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The Official Begeren Colony Ranked Arena Thread


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I didn't read any of that, is there a TL;DR version?


Sure, here you go:


I can beat you in a duel, no matter the class.

I can smash you in DPS numbers, no matter the class.

I can outheal you, no matter the class.

I can provide more protection for my team and peel better than you, no matter the team. (I'll concede Jug and PT tanking if you play them, since I never have tanked with either one. Even though in the concept of tanking, I still crush you in.).

I understand how each spec and class matches up with each other better than you.

I can play an objective and come up with a counter strat to an enemy team, no matter the setup.

I can lead a team better than you, no matter the spec.


You can't even function without a team to lift you up.


So again, sorry I couldn't carry you bro. No need to be mad, no need to assume that because I can't carry you, you are now better than me.

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Continuing to do it on American Friday night sounds like a plan.





That way the Aussies queueing on a Saturday afternoon can crush you :D



Oh Hi Mydian :)

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Arenas suck, tbh.


60% Class and spec comp

30% Stun

10% Actual Skill


No concentrated power of will

No percent pleasure

100% percent pain

And no real reason to remember the name.


Ya, why arena when you can have 10x the fun farming undergeared pugs.


They need to remove the ability to purchase ranked comms with WZ comms, no one would do ops either if you could get all the gear just by running extra flash points...

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Ya, why arena when you can have 10x the fun farming undergeared pugs.


They need to remove the ability to purchase ranked comms with WZ comms, no one would do ops either if you could get all the gear just by running extra flash points...


ITT a man who has no *********** clue what he's talking about chimes in.


That wouldn't change anything, they'd just be in min/maxed conqueror rather than unoptimized obroan. Or since bolster is broken, an array of greens with augments in them and a campaign main hand. People exist out there that just don't like the arena format. No amount of trying to force them into playing it is going to make them play it. Literally the only thing that's going to make pvp in this game work is to remove the concept of "ranked" entirely, separate arenas and warzones, apply the leaderboard rankings to every warzone/arena people enter, and apply the matchmaking algorithm they have for ranked now to all warzones.


Til that happens all we're going to have are people farming the less skilled or less geared, and people like you, who don't know *** you're talking about chiming in with ways to "force" people into a style of play they don't like as though TOR pvp was some sort of necessity in their life, or job that would cost them their livelihood if they didn't do it.


Or Cross server queues, but that's a non starter.

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Even if they only did Cross Server Warzones and not Arena I'm sure it would bring a high level of pre made pvp back since there would be bragging rights and we'd see how good some of the other servers are or aren't. Just adding that to the game would be pretty huge and make people get motivated to play at their best. Right now it's kind of the same old grind when your not really working towards anything.


I think it would also get our server working a little more internally together in the PVP scope.

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ITT a man who has no *********** clue what he's talking about chimes in.


That wouldn't change anything, they'd just be in min/maxed conqueror rather than unoptimized obroan. Or since bolster is broken, an array of greens with augments in them and a campaign main hand. People exist out there that just don't like the arena format. No amount of trying to force them into playing it is going to make them play it. Literally the only thing that's going to make pvp in this game work is to remove the concept of "ranked" entirely, separate arenas and warzones, apply the leaderboard rankings to every warzone/arena people enter, and apply the matchmaking algorithm they have for ranked now to all warzones.


Til that happens all we're going to have are people farming the less skilled or less geared, and people like you, who don't know *** you're talking about chiming in with ways to "force" people into a style of play they don't like as though TOR pvp was some sort of necessity in their life, or job that would cost them their livelihood if they didn't do it.


Or Cross server queues, but that's a non starter.


Would prefer the ranked scene to be just based on roles, rather than class and spec added in.


Even then, by reverting the game mode to team deathmatch alone ruined the value of some classes in WZs. Stealth guards were enough to get people to bring in assassin DPS and Concealment players, but now with arenas, they've killed some specs capability (Concealment DPS isn't going to be viable in ranked unless you run a four man team of it).


Stalling at nodes with the Super bubble, running the Huttball using the roll before the enemy could catch up to you, all of these types of advantages were thrown away with deathmatch only arenas. Now it's all about what your team comp is and how well it matches the perfect setup for arenas in terms of the enemy.


No real skill, all planning. At least make the WZ have features that every class can call a strength in if they want to make it balanced for all classes to partake in them. That's what made objective play so fun, every class could bring something to the table as a node guard or a stall capper.


With arenas, not so much. All about those numbers, not about those skills.

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lol i dont know why you keep bringing up the sith order, that was like 2 years ago and i was there for like a month. First guild experience on BC, I guess we all need to start somewhere eh? :cool:


PvE? I'm only wearing the quorum tag because I have friends in there. The most PvE I've ever done with them was a comm farm a month ago.


about half an hour ago, i asked you to queu for 4's. you either didn't see it, or just didn't have a team to back up your constant trash talking :p


And I am better than you. That's not a claim. or smack talk. or whatever you want to call it. it's just a fact. you might have the 1up in a 1v1, but I am just a better PvP'er than you and it's the plain truth.


calm down bro. you're starting to lose and it's not looking pretty.


like I said before; see you in 4's baby :D (that is, if you can find a decent team willing to play with you)


queu up or shut up.



Well the thing about that is, if he got a team together it would be with me and teut. Which tbh I am pretty hard to carry I mean have you seen Ryshaz that ***** is *********** fat. 20 ton anchor on your team is pretty hard to carry bro.

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Well the thing about that is, if he got a team together it would be with me and teut. Which tbh I am pretty hard to carry I mean have you seen Ryshaz that ***** is *********** fat. 20 ton anchor on your team is pretty hard to carry bro.

ffs you're online 24/7, when we transfer toons to another server you're online 0/0. Da*** dude

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ffs you're online 24/7, when we transfer toons to another server you're online 0/0. Da*** dude


I been leveling my commando dumb **** since you are never on your scoundrel I have *********** ranked set up for us this weekend. Srsly stop being a terrorist and get online on a American time. Dis is 'merica.

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I been leveling my commando dumb **** since you are never on your scoundrel I have *********** ranked set up for us this weekend. Srsly stop being a terrorist and get online on a American time. Dis is 'merica.

ffs hop on one of your imp toons

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@Zuhara (didn't take any of his posts, too many and most of them if not all are irrelevant)


I thought you would actually progress and be a beast at this game with the amount of time you put into it... but I guess your smack talk will have to compensate. You do realize that nobody gives a **** about your ranting, and, even if you do have the last word on the forums, it just shows how much time you put into a forum about a star wars video game. I have to give it to you, you're a beast at this forum trolling, you just are... but if atleast you could walk the talk, actually learn how to play the game and beat someone in a 1v1 (not a PVE nobody)...'cause you know, assassins are not the best 1v1 class in the game.


I think you use that RPer title you give yourself so you can be at peace with that fact that you won't ever be a decent/competitive/team PvP player. You think you're a reg star and you carry other people... I won't take that away from you even if I have my doubts.


BTW, how's your mother's internet going, is it still cutting out every hour like it used to?



PS: Oh, just letting y'all know, he'll probably post about my ''insecurities''.. 'cause you know, #Zuknowmystory #Zugotthatmuchtimetofantasizeaboutme


Edit: I could give Ammut ****, but he's atleast trying to get something going over there. Balls to you.

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@Zuhara (didn't take any of his posts, too many and most of them if not all are irrelevant)


I thought you would actually progress and be a beast at this game with the amount of time you put into it... but I guess your smack talk will have to compensate. You do realize that nobody gives a **** about your ranting, and, even if you do have the last word on the forums, it just shows how much time you put into a forum about a star wars video game. I have to give it to you, you're a beast at this forum trolling, you just are... but if atleast you could walk the talk, actually learn how to play the game and beat someone in a 1v1 (not a PVE nobody)...'cause you know, assassins are not the best 1v1 class in the game.


I think you use that RPer title you give yourself so you can be at peace with that fact that you won't ever be a decent/competitive/team PvP player. You think you're a reg star and you carry other people... I won't take that away from you even if I have my doubts.


BTW, how's your mother's internet going, is it still cutting out every hour like it used to?



PS: Oh, just letting y'all know, he'll probably post about my ''insecurities''.. 'cause you know, #Zuknowmystory #Zugotthatmuchtimetofantasizeaboutme


Edit: I could give Ammut ****, but he's atleast trying to get something going over there. Balls to you.












Lmfao, I trolled you without even having to directly call you out in the slightest. Are you that butthurt by me that you feel you have to jump into a conversation you had no business taking part in? Or did you follow this little self righteous egocentric mentality of yours to try and defend Ammut despite the fact that we already have kickball happening every Wednesday night?


Please kid, sit down. I don't need to fantasize about you, you post your story just by trash talking someone who didn't even mention you because your ego put you down this path. I don't need to prove your insecurities, as I can just point them out right there in your random attack. You seem to think a few duels with Deyvon suddenly means I'm a baddie at PvPing, when in reality, I still do good. Was celebrating my first couple of victories over Delere back last Gree Event (hell of a player), let alone the fact that I've fought and beaten many PvPers in duels over the course of this game. It's fun, and while I may not be the best duelist, I still enjoy them win or lose as long as the fight is good. And if I can't walk the walk, head over to that records thread kid. See who holds the highest damage spot in ranked as a sin hybrid.


Also, keep fantasizing about me kiddo and then blame me for doing it about you. Keep coming onto these forums, letting that anger build from someone who knows how to push your buttons, and defend your honor when you just can't take the arrogance I display any longer!


Then try to tell me I'm the egocentric one, and that this is just a game. When you are the one that can get so lost in hatred, all I need to do is just exist to make you mad. ;)

Edited by ZooMzy
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Lmfao, I trolled you without even having to directly call you out in the slightest. Are you that butthurt by me that you feel you have to jump into a conversation you had no business taking part in? Or did you follow this little self righteous egocentric mentality of yours to try and defend Ammut despite the fact that we already have kickball happening every Wednesday night?


Please kid, sit down. I don't need to fantasize about you, you post your story just by trash talking someone who didn't even mention you because your ego put you down this path. I don't need to prove your insecurities, as I can just point them out right there in your random attack. You seem to think a few duels with Deyvon suddenly means I'm a baddie at PvPing, when in reality, I still do good. Was celebrating my first couple of victories over Delere back last Gree Event (hell of a player), let alone the fact that I've fought and beaten many PvPers in duels over the course of this game. It's fun, and while I may not be the best duelist, I still enjoy them win or lose as long as the fight is good. And if I can't walk the walk, head over to that records thread kid. See who holds the highest damage spot in ranked as a sin hybrid.


Also, keep fantasizing about me kiddo and then blame me for doing it about you. Keep coming onto these forums, letting that anger build from someone who knows how to push your buttons, and defend your honor when you just can't take the arrogance I display any longer!


Then try to tell me I'm the egocentric one, and that this is just a game. When you are the one that can get so lost in hatred, all I need to do is just exist to make you mad. ;)


I actually had a good laugh, I thank you. You're good at this, real pro.

Just one thing... are you seriously ranting about ''the highest damage spot in ranked as a sin hybrid'' and then talking about kickball? I mean come on man, is that competive PvP right there? You give ammut **** for getting globalled and you don't even put a guard down on him? Seems like you have no game vision, only your ego and all this talk fuels you. If you can grab a half decent team where you'll be able to coordinate cc and actually ''know'' your role as a ''hybrid'', maybe I'll take you seriously, but until then, don't be talking like #youda****

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