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Rift launched in 1 day why cant you?


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I played rift the first day. The let the entire community enter at once and the game ran flawlessly all day. sure there were queues. They got up to 5 hours+ .. thats unavoidable. People simply changed severs. They added new severs all day and it was no problem. Later they opened free transfers so people could move as they pleased.


Letting only a small amount of people in at a time is not neccisary. Also they advartized 5 day early for pre-orders. This means everyone who pre-ordered will be allowed in on the 15th barring any unexpected problems.


The first 2 days will be for early pre-orders only. They didnt NEED to do it this way. They just CHOSE to do it this way. They need to accept the fact that a lot of people will be angy about it for now but will get over it as soon as they can play.

sure there were queues. They got up to 5 hours+ .. thats unavoidable

*hits the buzzer* Thats wrong since that's exactly what they're doing why don't you read the post ray posted and why they're doing it instead crying?

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ageed, this morning the response time wasn't very good. I had to reload several times to get a page to come up. Things are good now, either they pulled up more severs or enough people got in game to lessen the pressure on the servers here.
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Look only people of low IQ think before the 20th is icing on the cake. Reality check guy, the GAME HAS LAUNCHED, At this point if you are not in, you are missing out. Most people will be in on the 20th than after making anyone who gets in on the 20th one week late to the servers.


Open your eyes..


Good advice, you should heed it. You are only ENTITLED to start on the 19th (assuming you pre-ordered) that is all, nothing more :rolleyes:

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Look only people of low IQ think before the 20th is icing on the cake. Reality check guy, the GAME HAS LAUNCHED, At this point if you are not in, you are missing out. Most people will be in on the 20th than after making anyone who gets in on the 20th one week late to the servers.


Open your eyes..


Really? Did you pre-order the game with a release date on the 13th? Or are you just b***ing? If you don't have a receipt that says you get to play on the 13th you have no right to play on the 13th.

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Servers were already stress tested and on the 20 pre-order people and those who go out and buy the game will all be logging in at once so servers should be able to handle that load.


Why the need to stagger entrance for the smaller amount of people on already tested servers that will be taking a much harder hit in a week?

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You show me the proof that Rift had as many users at launch as SWTOR and I'll happily concede.


Im not going to look up the numbers, but I think they had like 60 american servers and 40 european ones and had to add more because they were slammed.


I wasn't a huge rift fan, but I played it at launch and that is what I remember.

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RIFT still has a million subscribers.


So, herpaderp.


there difference here is that a million people is fine: its a million people all logging into the log in server at once, or all in the same newb zone at once


rift cannot handle that


even star wars will have n trouble with a million online at once, but that traffic needs to be spread over the entire network, some logging in, some logging out, some in all different zones already


that is hardware load balancing


its getting people in and spread around that takes time


rift did not have 1 million log in day one


it hit a million fast and stayed there, but it was still spread out over days before they reached that many players online

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However many people Rift had it was enough that I had to queue before I left for work and remotely connect home to make sure I stayed in the queue.... just in order to have a chance to be able to get in to a server after work.


I don't think I was able to get in on day one at all.


I would prefer SWTOR to not be like this...

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