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The REAL Most Powerful Revisited


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Exar Kun had a mass form of Stun that froze hundreds of members of the senate at the same time.


He could summon black Sith Lightning, something he used through instinct to blast apart entire columns of stone he was buried under the moment he turned to the Dark Side and later on as a spirit not only ravaged opponents, but also acted like venom, incapacitating the victim and tearing their spirits from their body.


He had Force Barriers that has resisted point blank Force Pushes from Vodo-Siosk Baas and has only been breached by a Sith Spirit and an extremely powerful Jedi Master.


He could use telekinesis to the degrees where he could Force Wave an entire group of Jedi Knights and incapacitate them all and as a weak spirit could even rag-doll Corran Horn to death if he wished and effortlessly broke through the Force Barriers of Odan-Urr and Force Crushed him.


Was extremely advanced in Force Drain, able to absorb the life force of half a million Massassi and empower himself greatly and even as a spirit Force Drained Gantoris to death and then possessed Kyp Durron and was slowly feeding off him to sustain his own power.


Was proficient in Force Flight to the point he adapted it to amplify the Ataru elements of his form.


Was strong enough in Force Sense that he could sense Ulic Qel-Droma in dire trouble from half a galaxy away.


Could use Sith Alchemy to create Terentateks, something only the most powerful Ancient Sith Lords could perform.


He could use Essence Transfer to the point of effortlessly possessing unwilling subjects as powerful as Kyp Durron even as a spirit.


Could use a form of Mass Mind Control even on 21 Jedi Padawans and Knights who were all seen as prodigies in the Force, he then corrupted them all with a Sith Holocron, the students noted that his voice had a seductive lull to it.


He could use Force Blast from varying degrees, obliterating Sith Wyrms and Massassi to obliterating the spirit of Freedon Nadd and nearly collapsing his tomb which was made primarily of Beskar.


Wielded advanced Sith Sorceries and Alchemy to high degrees.


Used Tutaminis to effortlessly absorb Aleema Keto's Force Blast and then blast her back, knocking her into a coma.


Could use Dark Rage to utterly smash almost anything and was stated to grow 100,000 times more powerful when he entered such a state.


He could also use Dark Healing to effortlessly restore himself back to full health even after only just embracing the Dark Side.


He also had a Willpower that was nigh-on immune to Dark Side temptations a variation of Calm, until he chose to turn willingly rather than die.


Now I seriously hope we aren't going to dismiss his highly proficient usage of Sith Sorceries jsut because Vader can't use it.

Edited by LadyKulvax
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Its miles off. The most powerful Jedi of that period included what, Nomi? Barney the Dinosaur and guy-who-got-shot-by-random-droid? The Order was hardly in its prime at this point, and Odan-Urr lacks any impressive abilities.


I think its a massive stretch to even begin to compare him with Yoda-who-moves-gosh-darn-armies.


We'd laugh if he did the same with Revan.


And I feel it is relevant, because it means we can't make the absurd claim that it would be akin to Vader choking Yoda, and Vader is therefore not capable of this. I see no evidence to suggest he is not.


Entire Old Republic era equals Jedi like:


Yoda, Windu, Revan, the Exile, Satele Shan, Obi-Wan.


The Old Republic era, not the TOR era(which didn't exist at the time this was stated), not the Old Sith Wars, everything prior to the Galactic Empire.

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Just a note on his stuff done as a spirit, all of the students he did that to had been trained for maybe a couple weeks so their powers and even their passive barriers werent really developed yet.


While he had lukes spirit knocked out of his body If i remember correctly (possible i dont i have to read the book again its been a while) he only did so by channeling some of it through Kyp so pretty much was only able to do that by drawing on Kyp's potential with Kun's knowledge.

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Just a note on his stuff done as a spirit, all of the students he did that to had been trained for maybe a couple weeks so their powers and even their passive barriers werent really developed yet.


While he had lukes spirit knocked out of his body If i remember correctly (possible i dont i have to read the book again its been a while) he only did so by channeling some of it through Kyp so pretty much was only able to do that by drawing on Kyp's potential with Kun's knowledge.


Many of the recruits that Luke Skywalker trained were already partially proficient in the Force, many of them were noted to be prodigies and that is how they were found, Jedi such as Corran Horn had been using the Force for years IIRC and take a look at Jedi like Jaden Korr, barely trained at all and yet turned out to be a powerful Jedi within the year, stating they didn't know basic Force usage contradicts the statements made about many of them, including those like Gantoris.


Also it is stated clearly that Exar Kun doesn't use any of Kyp Durron's power, he is only slowly feeding off of his Force Energy to sustain himself and his heavily demanding Force Powers.


I learnt all this from the Sourcebooks listed earlier.

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Many of the recruits that Luke Skywalker trained were already partially proficient in the Force, many of them were noted to be prodigies and that is how they were found, Jedi such as Corran Horn had been using the Force for years IIRC and take a look at Jedi like Jaden Korr, barely trained at all and yet turned out to be a powerful Jedi within the year, stating they didn't know basic Force usage contradicts the statements made about many of them, including those like Gantoris.


Also it is stated clearly that Exar Kun doesn't use any of Kyp Durron's power, he is only slowly feeding off of his Force Energy to sustain himself and his heavily demanding Force Powers.


I learnt all this from the Sourcebooks listed earlier.


Well yes, but begginning their training and having a few abilities they are proficient in isnt the same as being a fully trained master. As far as i can tell as one's understanding and knowledge of the force goes up so does the Barriers. I am saying of the history of these characters in the NJO this would be the weakest these characters would be at.



All my info is coming from the books that the source books got their info from. Though it has been a while since i read them adimmitedly.

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Well yes, but begginning their training and having a few abilities they are proficient in isnt the same as being a fully trained master. As far as i can tell as one's understanding and knowledge of the force goes up so does the Barriers. I am saying of the history of these characters in the NJO this would be the weakest these characters would be at.



All my info is coming from the books that the source books got their info from.


Which is basically countered by the fact that Kun was a spirit that had been starved for 4,000 years the first time he attacked Corran Horn, he could barely do anything, yet he totalled Corran Horn.


I am not acting like all of these characters are in their prime, but they are certainly not just amateur hour, they are similar to how Luke was in ESB in reality, by varying degrees.


But yet again, Kun was nowhere near full strength and was stated to be only a fraction as powerful as he would have been if he had reconstructed his body.


PS: the Guides are actually G-canon, so they would actually be superior sources.

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Which is basically countered by the fact that Kun was a spirit that had been starved for 4,000 years the first time he attacked Corran Horn, he could barely do anything, yet he totalled Corran Horn.


I am not acting like all of these characters are in their prime, but they are certainly not just amateur hour, they are similar to how Luke was in ESB in reality, by varying degrees.


But yet again, Kun was nowhere near full strength and was stated to be only a fraction as powerful as he would have been if he had reconstructed his body.


Ya absolutely, but the issue is we dont know how much energy he has lost over those 4k years nor how much energy he gained by absorbing the half million masaasii. Say he burned through 2 warriors a year by the time he reached there he would still be 492,000 massaasi warriors stronger then he was way back when.


Now obviously I am not saying that is the EXACT case but its just so hard to judge how powerful he was by comparison to what he was in the past between the gain of a half million beings worth of Force/ life energy and then leaking for 4000 years. Trying to gauge that vs how he was 4000 years prior is really hard.

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Ya absolutely, but the issue is we dont know how much energy he has lost over those 4k years nor how much energy he gained by absorbing the half million masaasii. Say he burned through 2 warriors a year by the time he reached there he would still be 492,000 massaasi warriors stronger then he was way back when.


Now obviously I am not saying that is the EXACT case but its just so hard to judge how powerful he was by comparison to what he was in the past between the gain of a half million beings worth of Force/ life energy and then leaking for 4000 years. Trying to gauge that vs how he was 4000 years prior is really hard.


The canon states he only had a fraction of his power, that he had nothing left to sustain him, he was starved and that was why he lay dormant for thousands of years.

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The canon states he only had a fraction of his power, that he had nothing left to sustain him, he was starved and that was why he lay dormant for thousands of years.


Fraction of his power as compared to? after he Absorbed the half million or before he absorbed the half million?


Still this is Corran Horn ESB we are talking about here. He never got any skills with TK and isnt all that particularly powerful when he tops out, ya when he gets there he is skilled with Tutaminis, illussions and highly skilled with a blade but beyond that I dont recall his powers being all that formidable even as a Master and this is his "ESB" variant where he has barely been able to do a single illusion that fooled his class mates (but not Luke).


To top it off he has no physical body and like we saw in the inquisitor line (and in the book itself) you cant actually fight a force ghost with out the proper technique. He wasnt able to kill Luke or even fully incapacitate him only incapacitate his body. After all Luke was still able to go where he pleased as a spirity and comunicate with his neice and nephew.


Just so much questionable stuff there, and much of it asks the question of.... well how powerful would you need to do that, I dont think it would need all that much power as a Force Ghost to pull that off.

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Fraction of his power as compared to? after he Absorbed the half million or before he absorbed the half million?


Still this is Corran Horn ESB we are talking about here. He never got any skills with TK and isnt all that particularly powerful when he tops out, ya when he gets there he is skilled with Tutaminis, illussions and highly skilled with a blade but beyond that I dont recall his powers being all that formidable even as a Master and this is his "ESB" variant where he has barely been able to do a single illusion that fooled his class mates (but not Luke).


To top it off he has no physical body and like we saw in the inquisitor line (and in the book itself) you cant actually fight a force ghost with out the proper technique. He wasnt able to kill Luke or even fully incapacitate him only incapacitate his body. After all Luke was still able to go where he pleased as a spirity and comunicate with his neice and nephew.


Just so much questionable stuff there, and much of it asks the question of.... well how powerful would you need to do that, I dont think it would need all that much power as a Force Ghost to pull that off.


I really don't think you are getting the point, not all spirits are the same, they do not all work the same way.


Also, it is very clear, he couldn't use his powers properly because of his state, all the Massassi he absorbed became part of his power, but afterwards he had nothing left to draw on, so he simply went into a slumber because he couldn't sustain any kind of meaningful form, the temples could not empower him.


But again you are missing the point here, it doesn't matter how powerful his victims were, if he was like any other Sith spirit he would not have needed to absorb the Force Energy of Gantoris or continue to feed off the Force Energy of Kyp Durron whilst he possessed him.


I think the reason he doesn't act like other spirit do is because he isn't one, in truth he's an essence bound to the temple of Yavin IV due to a Wall of Light, an Essence needs to be sustained and he had nothing left to drain from after he burned all life on Yavin IV away in his rage which properly dispersed a ton of his remaining power, so he eventually lost his strength and ended up at a point where the first time he woke up he couldn't even take down a bunch of chumps with blaster pistols even after being worshipped by the Cult of Exar Kun, it took all the strength he sapped from his new environment to rag-doll Corran Horn in the way he did.


But once he absorbed Gantoris completely he seemed satiated enough to successfully Essence Transfer into Kyp Durron and dominate him completely and not only that but start to use his full powers again.


I don't think it is a matter of mathematics here, he clearly couldn't sustain the form he was in and lost his power to the point where even defeating a couple of smugglers was too much for him the first time he woke up, it took years where he started to absorb the life around him before he could actually take form again and corrupt Luke's students.


I think that pretty clearly shows he is not the same as Sith Spirits because he is merely stuck in transition.

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I really don't think you are getting the point, not all spirits are the same, they do not all work the same way.


Also, it is very clear, he couldn't use his powers properly because of his state, all the Massassi he absorbed became part of his power, but afterwards he had nothing left to draw on, so he simply went into a slumber because he couldn't sustain any kind of meaningful form, the temples could not empower him.


But again you are missing the point here, it doesn't matter how powerful his victims were, if he was like any other Sith spirit he would not have needed to absorb the Force Energy of Gantoris or continue to feed off the Force Energy of Kyp Durron whilst he possessed him.


I think the reason he doesn't act like other spirit do is because he isn't one, in truth he's an essence bound to the temple of Yavin IV due to a Wall of Light, an Essence needs to be sustained and he had nothing left to drain from after he burned all life on Yavin IV away in his rage which properly dispersed a ton of his remaining power, so he eventually lost his strength and ended up at a point where the first time he woke up he couldn't even take down a bunch of chumps with blaster pistols even after being worshipped by the Cult of Exar Kun, it took all the strength he sapped from his new environment to rag-doll Corran Horn in the way he did.


But once he absorbed Gantoris completely he seemed satiated enough to successfully Essence Transfer into Kyp Durron and dominate him completely and not only that but start to use his full powers again.


I don't think it is a matter of mathematics here, he clearly couldn't sustain the form he was in and lost his power to the point where even defeating a couple of smugglers was too much for him the first time he woke up, it took years where he started to absorb the life around him before he could actually take form again and corrupt Luke's students.


I think that pretty clearly shows he is not the same as Sith Spirits because he is merely stuck in transition.


Well ya Gantoris had a lot of raw potential by draining him he would have had minimal energy left. All-in-all all the stuff that happens is just really hard to call about how powerful the person is.


Like I said Corran has next to no training in defending himself from TK was just thinking about it Anakin had way more potential then Dooku and yet Dooku still tossed him like a rag doll the first time they met in AotC. So it may have taken little more energy to do that to Corran then it would have taken to do that to some one who wasnt force sensitive at all given Corran's lack of training and shielding in that particular aspect of the force.


Same with Gantoris, none of the students at that time knew how to defend against Force Drains it would still be long after that instance that Luke and his students redeveloped a technique to defend against it knowing that it is a threat.



Essentially what I am saying is everything he does he does to people who have no defense against the techniques he is using. They dont have the knowledge of the force to have any defense against those types of attacks. They may have some barriers here and there but not of the variant to defend against what they are assaulted with. Honestly that is one really great strength of Kun, he had many abilities at his disposal and thus could likely find one that you couldnt defend against. That was even the way his saber skills worked. He had a wide array of abilities and he was an expert at figuring out just which ability to use to take you down.



Edit: just call me sceptic of the power needed to do the things Kun did to the fledgeling Academy I honestly feel the Academy was almost ESB Luke pre-yoda more then post-yoda equivlants of themselves. Skeptic tune is skeptic, but what else is new :p.

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Well ya Gantoris had a lot of raw potential by draining him he would have had minimal energy left. All-in-all all the stuff that happens is just really hard to call about how powerful the person is.


Like I said Corran has next to no training in defending himself from TK was just thinking about it Anakin had way more potential then Dooku and yet Dooku still tossed him like a rag doll the first time they met in AotC. So it may have taken little more energy to do that to Corran then it would have taken to do that to some one who wasnt force sensitive at all given Corran's lack of training and shielding in that particular aspect of the force.


Same with Gantoris, none of the students at that time knew how to defend against Force Drains it would still be long after that instance that Luke and his students redeveloped a technique to defend against it knowing that it is a threat.



Essentially what I am saying is everything he does he does to people who have no defense against the techniques he is using. They dont have the knowledge of the force to have any defense against those types of attacks. They may have some barriers here and there but not of the variant to defend against what they are assaulted with. Honestly that is one really great strength of Kun, he had many abilities at his disposal and thus could likely find one that you couldnt defend against. That was even the way his saber skills worked. He had a wide array of abilities and he was an expert at figuring out just which ability to use to take you down.



Edit: just call me sceptic of the power needed to do the things Kun did to the fledgeling Academy I honestly feel the Academy was almost ESB Luke pre-yoda more then post-yoda equivlants of themselves. Skeptic tune is skeptic, but what else is new :p.


You are not getting the point here.... the fact he did it AT ALL is impressive, not whom to, but I still think you are lowballing the power of his pupils, they aren't 12 year old Padawans, all of them are Force prodigies and most of them have seen combat against even Dark Jedi before.


Regardless of whom is right here, the fact still stands, being an essence and still being able to pull off what he did is still rather amazing, especially what he did to Corran Horn and Gantoris because all he had fed on for 4,000 years at that point, is the deaths of a few cult members and the worshipping they granted him, pretty much all the energy he got, that was his Force reserves.


See why I am saying it's impressive that he could do that to them? because for an Essence(not a spirit, he isn't dead just in transition and bound to the Temple) without any Force Energy left, to rag-doll a mildly-moderately powerful Corran Horn and outright Force Drain Gantoris to death, is quite an exceptional feat.


But what this shows us, is that the techniques he used, including dat 2 stronk Sith Lightning, is merely the tip of the iceberg compared to his corporeal form.


Even Luke Skywalker stated Kun was the most powerful presence he'd felt since meeting the Emperor, which may indicate then and there that Kun's presence felt more powerful than Vader's.


But back on track, being able to do anything like he did to Horn & Gantoris is exceptional given the circumstances, the corporeal version of him would have god knows what kind of techniques and powers at his disposal, nevermind how much more powerful his Lightning must have been, etc....


I would love to have seen what Exar Kun would have been like if he had indeed constructed his body with Sith Alchemy, that's kind of scary actually, thinking about it.


But this is my last post given the time here, good night ladies and gents.

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You are not getting the point here.... the fact he did it AT ALL is impressive, not whom to, but I still think you are lowballing the power of his pupils, they aren't 12 year old Padawans, all of them are Force prodigies and most of them have seen combat against even Dark Jedi before.


Regardless of whom is right here, the fact still stands, being an essence and still being able to pull off what he did is still rather amazing, especially what he did to Corran Horn and Gantoris because all he had fed on for 4,000 years at that point, is the deaths of a few cult members and the worshipping they granted him, pretty much all the energy he got, that was his Force reserves.


See why I am saying it's impressive that he could do that to them? because for an Essence(not a spirit, he isn't dead just in transition and bound to the Temple) without any Force Energy left, to rag-doll a mildly-moderately powerful Corran Horn and outright Force Drain Gantoris to death, is quite an exceptional feat.


But what this shows us, is that the techniques he used, including dat 2 stronk Sith Lightning, is merely the tip of the iceberg compared to his corporeal form.


Even Luke Skywalker stated Kun was the most powerful presence he'd felt since meeting the Emperor, which may indicate then and there that Kun's presence felt more powerful than Vader's.


But back on track, being able to do anything like he did to Horn & Gantoris is exceptional given the circumstances, the corporeal version of him would have god knows what kind of techniques and powers at his disposal, nevermind how much more powerful his Lightning must have been, etc....


I would love to have seen what Exar Kun would have been like if he had indeed constructed his body with Sith Alchemy, that's kind of scary actually, thinking about it.


But this is my last post given the time here, good night ladies and gents.


ok just talking about the first part. None of his students at that time had battled Dark Jedi to my knowledge.... the academy had been open for a couple weeks by this point. I stopped reading after the Dark Jedi thing because I think you forget what part of the time line this is in. Gantoris was a Padawan for a matter of days before he was killed. Kun was the very first challenge the NJO faced. Gantoris was introduced and then killed in the very next book, Corran Horn was a Pilot and had never met a Dark Jedi head on. I can not think of a single one of them that actually faced another force user. Mara Jade obviously had but she was not one of Luke's students at the time.

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ok just talking about the first part. None of his students at that time had battled Dark Jedi to my knowledge.... the academy had been open for a couple weeks by this point. I stopped reading after the Dark Jedi thing because I think you forget what part of the time line this is in. Gantoris was a Padawan for a matter of days before he was killed. Kun was the very first challenge the NJO faced.


You realise that they weren't Padawans raised in a Temple since youth right? some of them had faced the Inquisitorius, etc... before and yes I am referring to all the students of the academy, not just those two.


They all had varying levels of skill, but they were powerful regardless, many of them trained the way luke trained himself.


I don't need to be told which timeline this is, I have been reading the EU since 1992.

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You realise that they weren't Padawans raised in a Temple since youth right? some of them had faced the Inquisitorius, etc... before and yes I am referring to all the students of the academy, not just those two.


They all had varying levels of skill, but they were powerful regardless, many of them trained the way luke trained himself.


Yes I know they werent but if the Empire knew about most of them they would have been killed. Do you have an example of one of them facing off against a Dark Jedi pre Luke's academy. Yes they all had varying talents that was a given but they were still all incredibly fresh. Luke had some skill and talent before meeting Yoda as well, and obviously he was passing on Yoda's training to them, but they were still extremely new to the force even if they arent new to life.


Edit: ok because I am impatient i went to find out myself. Kam was a dark Jedi as was Brakiss, Kirana was of course a Dathomirian. Kyle Katarn did as well with the whole Jerec thing, but none of the ones that Kun went after did (no surprise there really) and its still early in all of their careers and he was still an entity with no body that COULD NOT be combated or stopped in anyway baring some special techniques. Though Luke saying most powerful since he felt the emperor could be refering to Kun's over all presence and I believe that would be enough to put him over Vader, but this does not mean Luke's students were all that great at the time and I still dont think they were any better then Luke at the start of ESB before he met yoda. Luke wasnt a terribad Force user himself at that time either.

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Yes I know they werent but if the Empire knew about most of them they would have been killed. Do you have an example of one of them facing off against a Dark Jedi pre Luke's academy. Yes they all had varying talents that was a given but they were still all incredibly fresh. Luke had some skill and talent before meeting Yoda as well, and obviously he was passing on Yoda's training to them, but they were still extremely new to the force even if they arent new to life.


Kam Solusar was a Dark Jedi in the employ of Emperor Palpatine till Luke redeemed him.

Dorsk 81 was a very powerful Jedi Watchman whom later moved an entire fleet of Star Destroyers out of the Yavin system.

Kirana Ti was a powerful Dathomiri Witch.

Brakiss was a Dark Jedi infiltrator of the Inquisitorious.

Streen was a powerful Force Sensitive whom was well trained in Alter Environment & Force Empathy.

Madurrin trained at the Praxeum and was innately powerful in Force Meld.

Gantoris was a highly promising Jedi who learnt things extremely quickly, including Protection Bubble.

Cilghal was a talented Battle Meditation and Force Heal practitioner.


Then we have at least five other Students as well as Mara Jade, Kyp Durron and Corran Horn.


Exar Kun successfully battled all of these and caused massive damage, it took the spirits of Luke and Baas guiding all of these to use Wall of Light on him.


They were most certainly not just untrained initiates, they were all quite powerful.

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Kam Solusar was a Dark Jedi in the employ of Emperor Palpatine till Luke redeemed him.

Dorsk 81 was a very powerful Jedi Watchman whom later moved an entire fleet of Star Destroyers out of the Yavin system.

Kirana Ti was a powerful Dathomiri Witch.

Brakiss was a Dark Jedi infiltrator of the Inquisitorious.

Streen was a powerful Force Sensitive whom was well trained in Alter Environment & Force Empathy.

Madurrin trained at the Praxeum and was innately powerful in Force Meld.

Gantoris was a highly promising Jedi who learnt things extremely quickly, including Protection Bubble.

Cilghal was a talented Battle Meditation and Force Heal practitioner.


Then we have at least five other Students as well as Mara Jade, Kyp Durron and Corran Horn.


Exar Kun successfully battled all of these and caused massive damage, it took the spirits of Luke and Baas guiding all of these to use Wall of Light on him.


They were most certainly not just untrained initiates, they were all quite powerful.


Again Wall of Light was the only technique to work on him...... so he DIDNT combat them they didnt have a body to combat.


Dorsk 81 only did that thanks to the pyramids and everyone channeling their energies through him and it cost him his life.


Streen wasnt really well trained in it as much as he had a natural aptitude for it.


Just going to go into the in short. I checked this out and saw this and put it in my edit, this still doesnt really change anything. Kun was still something that they had no defense or offense against with out the Wall of Light. In this state if the person did not know how to specifically counter Kun it wouldnt matter how powerful they were he would be able to thrash them in that state. That alone negates those feats on their own.

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Again Wall of Light was the only technique to work on him...... so he DIDNT combat them they didnt have a body to combat.


Dorsk 81 only did that thanks to the pyramids and everyone channeling their energies through him and it cost him his life.


Streen wasnt really well trained in it as much as he had a natural aptitude for it.


Just going to go into the in short. I checked this out and saw this and put it in my edit, this still doesnt really change anything. Kun was still something that they had no defense or offense against with out the Wall of Light. In this state if the person did not know how to specifically counter Kun it wouldnt matter how powerful they were he would be able to thrash them in that state. That alone negates those feats on their own.


Where does it state Wall of Light was the only technique that worked? because they actually fight him at points.


You assume they can't defend themselves, that is it, your assumption, nothing states they can't defend themselves, they actively fight him at certain points.


Hell he couldn't even defeat some spacers armed with blaster rifles when he first woke up, his spirit has been defeated in combat before, so your argument has no legs to stand on.


Regardless this is getting far away from the main point and your attempt to put down his feats isn't working because you assume Kun is a Sith Spirit like all the others, he isn't.

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Where does it state Wall of Light was the only technique that worked? because they actually fight him at points.


You assume they can't defend themselves, that is it, your assumption, nothing states they can't defend themselves, they actively fight him at certain points.


Hell he couldn't even defeat some spacers armed with blaster rifles when he first woke up, his spirit has been defeated in combat before, so your argument has no legs to stand on.


Regardless this is getting far away from the main point and your attempt to put down his feats isn't working because you assume Kun is a Sith Spirit like all the others, he isn't.


I need to go back and re-read the books because the only thing i remember them physically combating was the creatures he sent. They either couldnt find him, got corrupted or in the case of Gantoris were instantly beaten. When they finally found him all the students were their and they beat him with out any of them being harmed, thats all i remember So give me a few weeks I need to go back and re-read apparently.


And then there is the question how did people with blasters beat him and yet 10 years later when he was supposedly WEAKER did a group of supposedly powerful force users lose. Luke could take the spacers on his own at that point and yet he was sundered from his body. His whole Praxeum would easily take the spacers as well. So now we have another huge inconsistency surprise surprise.


Edit: either way I will jsut get back to this when i re-read the book disregard everything i say till then. Its ok if i remember correctly I liked that trilogy it was awesome... villians were awesome hero's were awesome the stakes were high.


Edit 2: just remembered one of the events in it that made me hate Kyp..... damn him for what he did to that one girl that was with Wedge. I like Wedge..... things that make him sad.... make me sad.

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I need to go back and re-read the books because the only thing i remember them physically combating was the creatures he sent. They either couldnt find him, got corrupted or in the case of Gantoris were instantly beaten. When they finally found him all the students were their and they beat him with out any of them being harmed, thats all i remember So give me a few weeks I need to go back and re-read apparently.


And then there is the question how did people with blasters beat him and yet 10 years later when he was supposedly WEAKER did a group of supposedly powerful force users lose. Luke could take the spacers on his own at that point and yet he was sundered from his body. His whole Praxeum would easily take the spacers as well. So now we have another huge inconsistency surprise surprise.


Edit: either way I will jsut get back to this when i re-read the book disregard everything i say till then.


Kun felt the pain and agony of the dying, a fight was brewing in his tomb, enraged at this intrusion he appeared as a great spectre to the invaders, in fear they shot at him and though he tried to summon his power, their increasing blaster fire tore apart his Essence and so he hid yet again, too weak to effect the world sufficiently.


With saber, willpower and Force attacks they battled the Ancient Sith Lord attacking the black clouds of his spirit itself...


...Not realising the efficiency of their union, he found himself defeated, but not now he thought, not again when he is so close to his return...


...Appearing yet again but now an all encompassing black cloud of energy and stars, attempting to finally and fully dominate their minds, but their Battle Meditation, Force Meld and Force Empathy techniques guided by the spirits of Jedi Masters Skywalker and Baas, proved too much for him to defeat and then fully channelled they summoned a great wall of blinding light, casting him into the netherworld of the Force, never to escape.


Mara realised that even if they beat himback ten times, he would re-appear twenty times more and they would lose even more of their number, sensing the build up of the Force inside the Praxeum, she played with Kun, taunting him and chastising his attempts to break their will, for Exar Kun believed himself the greatest of all the Dark Lords of the Sith and he would not entertain the idea of losing to the Jedi again, in his anger he lashed out at the temple, the Dark Side blackening the Light, a war of the Force itself broke out in the temple.


The Jedi realised they were the last hope for the galaxy against this dark being, they defended the temple and they defended the ideals of the Order itself in Skywalker's name, Kun would attempt to ravage their minds but proved unable and then, in his arrogance, Kyp Durron openly challenged the Dark Lord himself, thinking himself superior to any Dark Sider, but once he realised how wrong he was, he barely remained inside his own body, dominated by the essence of the Dark Lord.


That is fairly clear to me, he could certainly be fought.

Edited by LadyKulvax
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I need to re-read this book because all this sounds epic...... Remembering some of it, but mostly forgot everything.


These aren't quotes from the comics themselves but the sourcebooks, honestly TotJ series itself is pretty poor to draw anything from, there is nearly no detail, the panels themselves are contradictory and the story is all over the place, which is a shame.

Edited by LadyKulvax
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These aren't quotes from the comics themselves but the sourcebooks, honestly TofJ series itself is pretty poor to draw anything from, there is nearly no detail, the panels themselves are contradictory and the story is all over the place, which is a shame.


Not the comics... the books.


Kevin J. Anderson's



Jedi Search

Dark Apprentice

Champions of the Force

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