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PvP advice needed


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Thanks for the constructive reply but my point stands. Marauder is melee, just like the Jugg but the Marauder is about doing damage, not soaking it up. If any of the two sub classes should have force push, it should be the Maurauder because it also immobilises the target for a couple of seconds, something you don't have to worry about when wearing heavy armour? Understand my reasoning when I describe it as a contradiction?




It's nothing to do with not liking the advice, it's to do with his blatant attempt to cause an argument. Pulling me up over a minor spelling mistake is nothing other than nit picking in an attempt to get a rise out of me. Most of the replies have been helpful, his was not.


Juggs have just as much right to be a damage dealing class than marauders, they should get force push because it helps keep people away from your healer if you tank AND you can control them better as a DPS'er. Carnage, as many people above have said has amazing tools to stay on target, I repeat; AMAZING. You have 2 roots every 15 seconds, one of which comes with a healing debuff as well as a root on Ravage...Predation as carnage is insane, you can use it LITERRALLY every 7.5 seconds since that's the amount of time it takes you to build 30 fury thanks to short fuse and defensive forms...and predation itself lasts 10 seconds.


You can pretty much have a perma-Predation up during any fight and that will pretty much make you impossible to kite. Unless they root you (to which you can just LOLForceCamo if you absolutely need to)...and even then when you count the Ataru 15% speed boost as well as the 80% from predation (unbound gives you 30%) you get a 95% movement speed bonus that your opponents won't have, so you basically become a nightmare to every melee out of gap closer and every ranged opponent who has their KB on CD. Idk why, but I find most carnage maras don't even use predation at all, I think that between getting KB'ed with berserk on and wasting 5 seconds to reach the guy (by that time you won't have much HP) or giving your whole team a speed boost and basically sentence squishier kiters to death, the latter is obviously the better choice. Only time I use berserk is when I know that my target won't be going anywhere and I have a lot of burst to unload.

Edited by Tevzz
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Some people are even complaining about being rooted in oblivion by carnage marauders :p


But as the OP i had similar experiences with my combat sent while leveling. If you come from very CC heavy classes rolling a mara/sent is really kind of change for you and not having a self cleanse is a bit you have to get used to. and ofcs only when rolling this AC you really understand this game has too much CC;P


but maras mostly make senses. You are the melee class that can deal out the most damage when you are on target, and you already have the best gap closer in game (including an interupt and root), a short interupt as a baseline, and i carnage at 55 you will be able to kill almost every class 4-5 GCDs. To counter this a bit we can be kited and have less control then most other classes. Your job is not to control the what is happening in a wz, like it is for juggs (especially if they are tanks), or be the sneaky ccing bastard assassin can be, but to be a true in your face damage dealer. On top of that you have probably the best combination of defensive CDs in the game for a melee class even after the undying nerf (ask DPS Juggs )


As many before me mentioned the class really only blossoms in the late 40s, when you get your top level abilities (both for carnage and rage), and Double Saber Throw at 51 also helps as an anti-kiting tool and a decent ranged attack and i guess VT will too especially in Carnage when you can use it above 30%.

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So the OP lashes out in frustration and gets his hand slapped, then says why are others turning this into an arguement. Nice.


PVP is "balanced" at 55. Lowbie pvp will always suck for cool down based classes.




Maybe the grass isn't as green as you thought it was when you decided to change to Mara?

Edited by Moosestick
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