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One shot


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Your proton can one shot too, you know.

To be fair, that thing has a lengthy lockon timer that gives targets plenty of advanced warning that you're trying to destroy them and has half the chance to crit that a railgun has. It's also not really boosted by copilot abilities the way railguns are by bypass. I can't think of one that would benefit protons, at least.


On another note, a crit slug can one shot a strike fighter? I was under the impression they couldn't.

Edited by Bleeters
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On another note, a crit slug can one shot a strike fighter? I was under the impression they couldn't.


Heck, I've been one shot as a gunship. Yeah, it's possible. Very unlikely, but possible. And as pointed out, +hull will avoid that. And as also pointed out, largely irrelevant. Though many will probably still claim being one shot when they didn't realize they got hit by two separate attacks.

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It'll be impossible to do after the bypass nerf.


Currently a full charged slug with bypass (65% shield penetration) does 1560 hull damage on a crit (20% chance), that's enough to one shot anything.


After bypass is nerfed to 16% shield penetration, that same hit will do 1104 hull damage, only able to one shot scouts. Again that's a 20% chance occurance and most of the shots, even with bypass, will do 736 hull damage, not even enough to one shot a scout (currently a non crit with bypass can 1 shot scouts, bypass is just way overpowered)

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I can't speak for anyone but me. I know that I build my ship for max maneuverability and max damage. I know that a gunship can one-shot me. I'm ok with that because you can't have both the best offensive AND defensive capabilities. If you absolutely don't want to get one-shotted then build for max survivability. Just know you will probably have to sacrifice offensive stats.
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Regardless of the ability and luck/crit combo, no ship should be able to one-shot any other ship. It's cheap and dumb.


No, it's good, if that ability isn't on the keyboard. If the game is going to have crits, and the ability to forgo hit points for other things, then one shot critting a scout is fine to get a kill. It's certainly just as fair as getting a fully charged railgun shot and "missing". As long as the game is going to have a combat table, it needs to be meaningful both ways.


The problem with the live situation isn't bypass+full charge+crit- the problem is bypass+full charge = one shot scout. And they are nerfing bypass, so that goes away. If a crit can one shot you, then you shouldn't be letting them get fully charged rails off on you, which unlike WoW or SWTOR's ground game, is very much within your power.

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Regardless of the ability and luck/crit combo, no ship should be able to one-shot any other ship. It's cheap and dumb.


I've been on the receiveing and dishing end of one-shots. They are no fun both ways.


You know it's serious when I'm agreeing with DroidDreamer.


In a fast paced starship battle game, I don't see how strategies and tactics would not (most of the time) revolve around "do as much burst damage to them while avoiding all the burst damage they do to you". The problem with one-shots (from full shields and full hull, or from full shields and low hull with shield piercing, or whatever) do not give the target a chance to avoid that burst damage.


There's some exceptions. I had a match not too long ago where I had to wear down a scout using the shield piercing on my clusters almost exclusively. It took a while, and it was fun, but it wasn't... practical. He couldn't do much to me because he was too busy dodging my lasers, and even if he hadn't been, we were out in the middle of nowhere with no support from either team. It was generally not productive gameplay, but I enjoyed it.

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The counter to sensor dampening is the sensor radius boost.




A sting maxes out at 20km sensor radius with Treek et al. as engineering crew. A gunship with dampening sensors and Treek et al. has 11.5km sensor dampening. By my math, that means I won't be able to detect the gunship if he's more than 8.5km away -- and no gunship intentionally gets that close to their target, because it makes aiming harder.


(This all, of course, assumes the battle isn't so hectic that the pilots on the node don't have a chance to look around for gunships.)

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I can't speak for anyone but me. I know that I build my ship for max maneuverability and max damage. I know that a gunship can one-shot me. I'm ok with that because you can't have both the best offensive AND defensive capabilities. If you absolutely don't want to get one-shotted then build for max survivability. Just know you will probably have to sacrifice offensive stats.


Not really because of how they segregated offensive and defensive components. It's part of the problem of GSF and is especially apparent in Tier 2 scouts.


Defensive components are shield, engine, armor, and reactor. There's no offensive things you can "sacrifice" any offense for in those, well, maybe engine component if you're an idiot you can slot the weapon power converter instead of an actual engine, but nobody does that, they take barrel roll or kolo turn. Enhanced maneuverability can be used defensively and offensively.

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Defensive components are shield, engine, armor, and reactor. There's no offensive things you can "sacrifice" any offense for in those, well, maybe engine component if you're an idiot you can slot the weapon power converter instead of an actual engine, but nobody does that, they take barrel roll or kolo turn..


Koiogarn turn is inferior to barrel roll and retro thrusters because it doesn't offer your ship a maneuver you couldn't already do. Retro thrusters is the offensive choice under engine components, because it lets you shoot them longer than you otherwise would and finish missile locks that would otherwise break.

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Dampening hardcaps at 15km. They added this at GSF launch to prevent what happened on the PTS where you either flew a dampened gunship or you flew a dampened blackbolt, otherwise you where just kill fodder waiting to be smited from the heavens.



However even with 15km visibility, I hqave at any given time 6-7 red arrows on my HUD, and 5 or so red squares in front of me. Noticing the one red square 15km away and evading that shot while still defending/attacking the objective and dodging the fighters is just not going to happen.

Edited by Zoom_VI
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A sting maxes out at 20km sensor radius with Treek et al. as engineering crew. A gunship with dampening sensors and Treek et al. has 11.5km sensor dampening. By my math, that means I won't be able to detect the gunship if he's more than 8.5km away


Your math is wrong. Sensor damp is disabled under 15km. Every ship within 15km can be tab targetted.

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Its just to much from one ship imo....

The new gunship is not that bad, it has huge flaws. The original one still has none, it has the best damage at extreme range, best damage (burst cannons) and close range...the best defense, stealth, all this and the ability to completely remove any ship from combat indefinably (iron cannons)

Its just too much power from one ship, its over powered. Its not a god mode, but is in real need of balancing

Edited by NzFox
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I don't have a problem with the sniping playstyle. I think gunships are fun to play. I also have a number of fun-to-execute anti-gunship strategies that have been effective for me (using LOS, angle of attack, timing engine boosts, and so on).


The problem is that a gunship can one-shot other ships. That's dumb. I've one-shot players on my not yet fully upgraded gunship. It feels cheap. If a player gets popped by a gunship and doesn't go for cover, recharge shields, etc., that's on that player. But getting one-shotted with full shields and hull? Come on.


It seems shield bypass is getting reduced across the board so hopefully that will put an end to this nonsense so we can go back to full and fair fights.

Edited by DroidDreamer
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Fun fact:



If you upgrade your hull on any ship for health (only the Starguard seems to lack this option), you cannot be one shot by a non crit, full charge, bypass. This even works for scouts!




I really think the crit one shot is fine. I think the changes that we are about to see should get rid of the silly stuffs.

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I play all the GSF ships but prefer a gunship and I rarely can one-shot any ship including a scout. I do occasionally do get them but its very rare and lately I could be dead lined up on a ship flying perfectly straight and miss alot more lately. Now that there are many upgraded ships out there those few crits don't even one shot people even with by-pass active. With the changes coming up in 2.6 gunships will now be useless because once we fire off our shot after a charge people know we are there and have to start moving or die.


As stated earlier we are visiable to anyone once they cross the 15 km which is our maximum range. Can't see why I spent all that upgrading into damping field then if you can cross 15 km extremly fast before I even get 1 shot off most times especially if a scout and barrel roll. Now most of you that fly against bombers will be thanking the gunships for being there because they will become a serious threat if we let them survive for long. Gunships are suppose to be able to take out there chosen target with extreme prejudice because we usually off trying to soften up a target for the team to make a quick sweep or lesson incoming attackers on a push.

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Fun fact:nIf you upgrade your hull on any ship for health (only the Starguard seems to lack this option), you cannot be one shot by a non crit, full charge, bypass. This even works for scouts!


No. I have a health-maxed scout with the 9% DR companion. And I've been one-shotted at max health and shields.

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