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Which is exactly the OPPOSITE of what Bioware wanted to do with OS/Flyby. They wanted to remove it from single-target rotation, not make it a stand-in for Snipe.


So all in all, 0/10 change, GG Bioware.

I guess this means I have something new to throw in my lethality rotation occasionally! Yay? :w_rolls_eyes:




I encourage you to read Paowee's theorycrafting on the subject of post-nerf OS. The consensus was that we'll STILL be using it ST, and all it did was neuter our damage without changing anything radical.


But it doesn't do as much damage. They had two choices, make it channeled like Earthquake/Lightening Storm to take it out of the single target rotation, or reduce the damage and let people keep it in the single target rotation. I'm guessing that no matter what choice they made, it would be the wrong one for those who wanted to keep it just as it was.


Again, balance happens and we just have to roll with it.

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Having tested it out now on Oricon I have to say the damage nerf was an over-nerf imop. Mine is doing 1700-1800 now. I could see nerfing it down to like low to mid 2000s. Albeit that is per tick so I don't know I think I'll still use it on groups. same as before it just won't be as beneficial for outright killing normals now.


Don't know why MMO developers seem to over-nerf or over-buff most of the time when balancing.


I still find it funny that in over-nerfing it to make it less useful in PvE they've effectively buffed its most important use in PvP.

Edited by CabelHarn
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But it doesn't do as much damage. They had two choices, make it channeled like Earthquake/Lightening Storm to take it out of the single target rotation, or reduce the damage and let people keep it in the single target rotation. I'm guessing that no matter what choice they made, it would be the wrong one for those who wanted to keep it just as it was.


Again, balance happens and we just have to roll with it.


The point I was making, the point I am still making is that the OS nerf needlessly destroyed a top-level skill without fixing what they wanted to fix: that being the use of OS in single-target rotations.


As a "fix" it fails utterly. I'm in the crowd that agrees that Orbital/Flyby needs a rework, but this ain't it. This fixes nothing, and instead turns a signature agent/smuggler ability into a joke. When a "signature ability" is barely killing weak mobs, it is a problem.


Additionally, I think it was even more foolish to split the changes into two patches because right now the marks tree practically worships OS/Flyby. There is too much synergy NOT to use it in marks and that is a huge problem. I know, I know, they say they want players to "adjust" to the changes before reworking the tree, but I'd just wish they'd get it over and done with so we can honestly assess what marks is going to look like going forward.

Edited by Beslley
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Welcome to MMOs. Get used to rebalancing since it's vital part of the genre.


Rebalance you say,more PvP whingers.


These abilities have been in the game since day 1 and not a problem until the PvP'ers got hold of it.

and as usual PvE has to suffer .


So if I may re-quote part of your statement


'Get used to it, for theres more PvP whinging to come'

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Rebalance you say,more PvP whingers.


These abilities have been in the game since day 1 and not a problem until the PvP'ers got hold of it.

and as usual PvE has to suffer .


So if I may re-quote part of your statement


'Get used to it, for theres more PvP whinging to come'


*** is "whingers and whinging?" Thought it was a typo at first, but you do it more than once. And pretty sure this came from them not liking the performance in PvE. Do you realize how impractical this ability has been in PvP as far as for just damage?

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*** is "whingers and whinging?" Thought it was a typo at first, but you do it more than once. And pretty sure this came from them not liking the performance in PvE. Do you realize how impractical this ability has been in PvP as far as for just damage?


In PvP, I saw it mostly used to defend areas from people trying to accomplish things like open doors or turn a node to their side. Never saw it used much otherwise.


This change seems to definitely be a PvE performance change.

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As a "fix" it fails utterly. I'm in the crowd that agrees that Orbital/Flyby needs a rework, but this ain't it. This fixes nothing, and instead turns a signature agent/smuggler ability into a joke. When a "signature ability" is barely killing weak mobs, it is a problem.


It's not just a joke now, but a bad one. But, remember, the Devs know best, just ask them.

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It getting nerfed isn't the problem- the problem is the laughably ill-designed way in which it was nerfed.


This and the response the Dev's gave to why they were doing it. Then the silence to the responses to the feedback.


In addition for PvP it was usefully in solo ranked arenas to put on top of yourself to buy you some time to do some damage before you get gang banged. Not so much anymore, now it's only really use in PvP is to stop capping.

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OS remains a fire-and-forget AOE. It'll be fine. The only thing that changes for PVEers is that it will be woven into the rotation more often.


which is exactly the opposite of what they wanted to happen....For some inexplicable reason, the devs dont want this one AOE used on single targets. but all othe AOE's are ok? Someone at bioware has been playing with the home lobotomy kit too often.

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But... let's be honest. It was OP. And... we go used to it. Now, its back to a skill and not a bail out.


And yes, I have a slinger and a sniper.


OP - maybe. I can think of at least one AOE that did (and still does) more. Now it is decidedly underpowered, since I can craft grenades that do more damage. The slider went way too far in the other direction.

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dont bother to ask them, they arent going to reply in any intelligent manner.


Pretty much this.

These are balance devs who think that letting concealment op go live doing 4k dps on the dummy is also a good idea. Half of what they do makes sense if you squint at it and the other half is so far out of left field that I can't even comprehend the thought processes behind making the changes they do. But what do I know, I only play in a guild that helps set the bar for progression. :w_confused:

Edited by Beslley
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The end of mission running for my heals specced op.


Pretty much sums it up, it's absolutely zero fun to wait 500 years for my companion to kill stuff while I heal him. At least OS used to speed things up. Sucks to be medicine and wanting to run weeklies solo. :(


Orbital Wet Noodle ftw :D

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So my main is a gunslinger and in all reality the only way I see this affecting me negatively is in PVE in operations with lots of adds. In PVP however, everyone bemoaning the sky is falling seem to forget it used to use a boatload of energy and was not an efficient use of energy.


Now however, with the reduced activation and the 30 second cool down (which is really only 18 since the effect lasts 12 seconds) I can pretty much annoy the **** out of the other team and ensure that they can never EVER cap a node when i combine fly by with sweeping gunfire. So personally I think it's actually more annoying and useful in pvp now than before.


I'm just waiting for pvp'ers to realize this and ***** and moan until they eliminate the ability all together.

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so in fact ... now ... the level 3 frag grenade is more usefull than the level 48 signature power ... okay ...

+ in pvp, as healer i used 2 pces medic + 2 pces tech bonus set as 4 pces medic bonus set is quite useless, but now even 2 pces tech is useless as healer, so tks, now op healers is the only spec in the whole game to have only 2 pces usefull bonus set ... tks BW.

Edited by xBenouze
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Oh fabulous. So, let me guess, someone's inability to pvp is interfering with my PVE again? :mad:


It's more the opposite, really. BW didn't like that we were using OS singletarget, so they decided to gut the skill so nobody would ever use it again.


Except it's still being used in singletarget rotations because there's no better gap fillers. :|

Edited by Beslley
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It's more the opposite, really. BW didn't like that we were using OS singletarget, so they decided to gut the skill so nobody would ever use it again.


Except it's still being used in singletarget rotations because there's no better gap fillers. :|


Indeed, they took all the fun out of it, funsuckers. Now, as you say, it's a filler and not a big badaboom like it should be.

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It getting nerfed isn't the problem- the problem is the laughably ill-designed way in which it was nerfed.


Yes, yes, yes.


I agree that it shouldn't have been as viable in single target rotations as it was, but the way they nerfed it they only increased the likeliness of it being used in ST as a filler, while absolutely destroying it as an AoE ability for PvE. We put smugglers on boss duty now. No one wants to wait 3 (2.5) seconds for them to start tickling adds with a wet noodle.

Edited by KyaniteD
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Yes, yes, yes.


I agree that it shouldn't have been as viable in single target rotations as it was, but the way they nerfed it they only increased the likeliness of it being used in ST as a filler, while absolutely destroying it as an AoE ability for PvE. We put smugglers on boss duty now. No one wants to wait 3 (2.5) seconds for them to start tickling adds with a wet noodle.


What they should have done is added something in that compensated for the loss of damage, like a shield that reduces damage for 10 seconds after the end of the attack or something, cause all it's going to do now is create threat on you.

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So...they nerf-batted OS and XSF, but not the Trooper/BH one that has an even greater affect because of its shorter CD?


Great [REDACTED] job, BW :rolleyes:


DFA/MV is a channeled effect.


OS/FB was a fire-and-forget AOE that hit like a truck. You could cast it and then to back to your rotation without batting an eye, while other hard-hitting AOEs require that you suspend your rotation entirely to channel that AOE and then allowing you to go back to your rotation.

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