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My Thoughts on Kill Stealing in GSF


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Seems like there are many who like to just run around targeting the almost dead enemy and picking them off at the last second. It doesn't matter to them that someone may have been working that target for a long time. It doesn't matter that someone else deserves the kill; they just want to take it for themselves. I've also noticed that the people who are regular kill stealers REVEL in the fact that they get great numbers off the work of someone else. They'll be the first ones to say, "It doesn't matter WHO gets the kill. The team still wins." To that, I say this:


Let's say we're playing football - I'm the QB and you're a WR. The ball is snapped. I'm looking to throw it to someone. I see you down field and throw the ball. YOU CAUGHT IT BEAUTIFULLY! Now you're running your butt off, dodging defenders who are doing their best to crush you and bring you down. You get ONE YARD away from the goal line and ANOTHER TEAMMATE OF YOURS snatches the ball out of your hands and gets the touchdown.


How badly would you be kicking the crap out of your teammate in the locker room?


It does matter. People who work hard should get the spoils of their labor. Not have it taken away from them by someone too lazy to get their own kills.

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Seems like there are many who like to just run around targeting the almost dead enemy and picking them off at the last second.


I thought this was called "teamwork?" xD


As a noob OP gunship player (i.e. someone who isn't good but still tops charts because my gunship is geared and I have a working mouse), I can say that the ONLY thing that concerns me is a two-ship coordinated attack (or another better gunship player I haven't noticed yet). So it's usually a good idea to bring your friends.


EDIT: That's also why they track assists.

Edited by SavingPrincess
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If another player joins in with me to help kill some one I am never bothered by who ever gets the kill because my team is normally at a disadvantage and a team kill is a team kill. What DOES bother me is when I am working on some one and a drone gets the kill. That's just messed up right there. That said I some times give kills to the satellite turrets in my SF. If they are out maneuvering me in a scout and trying to dog fight in close and I can't get an angle on them I lead them back to the satellite and turn on them and hose them down with Ion cannons to strip there shield and the turrets do the rest.
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Let's say we're playing football - I'm the QB and you're a WR. The ball is snapped. I'm looking to throw it to someone. I see you down field and throw the ball. YOU CAUGHT IT BEAUTIFULLY! Now you're running your butt off, dodging defenders who are doing their best to crush you and bring you down. You get ONE YARD away from the goal line and ANOTHER TEAMMATE OF YOURS snatches the ball out of your hands and gets the touchdown.


How badly would you be kicking the crap out of your teammate in the locker room?

Assuming touchdowns had an equal level of signifiance to who lands a killing blow in gsf - which is to say, very little - not a lot. We'd have scored, and everyone involved knows who did the actual work if that was something I cared about.


Besides, in that situation there was nothing to stop you scoring and no benefit to what you described beyond just being a jerk. People escape death at the last second in gsf all the time.

Edited by Bleeters
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Kills and assists are worth the same requisition... so why are you complaining?


By the way a better football analogy would be 2 defenders fighting over who got the "tackle". Doesn't matter, nobody cares, look to your damage output to see how well you did that match (unless you are playing a support bomber I guess).

Edited by Zharik
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Kills and assists are worth the same requisition... so why are you complaining?


And the sooner 1 guy is dead the faster everyone can move on to killing the next one. Plus the longer they live the more chances they have to shoot down someone on my team who's low on health.

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If only people would "steal" me more often... I wouldn't have achieved the 15 assists achievement only yesterday. To achieve it I was forced to restrict myself by not launching missiles and mainly use Ion Cannons.



Given that the killer and his assistant are rewarded on equal standings, why a player should let a potential target alone because someone is attempting to finish him off ? How can I be sure this guy will succeed, and that the ennemy won't refill his shield, out-maneuver my mate and kill him instead ?

I have to ensure this by helping finishing him myself.

In addition, if my ship is loaded with high range, bad tracking weapons, then it's the role that my ship is dedicated to : killing engaged ships.


You didn't have the kill MVP because you've been stolen ? Assistance and damage MVPs are here for you. And if you aren't in the top tier in one of those categories, you didn't deserved that MVP at all.

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Kill Steals do not happen in GSF, there is no time for that nonsense... as fast as GSF moves it's simply a matter of all they did was switch to the next closest target, if it happens to be one you're on, it doesn't matter... if Kill Count is all that matters to you, then prepare for dissapointment, cause nobody knows if you spent the last 40 seconds chasing/shooting that target or just targeted it themselves just as they did... so shelve your ego before getting into GSF matches cause they're not your kill, it's the teams kill cause it's the teams victory, not yours alone... there's no room for Cowboys in GSF...
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Kill stealing? I really do hate that term because in games like this there are plenty of enemies to go around, shoot faster, aim better, lock sooner, hit harder, fly greater, you will kill plenty and if someone kills them before you? better luck next time cause there will be a lot of next times. I would not agonize over one or a dozen kill's I did not get in a team battle so long as we won the game.


I am hardly going to care that my Bomber's mine or drone blew up some other players 'kill' either, oh wait I am wrong. I will be amused. :D

Edited by Mercgargoyle
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OP: I rather enjoy the teamwork aspect that comes from a joint effort to take down a target.


With that said, if a bomber's mine gets a kill or assist, to me its all good. Mines have a short range which means you have to play smart when placing them. Not sure if this is how it works at the moment, but I think mines should be invisible to enemies when they are placed behind obstacles or they should at the very least have an upgrade that allows this. It would create more interesting and engaging play.


Drones, however, are completely different story because it takes zero effort to place a drone at random that can rack up kills and assists with its 5-10k range. Even in ground PVE you have to use your drones (Companions) wisely and they are limited to attacking targets that you actively engage. Unfortunately this is not the case in GSF but like I said, maybe Bombers were designed this way for future PVE content...in that case it makes some sense.

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In an other game I like to play we call it "kill secure". How do we, or you for that matter, know that you are going to kill them. They could use CDs to get away. They could out fly you in the last minute and kill you. An enemy on the verge of death is just as deadly offensively as an enemy at full health. In both map modes it's better to kill the enemy as quickly as possible.


Also if you find yourself losing a lot of kills to assist it could just be that you still need to work on upgrading components. The more upgrades you have the easier it is to burst down an opponent and get the kill.

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You get ONE YARD away from the goal line and ANOTHER TEAMMATE OF YOURS snatches the ball out of your hands and gets the touchdown.


How badly would you be kicking the crap out of your teammate in the locker room?

Uhhh... not in the slightest? He's on YOUR TEAM and he just scored a touchdown for YOU! Why would you want to beat the crap out of him? If anything, you should be praising him, given that he's the one that scored, not you. You let the ball be snatched away from you at the 1 yard line. Did you fumble? Ask your team-mate, the one who scored, for pointers. He's likely got a few that could help you improve your game.

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I always apologize for kill steals in TS, even if I stole it from a random instead of a guildie.


There has been at least one time (~2:07:45) when I have literally flown right past a target a guildie has been working on, turned around entirely in the guildie's view, taken the final shot, and just boosted away to the next guy. He wasn't even mad, though, because it actually looked pretty cool.


My guild members and I give each other crap about it, but we all know that the win's what's important at the end of the day. As long as we keep winning, any kill steal isn't a big deal... until you get a chance to pay them back in kind.

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pilot A almost dead, Pilot B did all the hard work and is now chasing pilot A all over map, the game is "team" deathmatch, you wasted alot of time on Pilot A who is clinging on to dear life coz he knows he dies thats a point to other team, Pilot C see this and swoops in finishes him off, both Piolot B and C now move on to another target to help their TEAM. who is wrong? who is right? answer none of u, all of you.


The point is just get the damn guy dead quicker the better which normally means as a team in most games.


ive had loads snatch kills from me when i left them with like 1% do i care hell no just ahppy damn guy dead and not swinging back to get me lol and team gains a point and i can move onto another target. Never underestimate a guy on 1% health, ive seen some really good guys come back and kill me.

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Kills and assists are worth the same requisition... so why are you complaining?

This. Kills are a minuscule amount of requisition in dominion, and a kill is a kill in deathmatch. This is a team game, and running up your own kill score to the detriment of your team is counterproductive. Put another way, you need to kill over 10 people to equal the amount of req you get from winning, so focus on that instead.

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Yeeah, I don't think kill steals apply for GSF. Even though I admit somehow purposefully shooting the single killing pod on an enemy clearly dominated and soon to be killed by my teammate a couple of times. Always followed by a sorry in chat.


But when I am shooting someone and the ship explodes, I go "nice, TAB" and don't care who got the kill. Sometimes, when the two ship newbie gets it I am twice as happy because I got the contribution and he got the encouragement he needs.


So, shut up with kill steals and shoot more things. Geez.

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