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A Few things


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Hey Guys


Just wanted to put a few things out there


1) ETA on Flashpoint/WZ Pops........When I am on my tank, the queue is usually instant...I like that, but as a DPS, I wait up to an hour, and sometimes more just for a group. If I know I have 40 mins to wait before a group becomes available, maybe I can do something else and then come back to it...at the moment, we have no clue on when a group will become available


2) Higher Priority on Flashpoint Abandons.....The other day I got a flashpoint pop, and as soon as we all got in, the tank left....sure we rejoined the queue to get another tank....and it said we were in a higher priority.......well, an hour and a half went by with us just sitting there and at the end of which we all started to leave because it was never going to happen.


3) Crossrealm Flashpoints.......not sure if you guys have already done this, but judging we have to queue for an hour just to get a tank, I would think this has not been implemented yet.


4) Group Finder for Ops.......Can we have the option to queue for stuff like EC/EV/KP SM/HM/NiM......I mean we are doing them weekly for the comms anyway, be so cool if i didnt have to wait at fleet spamming for a group

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Hey Guys


Just wanted to put a few things out there


1) ETA on Flashpoint/WZ Pops........When I am on my tank, the queue is usually instant...I like that, but as a DPS, I wait up to an hour, and sometimes more just for a group. If I know I have 40 mins to wait before a group becomes available, maybe I can do something else and then come back to it...at the moment, we have no clue on when a group will become available


This would require the game to magically know when people are going to queue, and whether or not they are the same level as you, and what FPs they have signed on for.... How exactly do you envision this working?


2) Higher Priority on Flashpoint Abandons.....The other day I got a flashpoint pop, and as soon as we all got in, the tank left....sure we rejoined the queue to get another tank....and it said we were in a higher priority.......well, an hour and a half went by with us just sitting there and at the end of which we all started to leave because it was never going to happen.


Ok, this one, I agree with. But on the other hand, it's possible there just weren't any tanks available. It would be nice if there was a message like "Number of tanks in queue: xx" so that people can decide whether to wait or not.


3) Crossrealm Flashpoints.......not sure if you guys have already done this, but judging we have to queue for an hour just to get a tank, I would think this has not been implemented yet.


Yeah... This has been brought up a few times before. A) The engine doesn't deal well with the idea and B) There is no server full of unloved tanks and healers waiting for a flashpoint. So all this would do is increase the number of DPS hanging out waiting for a group. The real answer to this problem is: roll a tank.


4) Group Finder for Ops.......Can we have the option to queue for stuff like EC/EV/KP SM/HM/NiM......I mean we are doing them weekly for the comms anyway, be so cool if i didnt have to wait at fleet spamming for a group


Yes, I totally support this. Group Finder for Ops would be useful. It will take some getting used to, but I think it would be beneficial in the long run.

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1) With this one, all it would require is time and calculations. EAWare should be able to calculate when the server is the most busy, at what time of the day people queue....After a while....They would see patterns emerge. I dont really want to bring out the whole....well World of Warcraft did it....sounds like a good challenge to them to help make this game better


2) It is possible that there are no tanks available...so yes...you are right maybe they can show us the amount of tanks/heals/dps that are in queue


3) I would understand that there is not a server full of tanks and healers...But hypothetically, there could be a server out there where the tanks/heals queue is not instant because there are not enough DPS queuing. I think EAWare really need to focus on these tactical flashpoints, sounds like a really good idea there......By the way....I have a tank, I love my tank, but in saying that, why should I have to roll a second tank just to get faster queues in flashpoints....


4) I dont think it would take as long to get used to, i mean people are spamming like crap in general chat for OPS groups, it they all used group finder, general could be used for much more important things.....like.....people saying jawa in movie titles (man that annoys me :p )

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1) With this one, all it would require is time and calculations. EAWare should be able to calculate when the server is the most busy, at what time of the day people queue....After a while....They would see patterns emerge. I dont really want to bring out the whole....well World of Warcraft did it....sounds like a good challenge to them to help make this game better.


Wouldn't it be as easy as to take the average of the last 20, 30 or 40 people's wait times who were queued for the same role?

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Well, if 16 man ops required the same ratio of tanks to healers to dps that 8 man ops and the 4 man groups do, most of the qeue problem would sort itself out. At 50+, anyway.


Bioware would have to be a little clever to pull that off, but there are several ways of accomplishing it that wouldn't be too diffilcult. They'd just need to use a little imagination in adapting the existing ops, but there are obvious solutions.

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