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The REAL Most Powerful Revisited


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Would you believe that stuff I posted was just the tip of the iceberg? I have like at least two more posts of stuff I could go through, but I thought I would be merciful to little Anni.


Well, if canon didn't put the Sith Emperor above him, I'd say post it now. We could knock 'Lord Vitiate' down a few pegs.

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Well, if canon didn't put the Sith Emperor above him, I'd say post it now. We could knock 'Lord Vitiate' down a few pegs.


Well the statements used that state he is the most powerful Sith also claim he is the most powerful Force User ever, which is wrong as we know.

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Ok so here is where Vader surpasses Kun in.


TK, Strength/Durability, Force Scream(involuentary of course but still), Force Barrier/Absorption, Alter Environment. Saber throw.


Kun surpasses Vader in...


Force Lighting(obviously since Vader can't use it), Sith Sorcery, Sith Alchemy, Force Blasts, Essence Transfer and Force Drain.


But let's compare what they have in common hm?




Ok Exar Kun was able to beat Urr with a Force Crush. Yet you don't think Vader wouldn't be able to replicate that?


He can..


Crushing starships..


Destroying an entire room


Pushing several large beasts away..


Freezing a Jedi Master in place


Before Shryne could begin to make sense of it, he heard a creaking sound from below, and something flew at him from one of the ramps. Only a last-instant turn of his sword kept the object from striking him in the head. It was a plank-ripped from a ramp they had taken to the bridge. Shryne gazed in awe at unreadable Vader, then began to race toward him, blade held high over his right shoulder. He didn't make half the distance when a storm of similar planks and lengths of handrail came whirling at him. Vader was using his dark side abilities to dismantle the ramps!


Surrendering to the guidance of the Force, Shryne swung his lightsaber in a flurry of deflecting maneuvers-side-to-side, overhead, low down, behind his back-but the floorboards were coming in larger and larger pieces, from all directions, and faster than he could parry them. The butt end of a board struck him on the outer left thigh. The face of a wide plank slammed him across the shoulders. Wooden pegs flew at his face; other speared into his arms.


Then a short support post hit him squarely in the forehead, knocking the wind out of him and dropping him to his knees. Blood running into his eyes, he fought to remain conscious, extending the lightsaber in one shaking hand while clamping the other on the bridge's handrail. Five meters away Vader stood, his hands crossed in front of him, lightsaber hanging on his belt. Shryne tried to keep him in focus.


Another board, whirling end-over-end, came out of nowhere, hitting him in the kidneys. Reflexively the hand that was grasping the railing went to the small of his back, and he lost balance. Trying but failing to catch himself, he fell through space.Give in the wooden floor saved his life, but at the expense of all the bones in his left arm and shoulder.Above him Vader jumped from the bridge, dropping to the floor with a grace he hadn't displayed before and alighting just meters away.


Ignoring the pain in his shattered limb, Shryne began to propel himself in a backward crawl toward the opening through which he and Vader had entered the wroshyr's trunk, a hot wind howling at him, whipping his long hair about.The balcony was gone. Fallen.

There was nothing between Shryne and the ground but gritty air filled with burning leaves. Far below, Wookiees were being herded onto the landing platform. The forests were in flames.


Vader approached, drawing and igniting his Sith blade.

Shryne blinked blood from his eyes; lifted his lightsaber hand only to realize that he had lost the sword during his fall. Slumping back, he loosed a ragged, resigned exhalation."I owe you a debt," he told Vader. "It took you to bring me back to the Force." "And you to firm my faith in the power of the dark side, Master Shryne." Shryne swallowed hard. "Then tell me. Were you trained by Dooku? By Sidious?". Vader came to a halt. "Not by Dooku. Not yet by Sidious." "Not yet," Shryne said, as if to himself "Then you're his apprentice?" His eyes darted right and left, searching for some means of escape. "Is Sidious also in league with Emperor Palpatine?". Vader fell silent for a moment, making up his mind about something. "Lord Sidious is the Emperor."


Shryne's stomach convulsed, and he coughed blood. The fall hadn't only broken his bones, but ruptured a vital organ. He was dying. Backing farther out the opening, he gazed into the night sky, then at Vader


TK Storm.


You're really gonna say that Kun's TK surpasses Vader?


Force Scream


Vader's reaction was not what he'd expected. After a frozen instant, ignoring the bloody spittle running down one plasteel cheek, he knelt and grabbed Typho by the hair, lifting the latter's head and eliciting a cry of renewed pain from him. "What?" The flare in the Force that raced through the hangar was enough to shake the foundations of the building


Shaking the foundations of an entire building.


A bit also if you recall when heavily wounded, he was able to destroy several droids and the surroundings of the room at the end of EP 3. He also has been felt from across the galaxy.


Alter Environment


Just showing this


Force Barrier/Absorbtion




Abit this could also be look as a Barrier + Absorbtion + TK kinda mix, as he defends himself, absorbs/reflects the blaster shots and then blowing all those guys away.


Saber Throw


Just showing..



Again both of them have powers the other hasn't shown before, but Vader clearly surpasses Kun in what they do have in common which is TK.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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Ok so here is where Vader surpasses Kun in.


TK, Strength/Durability, Force Scream(involuentary of course but still), Force Barrier/Absorption, Alter Environment. Saber throw.


Kun surpasses Vader in...


Force Lighting(obviously since Vader can't use it), Sith Sorcery, Sith Alchemy, Force Blasts, Essence Transfer and Force Drain.


But let's compare what they have in common hm?




Ok Exar Kun was able to beat Urr with a Force Crush. Yet you don't think Vader wouldn't be able to replicate that?


He can..


Crushing starships..


Destroying an entire room


Pushing several large beasts away..


Freezing a Jedi Master in place




TK Storm.


You're really gonna say that Kun's TK surpasses Vader?


Force Scream




Shaking the foundations of an entire building.


A bit also if you recall when heavily wounded, he was able to destroy several droids and the surroundings of the room at the end of EP 3.


Alter Environment


Just showing this


Force Barrier/Absorbtion




Abit this could also be look as a Barrier + Absorbtion + TK kinda mix, as he defends himself, absorbs/reflects the blaster shots and then blowing all those guys away.


Saber Throw


Just showing..



Again both of them have powers the other hasn't shown before, but Vader clearly surpasses Kun in what they do have in common which is TK.


I never said that Kun's TK was better than Vader's but it is very powerful itself, the way in which Kun kills Odan-Urr, Jensaarai1 made the apt comparison to, if Vader had choked out Master Yoda, it is extremely impressive that Kun could effortlessly surpass the Force Barriers of Odan-Urr, who is stated to be one of the most powerful Jedi Masters in the entire Old Republic era.


So yes Vader is probably the best user of Telekinesis there is, that is pretty much where all of his Force Power goes, he doesn't exactly have a lot of options and that is where he clearly put most of his power into.


Exar Kun however clearly didn't put his attention into TK, he instead focuses on the deepest mysteries of the Dark Side of the Force.


However Kun has a metric ton of advantages on Vader where he is strongest.

Edited by LadyKulvax
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Wait..so then why is Vader booted off?


All of Kun's other abilities. Personally I see Vader very close to Kun, but I don't make the decisions and I don't feel the need to argue for or against either of them since they are two of my favorite Sith Lords. If only Dooku weren't such a classy guy. :p

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All of Kun's other abilities. Personally I see Vader very close to Kun, but I don't make the decisions and I don't feel the need to argue for or against either of them since they are two of my favorite Sith Lords. If only Dooku weren't such a classy guy. :p


But Vader has abilities that Kun doesn't either so.....don't see how that makes any difference?

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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I never said that Kun's TK was better than Vader's but it is very powerful itself, the way in which Kun kills Odan-Urr, Jensaarai1 made the apt comparison to, if Vader had choked out Master Yoda, it is extremely impressive that Kun could effortlessly surpass the Force Barriers of Odan-Urr, who is stated to be one of the most powerful Jedi Masters in the entire Old Republic era.
I was actually quite baffled and confused by that statement, in what possible way does Odan-Urr even begin to compare to Yoda? Does nobody take into account that maybe Urr's powers waned after a thousand or so years? Edited by Beniboybling
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I was actually quite baffled and confused by that statement, in what possible way does Odan-Urr even begin to compare to Yoda? Does nobody take into account that maybe Urr's powers waned after a thousand or so years?


I was perturbed by the statement as well.

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But Vader has abilities that Kun doesn't either so.....


Sorry but I don't see how Vader's abilities which are not very many by comparison can make up for the sheer quantity and magnitude of abilities Kun does:


Force Blast, Force Whirlwind, Dark Healing, Dark Rage, Sith Lightning(personal variant), Force Wave, Force Wound, Force Crush, Force Drain, Force Flight, Essence Transfer, Mass Stun, Mind Control, Tutaminis(some variants).

As well as god knows how many abilities in Sith Sorcery and Alchemy.


I am pretty sure I missed a few as well and he was highly proficient or masterful in all of these abilities.

Edited by LadyKulvax
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Oh just wanted to say vader pushing the huge beasts out of the way totally made him look like BOSS right there, he doesnt even look like he gives 2 ratts asses about the giant monsters its like..... please I'm vader what are you going to do lol.
Lol, its the final panel that clinches it. Dat swagger. :p
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I was actually quite baffled and confused by that statement, in what possible way does Odan-Urr even begin to compare to Yoda? Does nobody take into account that maybe Urr's powers waned after a thousand or so years?


I don't think he is miles off as you seem to be suggesting, he is stated to be one of the most powerful Jedi of the entire Old Republic era, whilst he is certainly not as powerful, that really isn't the point here.

Edited by LadyKulvax
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Sorry but I don't see how Vader's abilities which are not very many by comparison can make up for the sheer quantity and magnitude of abilities Kun does:


Force Blast, Force Whirlwind, Dark Healing, Dark Rage, Sith Lightning(personal variant), Force Wave, Force Wound, Force Crush, Force Drain, Force Flight, Essence Transfer, Mass Stun, Mind Control, Tutaminis(some variants).


I am pretty sure I missed a few as well and he was highly proficient or masterful in all of these abilities.

Quality not Quantity? Superior ability in TK if definite would prove his superiority alone.


Regardless Vader has ability in Force Whirlwind, Dark Healing, Dark Rage, almost Sith Lightning, Force Wave, Force Wound, Force Crush, Force Flight, Force Stun, Mind Control and Tutanimis.


But given the restrictions of his suit, and the fact he did not delve sorcery, we cannot expect he to have ability here.

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Quality not Quantity? Superior ability in TK if definite would prove his superiority alone.


Regardless Vader has ability in Force Whirlwind, Dark Healing, Dark Rage, almost Sith Lightning, Force Wave, Force Wound, Force Crush, Force Flight, Force Stun, Mind Control and Tutanimis.


But given the restrictions of his suit, and the fact he did not delve sorcery, we cannot expect he to have ability here.


Did that post I made really just get thrown out of the window the moment a Vader argument came up? fantastic, looks like I'm starting all over again.

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Sorry but I don't see how Vader's abilities which are not very many by comparison can make up for the sheer quantity and magnitude of abilities Kun does:


Force Blast, Force Whirlwind, Dark Healing, Dark Rage, Sith Lightning(personal variant), Force Wave, Force Wound, Force Crush, Force Drain, Force Flight, Essence Transfer, Mass Stun, Mind Control, Tutaminis(some variants).


I am pretty sure I missed a few as well and he was highly proficient or masterful in all of these abilities.


Vader has shown pretty much all those with the exception of Drain, Lighting, Essence Transfer.


Likewise Kun hasn't shown the capability for what Vader has shown.


But fine, boot Vader off then. Was just thinking it would be better to show what they both know, to make a better comparsion of who could be on the list.


Rather then just show what the other could do when the other can't or hasn't shown to being able to do.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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I don't think he is miles off as you seem to be suggesting, he is stated to be one of the most powerful Jedi of the entire Old Republic era, whilst he is certainly not as powerful, that really isn't the point here.
Its miles off. The most powerful Jedi of that period included what, Nomi? Barney the Dinosaur and guy-who-got-shot-by-random-droid? The Order was hardly in its prime at this point, and Odan-Urr lacks any impressive abilities.


I think its a massive stretch to even begin to compare him with Yoda-who-moves-gosh-darn-armies.


We'd laugh if he did the same with Revan.


And I feel it is relevant, because it means we can't make the absurd claim that it would be akin to Vader choking Yoda, and Vader is therefore not capable of this. I see no evidence to suggest he is not.

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Did that post I made really just get thrown out of the window the moment a Vader argument came up? fantastic, looks like I'm starting all over again.
Yup, but I suppose that's what happens when comparison is not made.


I think we should start making comparisons, starting with TK.

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