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So this really shouldn't happen. Killing Quest Givers.


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I was playing on my Vanguard, on Corellia, and was bored. I had just gotten a datacron, and decided to go into the imperial base for fun. Then, I noticed something that was odd. And at that moment, right before a Juggernaut's watching eyes, I slew Lord Malichose.


You can apparently kill the npcs who give quests for the opposite faction, on a PvE server. Some aren't attackable, but Moff Tarandon ([Heroic 4] Prison Busting), 44-ND (Prison Strikes), and Lord Malichose (Coronet Arms Massacre) will all attack you if you go into the Imperial Base in the Government District.


When some Sorcerer walked in, and couldn't get his missions because all the quest givers were dead and waiting to respawn, and threatened to report me for "tampering," you kind of know that this probably shouldn't be able to occur. I left after that, but this opens up all kinds of avenues for griefers. What other planets can the other faction's quest givers be killed on? You can probably kill Malichose on Alderaan too, so Imps can't get Shock Doctrine.


While, yes, I was being a ****, and I probably shouldn't have killed a quest giver right in front of the guy trying to get it (He walked in as I was attacking), this should be changed, bug or not. It allows people to grief when they're bored, very easily.

Edited by Blowwtorch
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I love this idea pf rushing on the other player base and kill everything, even npcs.

Love the idea!

Of course this can slow down someone leveling. But fill much more like a live war!

I woulnd be mad, i think, the same way i didint cry when i got killed (again and gain and...) on the rakghoul event.

But its just my opnion.

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I don't think you should do this on lower levels where it would actually hurt people's leveling. But on higher levels why not it could be cool. One to see if you can get into the base and survive and two to kill as much as you can (quest giver included) before dieing. I could see people getting together and raiding higher level enemy bases on here like in WOW.
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it really sounds like a bug. as far as I know - quest npc's and taxis are marked as friendly to both factions. as in unatackable. so I would open a ticket and report it to bioware in addition to posting here, maybe post it in bug forum?


one of the things that annoyed me most about WoW was that even on pve server, some high level jerks could come buy and completely lock down any possibility of leveling. (and with cross real zones, it got even worse, what with people potentially not even being able to relog on mains and come protect the settlement, because they couldn't guarantee that they would zone into the same shard as what's being attacked)


"the crossroads are under attack" /shudder. when I noticed that in TOR you could only attack random guards, I was very VERY happy.

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They should change all npcs to this. We used to do this regularly in WoW at xroads. Kill the quest givers, vendor npcs, flight path npcs, etc. We'd make it so that the region was virtually unplayable for lowbies. What was the result? The best wpvp I've experienced outside of SWG, when players changed back to their mains and/or called for help from max lvl toons.
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They should change all npcs to this. We used to do this regularly in WoW at xroads. Kill the quest givers, vendor npcs, flight path npcs, etc. We'd make it so that the region was virtually unplayable for lowbies. What was the result? The best wpvp I've experienced outside of SWG, when players changed back to their mains and/or called for help from max lvl toons.


I thought you were joking at first...


Yeah, I never really cared for the idea that max level characters would invade lowbie zones and kill all the quest givers, the flight masters, the vendors. It was fun in higher level zones and in the major cities, but not everyone has a max level character or friends on who had them, and that sometimes just left a hand full of sad, helpless lowbies who can't do anything but watch or log off.

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If some mission givers are immune/hostile while others are not, it's probably an oversight and should be reported as bugged. If they -all- are killable though it's probably intentional.

The best wpvp I've experienced

I'm sure it was a wonderful and joyous occasion for those on the helpless receiving end too.


People who want world pvp tend to play on PvP servers and/or go into PvP-flagged zones. People who prefer to engage in pvp combat at their leisure without random disruption tend to play on PvE servers. I know it's a weird concept, but that's how things are.

Edited by Pscyon
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I was playing on my Vanguard, on Corellia, and was bored. I had just gotten a datacron, and decided to go into the imperial base for fun. Then, I noticed something that was odd. And at that moment, right before a Juggernaut's watching eyes, I slew Lord Malichose.


You can apparently kill the npcs who give quests for the opposite faction, on a PvE server. Some aren't attackable, but Moff Tarandon ([Heroic 4] Prison Busting), 44-ND (Prison Strikes), and Lord Malichose (Coronet Arms Massacre) will all attack you if you go into the Imperial Base in the Government District.


When some Sorcerer walked in, and couldn't get his missions because all the quest givers were dead and waiting to respawn, and threatened to report me for "tampering," you kind of know that this probably shouldn't be able to occur. I left after that, but this opens up all kinds of avenues for griefers. What other planets can the other faction's quest givers be killed on? You can probably kill Malichose on Alderaan too, so Imps can't get Shock Doctrine.


While, yes, I was being a ****, and I probably shouldn't have killed a quest giver right in front of the guy trying to get it (He walked in as I was attacking), this should be changed, bug or not. It allows people to grief when they're bored, very easily.


Repeat this to him exactly "QQ to someone else because quite frankly I just don't give a damn!" then gallop away on a dewback into the sunset.

Edited by RTCBrad
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when I saw this thread I got curious and decided to test this out on my imp toon. and true enough I could slaughter all the pub quest givers. (atleast the one I had access to travel to) I think this shows that corellia was intended for endgame world pvp like ilum was.
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I think this is normal. And if it isn't, then it should be left unchanged. Maybe more so just on PVP servers so everyone doesn't start whining... but it's been this way in many MMO's that I have played. They could just shorten the respawn timer too if that will help.
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I was playing on my Vanguard, on Corellia, and was bored. I had just gotten a datacron, and decided to go into the imperial base for fun. Then, I noticed something that was odd. And at that moment, right before a Juggernaut's watching eyes, I slew Lord Malichose.


You can apparently kill the npcs who give quests for the opposite faction, on a PvE server. Some aren't attackable, but Moff Tarandon ([Heroic 4] Prison Busting), 44-ND (Prison Strikes), and Lord Malichose (Coronet Arms Massacre) will all attack you if you go into the Imperial Base in the Government District.


When some Sorcerer walked in, and couldn't get his missions because all the quest givers were dead and waiting to respawn, and threatened to report me for "tampering," you kind of know that this probably shouldn't be able to occur. I left after that, but this opens up all kinds of avenues for griefers. What other planets can the other faction's quest givers be killed on? You can probably kill Malichose on Alderaan too, so Imps can't get Shock Doctrine.


While, yes, I was being a ****, and I probably shouldn't have killed a quest giver right in front of the guy trying to get it (He walked in as I was attacking), this should be changed, bug or not. It allows people to grief when they're bored, very easily.


I fail to see the issue. Every character in the game, NPC or PC, should be killable. It always kind of bothers me that some NPCs just wander around like ghosts that you can't interact with in any way.

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Someone posted in another thread that there are actually achievements for killing certain opposite faction NPCs. If this is true than obviously this is no bug.


They're named champs and such that aren't part of that faction's bases. They're certainly not encouraging the behavior even if it is allowed (apparently, sometimes).

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I fail to see the issue. Every character in the game, NPC or PC, should be killable. It always kind of bothers me that some NPCs just wander around like ghosts that you can't interact with in any way.

Get a bunch of 78-geared level 55s, move through the bases wipe out every opposite-faction quest giver on the planet. Suddenly, nobody in the other faction can make any progress.


That's the issue.

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Get a bunch of 78-geared level 55s, move through the bases wipe out every opposite-faction quest giver on the planet. Suddenly, nobody in the other faction can make any progress.


That's the issue.


I'm sorry, I just don't see that as a problem. The galaxy is at war, you know!

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I'm sorry, I just don't see that as a problem. The galaxy is at war, you know!

If this were a sandbox MMO, or a primarily PVP MMO, I could see this as a part of the actual interaction of the game.


But it's not. It's a themepark MMO with a primary activity of telling a story with RPG mechanics.


Imagine a new player, on Tatooine, unguilded, getting his feet wet as a low level character, and discovered he could make no progress. The quest givers are dead, and there are a bunch of players way over his level keeping it that way. What would this player do? My guess is, he would find another game to play.

Edited by Khevar
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