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PvP Healing, by far the worst experience I've ever had as a gamer


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All you guys saying healing is fine, are comparing it against sucky pugs. Try doing your healing against a half premade with a good team. you get focused the second you leave base and nothing you can do. Try run, guess what it doesn't get you far enough, because after the 3 seconds you have the agro nerf run speed devuf and they just catch up. Shield last about 1 hit, ae knockback - might buy you 1 self heal that won't be noticable. Force lift, would work for one, but have never seen it last a duration. gets break free used though, but long cast time makes it tough in a fight to use. Stun, usefull but its gone soon, since your getting focused to death first, all the time.


Yes healers are ok in pvp where the oppisition doesn't know what they are doing. But they truely suck to play against teams that use strategy and as we get further into the game more teams are learning this.

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All you guys saying healing is fine, are comparing it against sucky pugs. Try doing your healing against a half premade with a good team. you get focused the second you leave base and nothing you can do. Try run, guess what it doesn't get you far enough, because after the 3 seconds you have the agro nerf run speed devuf and they just catch up. Shield last about 1 hit, ae knockback - might buy you 1 self heal that won't be noticable. Force lift, would work for one, but have never seen it last a duration. gets break free used though, but long cast time makes it tough in a fight to use. Stun, usefull but its gone soon, since your getting focused to death first, all the time.


Yes healers are ok in pvp where the oppisition doesn't know what they are doing. But they truely suck to play against teams that use strategy and as we get further into the game more teams are learning this.




isn't that the great thing about TOR pvp? strategy? i sure thought so.....


so you'll have to work out a new strategy to become more effective...roll with it. it's better than zergfesting and sitting around mid doing nothing but farming kills.

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All you guys saying healing is fine, are comparing it against sucky pugs. Try doing your healing against a half premade with a good team. you get focused the second you leave base and nothing you can do. Try run, guess what it doesn't get you far enough, because after the 3 seconds you have the agro nerf run speed devuf and they just catch up. Shield last about 1 hit, ae knockback - might buy you 1 self heal that won't be noticable. Force lift, would work for one, but have never seen it last a duration. gets break free used though, but long cast time makes it tough in a fight to use. Stun, usefull but its gone soon, since your getting focused to death first, all the time.


Yes healers are ok in pvp where the oppisition doesn't know what they are doing. But they truely suck to play against teams that use strategy and as we get further into the game more teams are learning this.



Like everyone has been saying.......this game requires teamwork. If you are getting focused on, then your teammates better help you out.


I have been healing as a BH and I absolutely love it! Very engaging and I definitely feel like I am adding alot to the team, and most of the time turning the tides in my teams favor, unless the other team has a healer as well.


and all you all need to stop comparing this to WoW for god sakes......WoW healing was so easy with all the mods and UI mouse over stuff that a freakin monkey could faceroll heal in WoW. It is funny how it actually takes some skill to heal in this game and now you get to see all this whining abouit how hard it is to heal and how it sucks.

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All you guys saying healing is fine, are comparing it against sucky pugs. Try doing your healing against a half premade with a good team. you get focused the second you leave base and nothing you can do. Try run, guess what it doesn't get you far enough, because after the 3 seconds you have the agro nerf run speed devuf and they just catch up. Shield last about 1 hit, ae knockback - might buy you 1 self heal that won't be noticable. Force lift, would work for one, but have never seen it last a duration. gets break free used though, but long cast time makes it tough in a fight to use. Stun, usefull but its gone soon, since your getting focused to death first, all the time.


Yes healers are ok in pvp where the oppisition doesn't know what they are doing. But they truely suck to play against teams that use strategy and as we get further into the game more teams are learning this.



OMG! You mean teamwork and strategy are OP!? I never would have guessed! QQ


If you have that many people wailing on you and nobody else is helping out, that means your team is bad or you put yourself in a bad position. I am absolutely loving sawbones healing in pvp and can normally beat a dps 1v1.

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Powertech here. Don't know **** about healing other than that me and my pal who's playing operative can take on any 2 dps:ers and win every time. My Guard + his heals makes us near invincible. They can CC him and not be close to dropping me before he gets out and heals me up, they can CC me and my guard will still keep him up without problem. Teamwork is what this game is about, not "I want to outheal DPS on my own!!!".


And healers are hugely appreciated by most people I play with. Maybe you should find some friends to play with that appreciate the effort you put in.


This is the key right here. Its not wow. You need a team. Shake hands with a tank...bribe him...do his laundry...whatever it takes. Run around together, he gaurds you heal him, (does taunt give target a dps penalty in this game unless he attacks the taunter?), then add a dpser to your merry band...


Healing in pvp in this game is stupid and not fun in the least...when you are solo.

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Healing in this game is a complete joke - Especially at lower levels.

Healing is so clunky and un-fluid, and on-top of that, it's frowned upon.

The Trauma 'debuff' in WZ's shows how much BioWare really either A) hates healers, or B) feels healers aren't necessary in their MMO.

Which I get, I understand that. But healing should not be frowned upon and discouraged. For myself, I am not interested in doing damage. I don't really care to, from SWG to Rift, from WoW to GA - My main interest is to heal others in PvP.

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As a former TOR beta tester, Rank 1 WoW Arena player and WAR/UO PvPer, the healing interface in SW:TOR is absolutely abominable. The lack of targeting macros makes Warzone healing a boring chore - instead of being able to watch the action and look for opportunities to adjust my positioning or toss in a CC here and there, I'm forced to stare at health bars while hiding near a pillar. Until they allow targeting macros for healers or permit some modifications to the healing interface, I'll keep rocking an Arsenal spec.
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OMG! You mean teamwork and strategy are OP!? I never would have guessed! QQ


If you have that many people wailing on you and nobody else is helping out, that means your team is bad or you put yourself in a bad position. I am absolutely loving sawbones healing in pvp and can normally beat a dps 1v1.


My point is, everyone knows the healers get focused over all the other classes, but in TOR we have no protection from it(other than teammates) other classes dont have to deal with this...at least until the healers are down.


The amount and cast times on heals(sages) is crap and we gain no durability for sacrificing gimped heals.

The biggest issue of them all....crappy UI ad targeting


note: also, like I said other than UI and targeting issues, healers aren't bad to play against unorganized teams.

Edited by Sgt_shades
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Highest Healing or Damage done I ever saw in a Warzone was 450k Healing.


Damage Done I have seen a few times above 300k, but not close to 450k.


Healing is definately viable, it is all about positioning, support from your teammates and intelligent play.


Also, I noticed that many healers don't even bother faking or know the mechanics and advantage of faking. Then they die much easier if they get constantly kicked on casts not being able to get them off.

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From what ive read it seems that ppl complaining about healer think tht the only have heals and no other abilities... My Sage can take out a dps class 1v1 sometimes without using heals simply just cc, max range, burn em. However when im healing other players in warzones my heals can keep them alive almost indefinately since im in the back and not getting hit with interupts. Complainers - L2P
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Find a tank. That's all. The reason you're finding it hard is because healers in this game are like ten times squishier than WoW. Tanks on the other hand are virtually immortal. A Guarded healer is completely immortal.


It's a group game. Find the solitary tank in your warzone that's using their Guard ability and stick to them like glue, and the pair of you will not die. This is not WoW. Healers cannot singlehandedly win Warzones. I was a pretty high level (2300-2400) Ret paladin and I could singlehandedly win a BG with Word of Glory, nevermind if I was Holy

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Honestly, it's not even fun.


I'm hardly bad or a beginner (2700 exp Resto Druid)


Stoped reading after that. Healing is not about standing in the middle and spaming HoTs laughing at 3-5 people wanting to kill you.


My point is, everyone knows the healers get focused over all the other classes, but in TOR we have no protection from it(other than teammates) other classes dont have to deal with this...at least until the healers are down.


The amount and cast times on heals(sages) is crap and we gain no durability for sacrificing gimped heals.

The biggest issue of them all....crappy UI ad targeting


note: also, like I said other than UI and targeting issues, healers aren't bad to play against unorganized teams.


I agree with the crappy UI frames and lack of targeting macros. This sucks.


As for durability. Well I myself play a tank and I gladly place a guard on any healer available. I think that is the durability that you think is gone. This game requires cooperation. I'm glad that part of the survivability you got used to is now placed in your team's tanks hands. I'm sure you will be happier as more tanks get into PvP. :)

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Honestly, it's not even fun.


I'm hardly bad or a beginner (2700 exp Resto Druid), but I can't even begin to describe how awful PvP healing is in this game. I won't even get into the raid frames and totally unresponsive targeting system. Right now my Operative is 44 so I have all my abilities and it's still crap. Every single random DPS baddie can easily knock off 30-50% of my health in a global so it's impossible to keep up and then you just get interrupted/cc'ed to hell. Juking the interrupt? Good luck figuring that out!


It's not a positioning issue. It's not a l2p issue either.


It's just not fun being completely helpless without serious peels and even then healing is totally underwhelming.


i can understand were you are comeing from i myself am a jedi sage and i dont get enough to protect myself against attackers. im specced in healer and it just is not enough.


id sacrifice all my dps so i can heal better which i have kinda done by specing into healing.

theh eals are kinda rubbish and drain your force to 0 if you spam them enough.


specing into healing should give me some benefits at least so i can survive a little longer to actualy heal my team.

but when im getting 2 shot for 6k or more a hit its gets pathetic.


jedi sage should be more healing and buffs than damage abilitys. another issue to look at

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Stoped reading after that. Healing is not about standing in the middle and spaming HoTs laughing at 3-5 people wanting to kill you.




I agree with the crappy UI frames and lack of targeting macros. This sucks.


As for durability. Well I myself play a tank and I gladly place a guard on any healer available. I think that is the durability that you think is gone. This game requires cooperation. I'm glad that part of the survivability you got used to is now placed in your team's tanks hands. I'm sure you will be happier as more tanks get into PvP. :)


This does make a big difference. Rarely do a have a tank guarding me though. Also other classes don't have to depend on guard. healers should still be a bit more durable imo.

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Stoped reading after that. Healing is not about standing in the middle and spaming HoTs laughing at 3-5 people wanting to kill you.




I agree with the crappy UI frames and lack of targeting macros. This sucks.


As for durability. Well I myself play a tank and I gladly place a guard on any healer available. I think that is the durability that you think is gone. This game requires cooperation. I'm glad that part of the survivability you got used to is now placed in your team's tanks hands. I'm sure you will be happier as more tanks get into PvP. :)


you should be able to survive against at least one person attacking you but you cant you just get steam rolled as a healer so whats the point of even being one when you cant heal because you die instantly.


think ahead a little before posting ive already had trouble with you in posts of mine before hand.

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I abandoned my commando in part because of this. Healers in pvp contribute next to nothing 90% of the time. I think I ran into one pair of level 50 commandos thatgave us a little trouble in huttball once and that was it.


While wows healers are ridiculous this game is the other extreme. There is next to no point bringing in a healer into a warzone.


What? Healers win the battle most of the time - I always vote them MVP and they are always helping me out - you must be a BAD HEALER - this is a team game, you cannot expect to zerg and survive, good healer hold back wait for DPS, and good DPS stun people going after the healers so they can get a good distance - you cannot expect the whole invincibility of WOW healers, WOW PvP is garbage


I have seen good healers in this game that survive just fine - you have to make them rely on their team or they will not die - they can just sit there and heal themselves until they run out of resources (WOW anyone?)

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you should be able to survive against at least one person attacking you but you cant you just get steam rolled as a healer so whats the point of even being one when you cant heal because you die instantly.


think ahead a little before posting ive already had trouble with you in posts of mine before hand.


I have my doubts you die to one person unless you are really, -really- bad. I mean come on. Where's your CC?


What most ex WoW healers are complaining about is that they can't just sit there and spam heals through 4 people hammering on them, like they could in WoW most of the time. Yes, I know arena was different, but this is a different game. There isn't as much front loaded burst in this game. You don't have rogues instantly stun lock shanking you for 1/3 of your health while you sit there doing nothing. There isn't the huge disparity between spell and melee damage there was in WoW. There are very few if any massive front loaded cooldowns (think Avenging Wrath).


If this was Blizzard designed Jedi Knights would have an ability that let them triple the damage of Master Strike.

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So what you are saying is you want to be able to outheal dps and never die? I agree healing is not perfect, but i do not agree a healer should be able to out heal dps all the time.


In a 1v1, where the DPS doesn't use his interrupts, yes, a healer should be able to chain cast heals and heal through the DPS of 1 player. By chain healing, the healer is doing zero damage in return. DPS have to learn some skills and using interrupts on a healer is part of that.

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The consent through most of Beta was healing was OP over and over.. its since been nerfed into the ground but they left dps the way it is even increased it. The community (mainly DPS) made it very clear to BW that healers should not beable to outheal without support. Healing isnt even crucial in some warzones so that should show you BW's stance on it. You will enjoy this game much more if you take just key heals and mechanics then dps/cc the rest. Focus killing until your in a jam


My personal take is a healer should only be punished if they DPS and should always beable to heal through one dps and break away from two+. But most dont agree

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My point is, everyone knows the healers get focused over all the other classes, but in TOR we have no protection from it(other than teammates) other classes dont have to deal with this...at least until the healers are down.


The amount and cast times on heals(sages) is crap and we gain no durability for sacrificing gimped heals.

The biggest issue of them all....crappy UI ad targeting


note: also, like I said other than UI and targeting issues, healers aren't bad to play against unorganized teams.


I agree. My dps alts live far longer than my healer, even when they're not getting any heals, because people leave me alone as a dps. I can just run around killing everyone and usually not get attacked by more than one or two people at a time which strangely, my dps alt can handle a lot better than my healer.


My healer gets insta focused the second the other team realizes I'm healing. And while it's nice to say people should be focused on teamwork and I need a tank to guard me, the reality is that won't happen most of the time because people don't run around protecting healers in PvP - it's our job to protect them so they're not used to having to do that - they kill for us and we keep them alive to do it. I'm too squishy to last against most people, and given that the warzones have players that are higher level than me, my heals can't out heal their dps unless they're the same level as me, especially given the 30% heal debuff, I'm doing even less.


I'm also finding that, at least on my server, players know what they're doing and the amount of "dumb unorganized pugs" is not a lot. Most warzone matches the players are smart so my usefulness is near zero and I just die over and over and over because no one is helping me out while the other team keeps focusing me, and I don't have the tools to help myself. People aren't used to the idea that they need to protect their healers and be a team player.


And I'm not talking about WoW healing experience here people... my comparisons are from other games I've healed in.


Healing in this game is a complete joke - Especially at lower levels.

Healing is so clunky and un-fluid, and on-top of that, it's frowned upon.

The Trauma 'debuff' in WZ's shows how much BioWare really either A) hates healers, or B) feels healers aren't necessary in their MMO.

Which I get, I understand that. But healing should not be frowned upon and discouraged. For myself, I am not interested in doing damage. I don't really care to, from SWG to Rift, from WoW to GA - My main interest is to heal others in PvP.


Quoted for freaking truth. To add to that, I've seen other people comment that healers shouldn't be able to out heal one person, or even two. I disagree. If I can't out heal one person on me, how am I supposed to heal my teammates? Me as a healer and one dps teammate, should beat any one person we come across. Not only because it's 2v1, but also because we have the advantage of having a healer. And if the odds are even and it's 2v2, two dps versus a healer and a dps, then the pair with a healer should have a leg up simply because they have a healer. This is common sense. Why have healers if we can't make a difference and save people?


From what ive read it seems that ppl complaining about healer think tht the only have heals and no other abilities... My Sage can take out a dps class 1v1 sometimes without using heals simply just cc, max range, burn em. However when im healing other players in warzones my heals can keep them alive almost indefinately since im in the back and not getting hit with interupts. Complainers - L2P



Well to start with Scoundrel healers are melee so if we want to get in and dps someone, we have to risk getting hit, and our CC options are limited given many of them break on damage. Also, our energy regen is much more limited than the Force Sages have, so dpsing a lot means we don't have the energy to heal in a pinch. DPS and CC has to be carefully peppered in with healing for careful energy management, but I can't just run around spamming stuff nonstop.


But honestly, if you're standing in the back and no one on the other team is running over to kill you, then the other team is awfully awfully bad. Most people with half a brain will run over to the healer and harass them as soon as they see them casting heals. So if you're not getting hit, that doesn't mean your good. It means the other team is just really bad. Anyone can heal if they're being left alone, that's really a no-brainer. I can and do stand in the back or hide around corners, but as soon as people see the guy they're hitting is gaining HP, they go for the guy that is healing them. Every time.




So far I'm very disappointed with the PvP healing in this game. The UI obviously needs a fix, but that we all agree on, it's the other stuff that bothers me more. I'm going to give it another try and see if things get better, but I will probably be spending more time on my dps alts. As a longtime healer in several MMO's, this makes me sad. I enjoy my dps alts, but I prefer to be able to have a healing toon that is fun as well.

Edited by Leiloni
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There isn't as much front loaded burst in this game. You don't have rogues instantly stun lock shanking you for 1/3 of your health while you sit there doing nothing.


There are classes that have good burst and classes that have a lot of CC. So yes, I have been stunlocked to death and I have also taken huge hits from the start that I can't recover from. I think adding brackets to warzones would help this though because even with the warzone HP boost, I can't heal through the damage of players that are higher in level than me. My HP gets a boost, but my heals still won't compare to their dps. Similar level characters it would not be so bad, but I constantly see higher level toons.

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