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1.0.1 high prority bug fixes, LOL?


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Is this a bad joke? In the time from beta to now you only managed to include these few insignificant bug fixes?


How about fixing the raid frame bug (health bars not updating) that is game breaking.


Or characters getting stuck when zoning into already completed class missions.


Or the sith corruption always turning on after zoning.


Or party always disbanding upon entering a warfront.


Or a bug with shadows maybe assassins too allowing them to capture control points in warfronts in 1.5 seconds after popping out of stealth.

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Or how about certain people's guild and officer chat not working at all. Mine hasn't worked on my main (which is guild leader) for 3 days now. Kinda hard to run a guild when you can't talk to anyone.


How about companions being stuck at the top of elevators and not being able to be desummoned and resummoned?


Yeh there are many much more important bugs that could be addressed that weren't minor and worthless as the ones mentioned in the patch notes.

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Come on guys. As any good development team out there, there are multiple teams working on bugs out there with each their own specialty. The fixes that have been released so far have just been easier to resolve than the others you talk about.


They are working on it I'm sure.

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Or how about certain people's guild and officer chat not working at all. Mine hasn't worked on my main (which is guild leader) for 3 days now. Kinda hard to run a guild when you can't talk to anyone.


How about companions being stuck at the top of elevators and not being able to be desummoned and resummoned?


Yeh there are many much more important bugs that could be addressed that weren't minor and worthless as the ones mentioned in the patch notes.


I had the same issue, guild leader with no guild chat/officer chat. I had just patched the beta client and not uninstalled/reinstalled for release. I did a fresh install yesterday and it fixed it for me, so give that a try it may work for you too.

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Going to have to agree.


Don't see how tool tips qualify as High priority when there are major problems, most of which have been in beta. So...please fix:




Bug that prevents me from space travel when I am in a party.


Bug that puts me in que for PvP automatically, and when I join it, it kicks me out in 4 seconds.


Female Twi'lek colors still missing from the game.

Edited by Tiaa
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Not sure I understand the level of nerdrage in some of these posts. Take a few deep breaths through the nose maybe.


I actually breathed a little sigh of relief when I read these initial patch notes. Although some of the things they are squashing in this first pass are things I've never encountered, maybe 75% of these fixes were things I had hoped and expected they would deal with ASAP. Taris and the gathering nodes being prime examples of things that needed to be addressed immediately, no question about it. These are issues that effect EVERYONE in the game and just make it seem unfinished, which is probably something Bioware wants to avoid.

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How bug fixes in software get pushed out is based on several factors beyond knowledge of the bug.


In no particular order:


What team is responsible for the bug

How difficult is the bug to fix

Does the fix for the bug have potentially negative impact on other things in the game

Has the cause of the bug even been found


Complaining about bugs getting fixed is really just an exercise in stupidity. As a wise man once said "It is better to be silent and let people think you the fool then open your mouth and remove all doubt."

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Of course what is galling, particularly for folks like me who are dead in the water and cannot play the game we paid for, is that something like fixing Baby Credits is framed as "high priority".


Even then, it couldn't be quite so bad if either Support or Customer Service would acknowledge and discuss some month-old, fatal error bugs, like the "Can't Load Character" bug that was introduced in the Thanksgiving build. These are not cosmetic or even annoying issues: the folks bit by these bugs cannot play the game they paid for. I've worked in software support departments, and I know that product roll-outs are always a mess and you get blamed for promises made and deadlines set by marketing, and mistakes made by engineering. But it comes with the territory.


And you know what, it doesn't take a lot of resources to have somebody in the forums say, "It seems like a lot of people are having this issue, and we are looking into it". I think that would go a long way towards helping calm folks down, and not take umbrage when they "high priority" Baby Credit fixes are rolled out.



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What you are seeing is not the devs prioritizing unimportant bug fixes. What you are seeing is the devs working on a bunch of different bugs at once, and making more headway with some of them than others. Some bugs are fixed in a matter of hours, others could take days, weeks, or months even, to root out the error in the code, then make sure the fix doesn't cause more errors somewhere else.


When the devs successfully fix something, they implement that fix. What, would you prefer that they withhold the more minor fixes which are ready to go, in order to give the illusion that they are putting "all their efforts" into fixing major bugs?


Sometimes, you hit a wall in your diagnosis, and you can't continue for some reason. Perhaps you've submitted a change request to the test server, and are waiting for the higher ups to give the go ahead. Perhaps you need one of your potential fixes reviewed. Perhaps you're just stuck and need to consult with a colleague. Are you just going to sit there, doing nothing, waiting for assistance? Of course not, you're going to move onto another project in order to keep busy. And this project you move onto should be small, because as soon as you do have your feedback/consultation/etc. that allows you to continue with your original task, you don't want the burden of another large project that you only partially started.


So, you turn your attention to a minor bug, something further down your list of priorities. And thus, bugs don't always get fixed in the absolute order of priority.



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This is not a ready to go console game, its an MMO, and if you cant deal with how MMO's are released and tweaked and changed theres the uninstall button. :)


So explain us why RIFT had ZERO bugs on release ?

Wasnt RIFT an MMORPG ? (btw i quited rift and im not fan of it,still it had the best release)

To the topic:

Fully agree with the OP. Their priorities seem to be different from what the players want.

This is VERY VERY BAD for the game.

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Good god, it's Christmas...

Give them a break.

Also the stuff that is fixed now is done in hours.

Other bugs take a long time to fix as mentioned above multiple times.


You want bugs fixed as soon as possible, I understand that.

But look at Skyrim. 1.2 fixed some bugs and at the same time introduced a ton of new bugs...


How would you like that?

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So explain us why RIFT had ZERO bugs on release ?

Wasnt RIFT an MMORPG ? (btw i quited rift and im not fan of it,still it had the best release)

To the topic:

Fully agree with the OP. Their priorities seem to be different from what the players want.

This is VERY VERY BAD for the game.


Yes, I'm pretty sure RIFT didn't have a single bug at launch :rolleyes:

I admit I haven't played RIFT, but I just did a nice little Google-search.

They must've patched those bugs in post-launch, right?


Is that better? :rolleyes:


Grow a brain, guys...

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Yes, I'm pretty sure RIFT didn't have a single bug at launch :rolleyes:

I admit I haven't played RIFT, but I just did a nice little Google-search.

They must've patched those bugs in post-launch, right?


Is that better? :rolleyes:


Grow a brain, guys...


Yes they did. Since you havent played how can you have an decent opinion?

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Yes they did. Since you havent played how can you have an decent opinion?


I played Rift on launch and I'm telling you it didn't have ANY annoying or game breaking bug, likw swtor has.


Yes, it had bugs but they were minor glitches, nothing pissing you off.

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Good god, it's Christmas...

Give them a break.


They had a day off. During that Day Off, 2 of my friends got stuck on quests and couldn't advance. Another (a third) had the same thing happen, but it was a class quest: he can no longer advance through his LAST bounty hunter quest, meaning he can not get access to nearly ANY level 50 content, including the Ilum dailies. TONS (if not all) of bounty hunters are having this literally game breaking bug.


I, personally, am one of the many people suffering from massive frame drops because the game stops using more than 15% of my GPU at certain points. I am thus required to play on my Girlfriends computer, despite being able to run any other game on max settings (don't bother telling me it's my fault, I've done every single thing there is possible to do, and the hundreds of other people having the same issue with different pieces of hardware point to this being on their end).


Why should I give them a break when I paid for their product which is nearly unplayable? If you want constructive criticism rather than "BIOWARE YOU SUCK", fine, I agree, but give them a break? If my work results in clients being unable to get what they are paying me for, I either get fired or have to work harder and do overtime. I do not "get a break" just because I worked really hard up until that point.

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