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PvP Healing, by far the worst experience I've ever had as a gamer


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Honestly, it's not even fun.


I'm hardly bad or a beginner (2700 exp Resto Druid), but I can't even begin to describe how awful PvP healing is in this game. I won't even get into the raid frames and totally unresponsive targeting system. Right now my Operative is 44 so I have all my abilities and it's still crap. Every single random DPS baddie can easily knock off 30-50% of my health in a global so it's impossible to keep up and then you just get interrupted/cc'ed to hell. Juking the interrupt? Good luck figuring that out!


It's not a positioning issue. It's not a l2p issue either.


It's just not fun being completely helpless without serious peels and even then healing is totally underwhelming.


playing wow doesnt make you 1337... its a childs game.. sorry but please use another reference....


as for healing in game... yea its stupid easy tue to global cooldown being buggy

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  • 2 weeks later...
I know that a solid majority of people have never had an experience with the following example, but it needs to be made because it makes perfect sense...


Healing in SWTOR is NOT at ALL healing in WoW... And along the same lines, neither is tanking...


Healing in SWTOR IS healing in Warhammer: Age of Reckoning...


Just from the following comparison: Sith Inquisitor / Goblin Shaman


- You have 2 basic cast heals that seem to heal for a less than desireable amt of dmg... One smaller and faster, one bigger and longer...


- You have a instant small heal + HoT that modifies your casted heals...


- You have 1 AoE group heal (in this game, GTAoE, in W:AR PBAoE)


- You have a PBAoE knockback


- You have an instant cast stun


- You have a cast time CC


- You have a instant cast shield


- You have (and this is the most important part) Tanks that have PvP viable guard and taunt mechanics to debuff the oncoming dps' damage.........




There is a learning curve, and it will take a while, but coming from both WoW and W:AR, I must say, the WoW comparisons are completely out of line. No one who has only played pvp in that MMO has dealt with a system like this. Not saying you're all incompetent, but I'm saying that you need to adjust your thinking.


I personally made sure the best fluid guard / prime target taunting tank I've ever played with made a Powertech on my PvP server, in my guild, and at 50 he knows it's his job to be attached to my hip! Here's a fun fact, tanks, you get to be lazy, cause if you're next to a healer, the opposing force WILL COME TO YOU!!!


I do believe that heals could use a percentage buff, but no more than 5-10% just to keep up a little more with the combo output dps that's currently in game. But NOTHING ELSE NEEDS TO BE DONE!!!


Dear SWTOR healers - Get a tank, have him guard you, and debuff the highest melee dps threat that comes near you, make use of your stuns and knockbacks, and LoS ranged dps. YOU WILL WIN! HARD! AT LIFE! AND AT LIVING!!!


I see the same setup as was in W:AR, where if you're playing intelligently, and using the tools you have at your disposal, you will appear to the other team as unkillable...


Don't stand and spam... Run and gun!


Emperor Punjab


Formerly of Ostermark


PS - If there's anyone who read this the whole way through that actually played W:AR, please explain how I'm not full of Shiz... Thx!




My first post in here.


I played a few months of Warhammer Online, my toon was a Zealot specced in healing.


I can say from what I remember that my toon was so much more usefull then my Operative is now.


My Zealot had a lot more heals and the heals generated effects that i could use in different ways. I remember that i could choose from different effects and my option was to turn my biggest heal, that had a 3 second cast, into an instant cast, using all the "power" sttacked.


I remember to finish all warzones in the first place in healing and receiving compliments from other players.


I allways played pug's, so I didn't have tanks to guard me, i was very squishy, wearing cloth only but i had a few instant spells that helped my survivability.


The greatest problem now in swtor, besides the interface, is that heals are too few and too small.


My biggest heal hits for little more them 2k, with a 2 seconds cast, that's like 15% of my health, and all the dps can take 30-50% of my health in 1 spell.


The other spells are even worst, the hot is nice but has a long effect and because of it ticks too little for pvp.


My biggest disapointment is the intsant cast single target heal, that requires a buff (tactical advantage) to cast and hits for 1k!?


I'm talking about values inside warzones.


Don't understand this approch to healing the problem isn't even to be on pair with dps 1vs1, in fact we can't heal even half the damage that 1 dps can inflict us.


And i think that my team is better off with me doing dps. Maybe i'll change to dps specc and go take my revenge with people that allways focus me on warzones.


Or I can allways drop the game, let the dps do their slag fest.


And please, save the l2p slogan, because I have more years of mmo's then most of you, some respect is nice and I like it.

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Honestly, it's not even fun.


I'm hardly bad or a beginner (2700 exp Resto Druid), but I can't even begin to describe how awful PvP healing is in this game. I won't even get into the raid frames and totally unresponsive targeting system. Right now my Operative is 44 so I have all my abilities and it's still crap. Every single random DPS baddie can easily knock off 30-50% of my health in a global so it's impossible to keep up and then you just get interrupted/cc'ed to hell. Juking the interrupt? Good luck figuring that out!


It's not a positioning issue. It's not a l2p issue either.


It's just not fun being completely helpless without serious peels and even then healing is totally underwhelming.


It is because healing is balanced around having a guard.

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Pure PvP healing on an operative really isn't any fun. If you're a Sorc/Sage you get knockback, pull (for allies), an effective bubble, more burst healing, and a good resource mechanic for healing (force). If you're a BH/Trooper you get heavy armor, more burst healing, and a better resource mechanic for healing (heat/ammo).


If you want to mix dps and and throw in some ninja heals at key moments, operative can be an interesting class. However, it definitely (in my experience) under-performs in a pure healing role versus the other healers in PvP.

Edited by _Marou_
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I was a disc priest in WoW and missed raid frames my first week in SW:TOR. But I'm having more fun healing now than I ever did before.


Just use target next friend/closest friend and make sure you're keybinding/mousebinding your heals properly.


I find I don't miss raid frames at all in pvp but still do miss them in PvE.

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Why are people that are not lvl 50 allowed to post in the forums.


You do notice a little de-buff on your targets in pvp that lowers healing received by 30%???


10-49 pvp is fine for tanks and dps. Nobody has expertise and they get no negative effects on them at all. They are = 1:1 in pvp and will always be = to each other as long as they keep the same amount of expertise. But healers not having expertise means we don't get the + healing to counter that -30% healing de-buff.


Healers benefit much more from expertise in pvp than anyone. Once you start closing the gap on that 30% de-buff you will see how truly annoying healers can be, especially operatives with there hots now that the tree is fixed.

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2700 exp YEAAAAA OK! anyone who can hit 2700 arena rating in wow would not ***** about healing in swtor. YOU CANT EVEN GET LOCKED OUT ITS A JOKE! screenshot of 2700 or it didnt happen.


So true!

As a healer without guard be ready to get bent over.

I'm fine without it.

Edited by Affics
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  • 2 weeks later...
I really don't know why people continue to complain of the frame for heal, I feel very comfortable there, and nobody ever complained about not being healed or otherwise, with the keybind and the frame is extremely comfortable healing, hope sincerely do not implement anything about, but a clearer system to highlight debuffs on the frame, but otherwise everything is ok
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