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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

In Game Barber Shop


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Give us character re customization option, for $ or, better way, for credits. It can be expensive.

My assasin is only 2X (22 propably) lvl, but I don't want to do 20h again because I finally revealed, that best body type for my character will be 3, not 2.


Sooner the better. Do it fast, because so many people want it. It won't be hard to implement (just character creation turned to change actual appereance) and will get so much fun.


Not only hair, but everything. Some people who are playing hundreds of hours are tired of their look and want to change it.


We 're waiting for more official information about it

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true, also it will be cool to add complextion scars. coz you could make your characrter age. or get a bit battle worn with scars and stuff. has you go through the story. Edited by Mizaki
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Adding my support for a barber shop with long hair available, because at the moment Shae Vizla is the only one who can have that. Seriously? In the whole galaxy? What the...


Please, BioWare. We need it for role-playing too, other than vanity.

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One of the reasons this game fell on it's *** is because of the lack of basic mmo features. In the grand scheme of things, how hard was it to add a multi faction image design / barber kiosk on the promenade of nar shadaa? Please add one /signed
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The ability to re-customize your characters appearance would be excellent. Probably something best for the cash shop given its meta-gaming nature. Basically just take you back to the character customization screen, it would also make the race bonuses for extra features more useful.


We couldn't have a Barber shop till we have a decent amount of hair and beards. Not every race has beards your see.


I'll sign for this, but I'd rather have the ability to customize my entire characters look in case I bugger it up at creation, or prefer a different body type.



Edited by Selvec
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What would be even nicer, is that all races have unique hair styles. Instead of all races have the same.. kinda bland and lame, no race really sticks out in that area.


Oh well, you can only get so much :rolleyes:


Add my support for that one.


Would also be nice with markings for body for body parts visible, depending on clothing, like tattoos and natural markings (I assume that not all races have the neutral skin colouring that we see now).

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Adding more support to character re-customization. I'd love if it even let you completely reroll your character's appearance with only race and gender locked. Surgical droids exist in the SW universe, so why not? People attach a lot of feelings to their game characters, and having them look how you want them to, helps that.


^ This. And soon, please! (like next major patch) xD

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First contribution was here in december 2012. Ok, now what? How long we will waiting more? Please give us something for monthly fee. It can´t to be hard implement it :mad:


* sry december 2011

Edited by Javaans
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