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Bombers need a serious nerf....


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I can't get the Pike (the one w/the EMP missile IIRC) yet, but I have had some success with the NovaDive's EMP blast. I'll see how it goes as I spend more ship commendations on it.


I haven't quite figured out the emp burst yet. Doesn't it only work on mines and not drones? I do know I've got a healthy respect for areas with mines/drones if they are also supported by other players. I've died a lot the last two nights trying to figure out what works and what doesn't. Definitely need teammates and ranged weapons if the attackers are even remotely coordinated.

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this is stupid with these bombers...

you spend the entire match playing clean up from the crap they drop..only to die from other crap they drop. And forget about trying to start GSF on a new toon..you may aswell forget about it with these bombers, you don't stand a chance.

Bomber = win button now juts like the OP gunships were before. Programs think in terms of fun while "hard core" aka douches think in terms of exploiting... and that's what we have here another overuse of a single idea


when it's 10 fighters vs 5 bombers we lose


bombers need a serious nerf

the stuff they drop needs to be more visiable and advoidable..

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Each bomber can only drop one drone, either missile or railgun


Drones don't have a limit. With 90s cooldown and 240s duration, you can have 2 drones active at the same time.

This means 2 railgun/missile drones, 2 repair drones and 2 mines, from ONE single bomber. That's enough to keep you busy until reinforcements have arrived.


I haven't quite figured out the emp burst yet. Doesn't it only work on mines and not drones?


It only disables mines and drones for 15s and does little damage. It doesn't destroy them, which is pretty pointless, because the bomber can just circle around the satellite and keep you busy until the mines/drones work again or until he can deploy new ones.


The 45s cooldown of EMP-Field is crap, too.

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Drones don't have a limit. With 90s cooldown and 240s duration, you can have 2 drones active at the same time.

This means 2 railgun/missile drones, 2 repair drones and 2 mines, from ONE single bomber. That's enough to keep you busy until reinforcements have arrived.

You are wrong. Drones are limited to one per. The interdiction drone can get two as the final tree skill. Mines are limited to two, but can get three as the final tree skill. Repair and rail drones are always limited to one. If you drop more drones/mines than the limit, the oldest one will explode.

Edited by XavinNydek
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QFT, does anyone even say that any more? I've found a lot of the people crying for that, were in the "L2P my Flashfire/Sting is not OP!!!!!1!!!one!" group...


-shrug- I was just a strike pilot, did my best to support my team by holding a sat and keeping an eye out for a gunship trying to zero me in... oddly enough, not much different now, with my drone carrier....




I play a burst cannon flashfire. I have no real issue with bombers other than the buggy missile locks, but since they don't hit that hard it isn't a big deal.

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I have seen 4 bombers drop all there drones in the same satellite and there is no getting through it for a scout.


That's cause its not meant for you to get through it only on mur scout...It takes coordination and teamwork.. You need a gunship, and a striker to help u out with ions and emp's. What needs to be added is a better way to communicate with your team.. Normally if I'm in a pug right at the start I say.." Drone bomber here and I need a striker and gunship with me at A to defend. My healing drones will be in back of the SAT if needed.)

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I have seen 4 bombers drop all there drones in the same satellite and there is no getting through it for a scout.


i love scouts. i fly a Blackbolt as my main ship. I've spent a TON of requisition on that ship and have full access to nearly all the components. I swap my Systems & Thrusters around regularly trying to come up with the best 'all-round' Blackbolt builds, the best Burst DPS build and the best counters to various opposition tactics from that little ship.


Love that ship as much as I do, I would never expect to win a FOUR v ONE encounter against any mix of opposing ships. Especially not by running smack into the middle of their carefully constructed ambush.


If you don't have EMP field and you see four bombers camped at one sat, wait for a gunny to start Ion Railgunning the mess away or pick your way in very slowly and deliberately. Your opposition has heavily committed to that sat, chances are, there's nowt much at one of the other two. Go hit that node with your scout. That's what scouts are DESIGNED to do.


If you DO have EMP field, and some teammates ready to back you up, spend a couple of seconds working out the best place to drop that field, line yourself up at ~6km and barrel roll straight in, pop the field and try to lay in as much hurt as you can. Your TEAMMATES should then take full advantage of the window of opportunity to try and take down one or more of the bombers. co-ordinate your targets. Choose a kill-order. COMMUNICATE with your teammates. What's that? You don't have teammates? Well, maybe you should get some before trying to take on four ready and waiting enemy bombers by yourself?


Seriously, running into the Communications base on Kuat Mesa when there's FOUR bombers sitting in a minefield says nothing about bombers being OP.


It says a LOT about a player not playing to their ship's strengths and down that path, padawan, lies painful and bitter defeat.


edit: There's a basic saying many EvE Online players use a lot in these sorts of discussions that goes something like this:

if you suddenly find yourself in a fair fight, you went in under-prepared


then there's also the evergreen:

LAWLZ, w3lc0m3 2 PvP s0n
Edited by dancezwithnubz
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this is stupid with these bombers...

you spend the entire match playing clean up from the crap they drop..only to die from other crap they drop. And forget about trying to start GSF on a new toon..you may aswell forget about it with these bombers, you don't stand a chance.


Bombers weren't in the game before this Tuesday. Bombers are the one type of ship where new F2P players are at no disadvantage vs the vets who have been playing for 2 months.

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Ok. I thought you could deploy more. My mistake.


You get a "buff" when you deploy a mine, hyperspace beacon, or drone of any kind. It is useful to know if your allotment of weapons are out or some got used/destroyed. This also lets you see how much longer they'll last. (you can hold down "Z" to free up your mouse to see the actual info on said buffs) When you release a 2nd drone, the 1st explodes. Same goes for mines, beacons, etc. unless you are below that item's limit.

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