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Unranked Arenas Stealth acid win - what would you do?


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So, in this one wz I was playing right now ( a lowbie btw), this random Scoundrel thought he could cheat the system and stealth past acid for a win.


Now obviously since I hate that whole exploit anyway, I told the enemy team where to find him, and (dunno whether they believed me or not), they eventually got him and killed him. Obviously, the exploiter promptly /ignored me, but not before high and mighty death threats and a "**** you".


So, a question to everyone. Remembering that this is unranked warzones, would you have done the same? Or would you say wasting 5 minutes of everyone's time to cheat the system is perfectly fair and normal? And should I repeat this in the future or just let exploiters exploit the acid?

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I do personally find it annoying in unranked but I don't express my annoyance to my team member who does it nor tip off the enemy where he is. I'll also take the win should he pull it off, so.... :D


EDIT: Also that ^^. Using in game mechanics isn't exploiting.

Edited by Ridickilis
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Yes, I know that in the strictest of terms, it isn't an exploit, and I totally wouldn't expose the player in a Rated match where a win really matters.


But seriously? It's a lowbie warzone, where a win seriously doesn't matter. The other team played better. They deserve to win. I know it's not an "exploit" per se, but how can it be Working as Intended if the intention is for the team that's better at killing stuff to win? If they killed 3 of us, and we killed none of them, they do deserve the win, right?

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The sad thing is, if you understand the mechanics of the acid the team that is ahead will never lose this anyways. Team just needs to stand in the center of the arena and spam AoE/Stealth detection around them as the acid comes in. I'm amazed so few have figured this out.
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The sad thing is, if you understand the mechanics of the acid the team that is ahead will never lose this anyways. Team just needs to stand in the center of the arena and spam AoE/Stealth detection around them as the acid comes in. I'm amazed so few have figured this out.


Actually, it isn't that simple if the stealther knows what he's doing.


But the end result either way, is more based on luck than anything else.

And due to the numbers, the team with the most players alive always has the better chance of winning.

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The sad thing is, if you understand the mechanics of the acid the team that is ahead will never lose this anyways. Team just needs to stand in the center of the arena and spam AoE/Stealth detection around them as the acid comes in. I'm amazed so few have figured this out.


I know the acid mechanics are easy to counter, which makes it all the more silly to justify wasting everyone's time.


From what I have heard, using some combination of Phase Walking into unintended areas, Assassins were the only ones who could escape acid, and this has been fixed since. Meaning that the scoundrel on my team really has no way to win this confrontation against any team with half a brain. So why waste everyone's time and then lose? Why not just let pride slide and lose in 1 minute as opposed to 4 minutes of turtling?

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Yes, I know that in the strictest of terms, it isn't an exploit, and I totally wouldn't expose the player in a Rated match where a win really matters.


But seriously? It's a lowbie warzone, where a win seriously doesn't matter. The other team played better. They deserve to win. I know it's not an "exploit" per se, but how can it be Working as Intended if the intention is for the team that's better at killing stuff to win? If they killed 3 of us, and we killed none of them, they do deserve the win, right?


If they killed 3 of you and you killed none then killing one single stealther when there are 4 of them should be no problem, and if they fail to do that, then no, they don't deserve to win.

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But seriously? It's a lowbie warzone, where a win seriously doesn't matter. The other team played better. They deserve to win. I know it's not an "exploit" per se, but how can it be Working as Intended if the intention is for the team that's better at killing stuff to win? If they killed 3 of us, and we killed none of them, they do deserve the win, right?


A win is a win. I'll take it. As far as deserving to win, there's no gentleman's agreement in pvp, it's not over till the last guy is dead. On the flip side you could say the other team knows the deal and should have gotten rid of the stealther early knowing this could happen. Also, if the old saying is true, that lowbies is for learning the WZ's and it's mechanics, that would further add to the argument this is perfectly acceptable.

Edited by Ridickilis
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I know the acid mechanics are easy to counter, which makes it all the more silly to justify wasting everyone's time.


From what I have heard, using some combination of Phase Walking into unintended areas, Assassins were the only ones who could escape acid, and this has been fixed since. Meaning that the scoundrel on my team really has no way to win this confrontation against any team with half a brain. So why waste everyone's time and then lose? Why not just let pride slide and lose in 1 minute as opposed to 4 minutes of turtling?


I never wait it out anymore on my stealthers, but if a team mate does I just go take a bio, grab a drink and come back when it's over. No major deal either way.

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I never wait it out anymore on my stealthers, but if a team mate does I just go take a bio, grab a drink and come back when it's over. No major deal either way.


lol I guess I shouldn't get so worked up about it. But still, feels unfair to the other team, but w/e. I don't wanna be on the ignore list of every stealther in my server.

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So, in this one wz I was playing right now ( a lowbie btw), this random Scoundrel thought he could cheat the system and stealth past acid for a win.


Now obviously since I hate that whole exploit anyway, I told the enemy team where to find him, and (dunno whether they believed me or not), they eventually got him and killed him. Obviously, the exploiter promptly /ignored me, but not before high and mighty death threats and a "**** you".


So, a question to everyone. Remembering that this is unranked warzones, would you have done the same? Or would you say wasting 5 minutes of everyone's time to cheat the system is perfectly fair and normal? And should I repeat this in the future or just let exploiters exploit the acid?


In lowbie areans I have had this occur as well, we plastered the first 3 players on the other team in under a minute the 4th one stealths around to wait it out. It's a waste of time in lowbie you get no rank for it and we could've been in another match by the time the 4 mins are up waiting for the acid. Luckily my sniper picked him out moving under the bridge and I pulled him out and killed him with some time left. His rationale was "people do it to me all the time", which is the typical internet rationale.


IMO it's a chump move in lowbie WZ queue and just wastes time. If I am on a team in leveling brackets and it occurs I will call out his position just to move the match forward and get to PvPing again.


In ranked I can see the validity to it in solo queue and group queue, as to not lose rank. However in leveling brackets it's just people being a ***** and trying to troll other players and really no point to it.


But everyone pays their $15 to play and if that's how they want to spend their time so be it, the option is open to leave the match but it does screw your teammates if you do.

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It's not an exploit, it's the stealther using the mechanics to his advantage.


100% agree - Someone's " TRYING " to get a win here... you are impatient and don't wanna wait or have little to no faith in such person so the heck with what he's trying to do even though it's for you and your team? Wow... it's typical reaction from some honestly - I have a few stealth chars and many have done the same to me.... It's not an exploit and there is no other way someone can go 3 or 4 on 1 that's insane their are limits to anyone's greatness in this game and only so much can be done. Waiting them out if even possible is the Stealthers best option and final try to get the team a win...


Show some appreciation - or even better - GO MAKE A STEALTH your self and find out just how tough hiding from 4 people can be - or you can give up and slash stuck but if that's your attitude why pvp at all?


OP here sounds like a player that's accustomed to riding the coattails of better players in 8 vs 8 and when things get a little tough is the first to cry, complain, then jump ship. Things in life are not always cut and dry and believe it or not at times even with good teams or pre - mades you might find that you have to work a little for a win.


My advise is simple offer an idea or solution - anyone can complain and yell - very few offer ideas to something better. =)


Next time give a stealth a chance it's not always easy and even if they catch him give that person credit for trying .

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Depends. If there's a lot of time left on the clock and the stealth was screwing around stealthed to pull this gag at the end I tap into the dark side and narrate where he is. Dude wasn't a team player to begin with so I'm not waiting on his *** whether he'd have pulled off the win or not. Edited by Joesixxpack
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100% agree - Someone's " TRYING " to get a win here... you are impatient and don't wanna wait or have little to no faith in such person so the heck with what he's trying to do even though it's for you and your team? Wow... it's typical reaction from some honestly - I have a few stealth chars and many have done the same to me.... It's not an exploit and there is no other way someone can go 3 or 4 on 1 that's insane their are limits to anyone's greatness in this game and only so much can be done. Waiting them out if even possible is the Stealthers best option and final try to get the team a win...


Show some appreciation - or even better - GO MAKE A STEALTH your self and find out just how tough hiding from 4 people can be - or you can give up and slash stuck but if that's your attitude why pvp at all?


OP here sounds like a player that's accustomed to riding the coattails of better players in 8 vs 8 and when things get a little tough is the first to cry, complain, then jump ship. Things in life are not always cut and dry and believe it or not at times even with good teams or pre - mades you might find that you have to work a little for a win.


My advise is simple offer an idea or solution - anyone can complain and yell - very few offer ideas to something better. =)


Next time give a stealth a chance it's not always easy and even if they catch him give that person credit for trying .


Oh really? You discerned so much about me and my life and my playstyle from 2 paragraphs worth of text? You must be a God at comprehension. ;)

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I really dislike people that waste my time in Reg Arenas. On either side, if the match goes poorly and its 1 stealth player left for a team, just die. Let us have our Comms, get daily/weekly credit if applicable, and g t f o.


I have also had this happen in lowbies, where W/L literally is meaningless; XP is the real objective of those WZs.

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lol I guess I shouldn't get so worked up about it. But still, feels unfair to the other team, but w/e. I don't wanna be on the ignore list of every stealther in my server.


to be fair, that guy kind of overreacted too, I mean really, who shouts death threats and and a **** you over a LOWBIE UNRANKED ARENA!! Seriously, to be fair I would have reported that guy for what he said (pretty sure the devs do not like people shouting death threats) and put him on the ignore list, you are way better off not talking to someone like that guy again.

Anyway, I am kind of neutral on the stealth acid issue, on one hand it uses the mechanic as built and intended as well as creativity, and also sometimes is just hilarious, while other times, it feels like cheating almost and, lets face it, I don't want to waste 5 minutes just for the stealth guy to be killed anyway, so I am half and half.

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I really dislike people that waste my time in Reg Arenas. On either side, if the match goes poorly and its 1 stealth player left for a team, just die. Let us have our Comms, get daily/weekly credit if applicable, and g t f o.


I have also had this happen in lowbies, where W/L literally is meaningless; XP is the real objective of those WZs.


This, especially in LOWBIE regs. Come on already.


Yes we all know your uber stealth will last out for five minutes (yawn) while people scour the map.


Take the loss and group with a better team so you won't be the last dude standing.


I understand this goes against the grain of every 'pro' out there, but really. Get a grip.

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Next time give a stealth a chance it's not always easy and even if they catch him give that person credit for trying .


We haven't had a l2appreciate _______ movement in a while. What you need is a catchy buzz line.


May I suggest: "Stealths Help Incredibly Thank Them Yourself"

Edited by Joesixxpack
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