were queues. They got up to 5 hours+ .. thats unavoidable. People simply changed severs. They added new severs all day and it was no problem. Later they opened free transfers so people could move as they pleased.


Letting only a small amount of people in at a time is not neccisary. Also they advartized 5 day early for pre-orders. This means everyone who pre-ordered will be allowed in on the 15th barring any unexpected problems.


The first 2 days will be for early pre-orders only. They didnt NEED to do it this way. They just CHOSE to do it this way. They need to accept the fact that a lot of people will be angy about it for now but will get over it as soon as they can play.


They also had server instabillities, connection issues, and later on they had to remove and merge severs because they were to underpopulated which caused problems with names, confusion, crying on the forum etc.


The "small amount" of people you are refering to that they let in today is more people than most MMO's let in on their release/launch day and this is only first day of early game access.

Edited by WereMops
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Now go find the digital orders.


RIFT had more people playing day 1 than Star wars will for the next 3 days.


Wrong again. Include the digital orders for TOR and it is over 2 million pre-orders.


Get realistic. Rift was never even close to TOR in numbers, and BW wants to make sure they can handle those numbers without causing more issues.

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Comparing Rift launch to Swtor is like comparing local Pee Wee hockey league D league finals to the Stanley Cup finals.


Rift is small time ... lesser than ... beneath this by a margin of WT# Buttercup!


The technical complexity of this is staggering. I find it more interesting just seeing how things progress than actually being able to play the game ... ok well, almost :)

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Rift was absolutely the smoothest launch in MMO history. Yes it had issues, teh servers went down a dozen times each of the first 4-5 days...but total downtime was under an HOUR each day. You had outrageous queues but that was because people were willing to sit through 10 hour queues, that's a self-induced issue.


They handled login server issues by openeing up teh server select lobby a good while prior to servers beign unlocked. I had hoped bioware would have taken note and copied the ideas for how to launch, not this artifically capped launch ********.


I don't remember WAR going down ever during launch, or having to sit in a queue.... Sure it died when people reached endgame... but launch was awesome.

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Rift was absolutely the smoothest launch in MMO history. Yes it had issues, teh servers went down a dozen times each of the first 4-5 days...but total downtime was under an HOUR each day. You had outrageous queues but that was because people were willing to sit through 10 hour queues, that's a self-induced issue.


They handled login server issues by openeing up teh server select lobby a good while prior to servers beign unlocked. I had hoped bioware would have taken note and copied the ideas for how to launch, not this artifically capped launch ********.


Is it the 20th already? Didn't realize we reached launch.

Edited by Vanlan
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Number of pre-orders/players is actually a pretty weak argument. Bioware/EA knew approximately how many pre-orders they would have, so you'd think they would put in the infrastructure to be able to reasonably handle it.


People don't let GM off the hook for making shoddy cars because they have to make 10 times as many as a smaller car maker and thus their facilities can't handle the volume. They simply expect GM to add facilities to handle the volume.


But the early access method is not even the big problem. The big problem is the lack of communication and setting realistic expectations for the community. I mean, if you did a poll yesterday about what the cut-off date for today would be, how many do you think would say July 27th and earlier? 5% at most? That's mishandled expectations resulting in predictable blowback.

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Wrong. Queues are avoidable, and SWTOR avoided them all day!!!


I'd wager that Rift had a larger percentage of its userbase playing on launch day too.


Its pretty easy to not have queues when about 6% of your total users are allowed online.


There will be queues and probably crashes come the 18th-20th. If they're this worried about such a low number, imagine what happens when they finished inviting all the preorders, then turn the servers off before reopening them for the 20th. Several million users slamming the login server at the same time.


This hasn't really solved any ccu issue. Its merely postponed it.

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Number of pre-orders/players is actually a pretty weak argument. Bioware/EA knew approximately how many pre-orders they would have, so you'd think they would put in the infrastructure to be able to reasonably handle it.


People don't let GM off the hook for making shoddy cars because they have to make 10 times as many as a smaller car maker and thus their facilities can't handle the volume. They simply expect GM to add facilities to handle the volume.


But the early access method is not even the big problem. The big problem is the lack of communication and setting realistic expectations for the community. I mean, if you did a poll yesterday about what the cut-off date for today would be, how many do you think would say July 27th and earlier? 5% at most? That's mishandled expectations resulting in predictable blowback.


Exactly this ^^

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Number of pre-orders/players is actually a pretty weak argument. Bioware/EA knew approximately how many pre-orders they would have, so you'd think they would put in the infrastructure to be able to reasonably handle it.


People don't let GM off the hook for making shoddy cars because they have to make 10 times as many as a smaller car maker and thus their facilities can't handle the volume. They simply expect GM to add facilities to handle the volume.


But the early access method is not even the big problem. The big problem is the lack of communication and setting realistic expectations for the community. I mean, if you did a poll yesterday about what the cut-off date for today would be, how many do you think would say July 27th and earlier? 5% at most? That's mishandled expectations resulting in predictable blowback.


Staggered start isn't just for server stability, they want to spread out the player base so things aren't so cramped as well.

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Rift had some pretty horrid queues for a few days, but you could see your position in line.


Until you lost your connection. Or they brought the servers down. Or your guild decides to switch servers because they want to get in and play right now instead of wait.


yeah...that happened.


More importantly though...how's the RIFT population now? So I guess their release strategy really worked huh?

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I am not sure why people are complaining about not getting in on day one, there are hundreds of people who preordered only on day one to find out that origin has CANCELLED their preorders and they will not only just be removed from early access but will get NO GAME at all.


Be glad you will even get to play. Some of us deployed can not walk down and stand in line at the local Kmart and wait for the store to open on distribution day as many can.


Our small slice of home has been totally removed, ruined, deleted, cancelled, and for all intents, it shows how Bioware and Origin care for and think about those serving their country today, besides their disrespect and concern for their state side customers to boot.

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Rift had different priorities. Their launch was pretty flawless but they opened, way, way to many servers for their own good. The game is suffering since then.


Launch was NOT flawless. There were insanely long queues and people on the forums cried and cried and cried and cried for new servers. They added new servers and naturally interest died down in the game after a few months and people moved on - but those servers were still there. It was nice that free character transfers were available early on. Dammed if you do, dammed if you don't!

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ageed, this morning the response time wasn't very good. I had to reload several times to get a page to come up. Things are good now, either they pulled up more severs or enough people got in game to lessen the pressure on the servers here.
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Number of pre-orders/players is actually a pretty weak argument. Bioware/EA knew approximately how many pre-orders they would have, so you'd think they would put in the infrastructure to be able to reasonably handle it.


People don't let GM off the hook for making shoddy cars because they have to make 10 times as many as a smaller car maker and thus their facilities can't handle the volume. They simply expect GM to add facilities to handle the volume.


But the early access method is not even the big problem. The big problem is the lack of communication and setting realistic expectations for the community. I mean, if you did a poll yesterday about what the cut-off date for today would be, how many do you think would say July 27th and earlier? 5% at most? That's mishandled expectations resulting in predictable blowback.


if they'd asked cutoff date I wouldn't have had as much of a clue as if they'd asked how many people, I'm guessing that july 21st to july 27th is about 300-500k players (probably closer to the last number)

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SWTOR didn't break a million day one in early access either. They probably broke 150k tops. :p


There's a huge difference between staggered pre-order early access and everyone who bought it trying to get online all at once.


You cannot compare numbers until launch day because many buy the game at the stores on release day.


I believe launch day was suppose to be staggered as well.

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We are all in a giant *********** queue... are you really that blind or just trolling? or being sarcastic...


You aren't in a queue, you haven't been invited yet. Go hang out with mom for a while. Play along with Wheel of Fortune and dry those tears. You're a big boy, remember?

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Is it the 20th already? Didn't realize we reached launch.


I'll reply with this...


Welcome Message from Ray Muzyka & Greg Zeschuk

This is a big day for us; we are launching Star Wars: The Old Republic, BioWares largest and most ambitious project to date, and were very proud that youve been able to join us. Its an honor to be able to share this game with you.


A huge team of talented, passionate people at BioWare, Electronic Arts, Lucas Arts as well as many other partners all over the world poured their hearts and souls into this game.


We want to thank every single one of them for being part of the team that developed this game; its a monumental accomplishment.


Another group of people that we depended upon was you, the players. We had hundreds of thousands of players spend millions upon millions of hours beta testing this game.


Without you we never would have been able to build it; thank you for your contribution. This game is yours just as much as it is ours.


And finally we want to emphasize that this is just the beginning of a very long journey together. The game is launched, but its not done; it will probably never be done as were committed to working on Star Wars: The Old Republic in order to keep improving it and delivering exemplary service to you, the customer. Its going to be a great ride.


Finally, we can only think of one appropriate way to sign off on this auspicious occasion:


May the Force be with you!



Ray Muzyka & Greg Zeschuk


Co-Founders, BioWare

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