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Same Gender Romance Arc


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They promised as a Post-Launch feature. Where is it? :(


Currently it is post launch, a few months from now is also post launch. Be patient.


Romance arcs in general isn't something that interests me very much in these games. I'd much rather them fix any other number of glaring issues first like:


Raid frames straight up not WORKING in Warzones.


Most of the hard mode flashpoints with glaring bugs, broken encounters and bugged loot.


Unoptomized planets causing huge FPS drops on overclocked SLI systems that could push Metro2033/Crysis 2 DX11/BF3 at 60-100fps at max settings.


I mean I'm all for equality and player choice and stuff, and I'm glad they're patching in that option, but there are (in my opinon, maybe not yours) more important things to worry about so it shouldn't be viewed as a "slight" to the same-sex community or anything like that.

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Due to the volatile nature of this topic, we will be closing this thread. The official statement is as follows:


Due to the design constraints of a fully voiced MMO of this scale and size, many choices had to be made as to the launch and post-launch feature set. Same gender romances with companion characters in Star Wars: The Old Republic will be a post-launch feature. Because The Old Republic is an MMO, the game will live on through content expansions which allow us to include content and features that could not be included at launch, including the addition of more companion characters who will have additional romance options.


Thanks for your understanding everyone.

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