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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

In Game Barber Shop


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Yes, a couple of Q&As ago they mercifully addressed the Barbershop. To paraphrase: do they want to put it in? Yes! Anytime soon? No!


It's probably going to be a long time before it makes it in game. Am I happy about this? No! Am I grateful I'm no longer wondering in uncertainty? Yes!


It allowed me to take the plunge and abandon a high level character whose look I no longer liked and slowly but steadily level a new one.


What does have me scratching my head is: just how hard is it to reopen the last page of the character creation screen? My own personal theory I like to play with it's that institution of a Barber shop is something they intend to monetize with a cash shop, along with name changes and character transfers.

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What would be even nicer, is that all races have unique hair styles. Instead of all races have the same.. kinda bland and lame, no race really sticks out in that area.


Oh well, you can only get so much :rolleyes:


I remember someone bringing up the idea of being able to choose a fringe, main and back element of the hairstyle independantly of each other allowing you to mix and match.


I would love to have a barber shop but I do agree that it simply shouldn't have high enough priority to have been implimented yet.


On the plus side it isn't a massive code investment to do.

Edited by Aram_Darksun
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I think he meant the fact that we can't sit in chairs....which is strange lol


You can, if you sit on the chairs on the bridge of your ship. However you do appear to take cover while sitting and gain access to the cover hotbar if you have it enabled.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Not comparing to any MMO, but character customize will give new feel of your game play, my sith warrior sure needs new tattoos and new hair style.


I support Barber for head and body appearance free, Gender and race can be done with fees.

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It allowed me to take the plunge and abandon a high level character whose look I no longer liked and slowly but steadily level a new one..


I almost started several times leveling up a new character just because I didnt like his looks, but well, lvl 50 Battlemaster :/ erf it took me 3 months since I am not hardcore...


Anyways, I support the barbershop !!

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  • 2 weeks later...

+1 for a Barber Shop. Sith should allowed to be stylish whilst being all Dark Side, like.


*A Sith and a Jedi are fighting*


Jedi: You shall go no further, Sith!


Sith: *flips back his beautiful, long locks* FORCE LIGHTNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I MELT YOUR FACE OFF!!!!!!!

Edited by TonyJP
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
I'd want more of a "Image Designer" thing, like what they did in SWG, you got to alter your entire appearance.


oh gawd you said the SWG word !!!

youd think they would of at least played SWG a for a min to get some idea as to what should be in a mmo.

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