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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

In Game Barber Shop


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I want this too, I gave my Jedi a Padawan hairstyle when I created him because it made sense but now thar he's a master I would like to change his hairstyle and maybe even give him some facial hair.


Same. I wouldn't mind being able to totally revamp all aspects of your toon's appearance except for maybe race and gender. I sincerely hope they add this!

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I would love a barber shop feature and one for companions too. Although I doubt they'll allow that considering the way they sell pre-set customisations. It would be far nicer to make your own Mako, Kaliyo etc etc individual to you.
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My miraluka consular would like to be able to switch veils depending on the gear worn... Only reason I chose the shades was because it seemed like the only one that wouldn't interfere too much with the general look without consideration to gear. Hairdoos I don't really care about...
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Yes! a barber shop is exactly what will fix this game, they should spend their time and money making a barber shop instead of fixing bugs, and quests.


Actually now that I think about it they should make Barbershop online the mmo, think about it, you can go get a perm, then go to the mall, then get some higlights and stuff.


that would be sooooo awesome!!!!!!!!!!


Only if we can group up to form a barbershop quartet!

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I am all for barber shop honestly!


However i am pretty sure that it wont be in game for some time, maybe in a 2 or three months.

There are just far more important matters they need to attend to, and i don't really have a problem with that.

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I am all for barber shop honestly!


However i am pretty sure that it wont be in game for some time, maybe in a 2 or three months.

There are just far more important matters they need to attend to, and i don't really have a problem with that.


what makes this less important ? it is very easy to implement. This is what makes this unacceptable to players of SWTOR. Not having this has disabled my gametime. I do not wish to reroll my character to change my beard ! I'm disappointed with Bioware and would like them to put this customization in the game - whether it be a barbershop or a vendor or something similar, that allows players to change their facial appearance while levelling up, because thats what other games have and we do this in real life. What if we made a mistake from the creation screen - or do not like the selection we chose - there is no way to erase this or modify this occurence.

Edited by vosspacer
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Anybody else want this ? I havn't forgotten. And I certainly hope it gets installed before more people realize the restriction of not being able to modify your appearance beyond swapping gear on and off. And priorities should be to provide this availability, as I expected it to be apart of this great game. Perhaps - I'm the only one who demands this or thought it would be standard like most MMO's. Perhaps I'm way out of line on this, and should not expect anything that is just plainly "cosmetic"or purposeful like the default eye wear that blind race - Miraluka comes with in the game.


.. I think its just, not to be rude, preposterous - that you cannot change the mask or eyewear for this race (Miraluka) after a few levels - No one in any game or real life wears the same pair of glasses, or that cloth over the face for an indefinite period of time. This is just one example. All were asking for Bioware, is this small - petty, insignificant update, upgrade, shop, vendor - I don't care how - but please - is it too much to ask for ?

Edited by vosspacer
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While I am no game-designer, it seems like making a barber-shop, or facial reconstruction-droid, or whatever, wouldn't be that hard to create when the only real thing you do is make a character access the cosmetic part of the character creation screen once more. It's like the Mirror of Transformation in the The Black Emporium in Dragon Age 2. Saved me so much time not having to make a new character every time I noticed that the nose was too big/small/flat or if I wanted my Hawke to change his hairstyle.
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While I am no game-designer, it seems like making a barber-shop, or facial reconstruction-droid, or whatever, wouldn't be that hard to create when the only real thing you do is make a character access the cosmetic part of the character creation screen once more. It's like the Mirror of Transformation in the The Black Emporium in Dragon Age 2. Saved me so much time not having to make a new character every time I noticed that the nose was too big/small/flat or if I wanted my Hawke to change his hairstyle.


Niklas, I appreciate your concern. The key phrase you menioned - is "saving time". We all would like to save time, if possible, or if allowed. When it comes to MMO's every player deals with their own class priorities, and spec's a particular way, and fights different challenges and key characters involving storylines, but one thing we all fight together on a consistent basis is "time".

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I'd love this feature as long as it isn't just limited to Hair/Beards. How about Cybernetics too? I'd love to be able to change my character's Cybernetics.


Also, people, this has nothing to do with WoW. There are plenty of other games, both online and offline, that offer the choice to recustomize your character.

Edited by RegulineGorgon
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I would distinctly agree with this being a desirable feature. TOR is very role-play based, and the whole element of 'conversations' as a vital element of gameplay encourages the player to view their character as a 'person', a role to be played, with a character that develops over time.


I don't think it's an irrelevent 'vanity' project- how someone chooses to wear their hair, their make up, their facial hair if male, and scars they may acquire over time are every bit as visually significant to their character as, say, the amount of dark-side corruption they visibly have, if they happen to be of a class and/or alignment where that's appropriate.


Personal example, my Sith Assassin started out as a scared little slave girl on Korriban, with a character far more light-side than dark, sympathetic to those around her, eager to help, virtuous but driven to try to prove herself. That character would do her hair in a certain way, and wear make up in a certain style- probably as unobtrusive and low-key as possible.


However... 35 levels later, the same character is a sadistic sociopathic killer, utterly driven by the Sith code, nursing a bitter hatred of the universe in general and anyone she considers stupid in particular, and only a very few painful little shreds of conscience left, occasionally triggering inside her heart. They're the same person, and the progression from a) to b) has felt believable to me, led by the choices the character's made in-game... but b) would not wear her hair in the same style as she did back when she was a), and nor would she choose the same style of make-up- the minimal fresh-faced look looks all right on a neophyte slave, but once you get to Dark III, you're going to be drawn to lipgloss :D


Obviously, that's a very personal example, the Dark Side corruption elements, in particular, only affecting two classes out of the entire game (and yes, I know you can turn *off* corruption, but that's beside the point)... but different examples would apply for different characters, and the point is that this isn't just a 'silly little vanity feature for people who should have thought harder at the character screen'... this would add a not insignificant visual aspect to the process of character development... which is a large part of what the game's about.

Edited by RowanThursday
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TOR is very role-play based, and the whole element of 'conversations' as a vital element of gameplay encourages the player to view their character as a 'person', a role to be played, with a character that develops over time.


This is something that makes me crazy about this game...


They made the game "story driven" and made the conversations very important, then they treat all roleplay elements we ask for as unnecessary.


For 2 years of beta they ignored all requests for an appearance tab, said "nope, we're doing our own thing.. here you go, orange gear" But orange gear falls so short of appearance customizing, with so few appearance options, no way to match colors since they removed that option and don't have dyes or anything, and end game gear makes orange gear obsolete, so you're stuck with those hideous appearances. You have to spend forever grinding social points to wear the social gear, and that only comes in light armor.... No option to wear hood up or down, no option to wear hood + mask/helmet. There's so many FAILures to address the RP players' concerns in this paragraph alone, it's hard to comprehend.


There's such limited appearance options in character creation, and there's no excuse for this when most RPGs have had dynamic appearance creation for years. There should be size sliders, so for example you could be tall and thin or short and muscular if you wanted. As of now there's 2-Short and thin or 3-Tall and a bit too muscular. There should be sliders for facial features too. There should be much more hair and scar and tattoo and jewelry and makeup options (though for some reason there's a million complexion options lol.)


Chat bubbles are missing, chat window is an inconvenient place at the top of the screen so everyone closes it to avoid clicking it in battle, so how we have an environment where people don't talk to eachother, and people don't even know when you're trying to talk to them because their chat is closed and there's no bubbles.

Edited by AeonWeapon
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I guess there's always going to be compromise. I mean, on one level I'd like appearance to be as dynamic and individually customisable- and variable- as it is in Second Life, for example... but go to those extremes and you'd probably run into Second Life's problems of servers so bloated the thing doesn't run... I've tried space flight and combat in that world, and I don't think many people in SW:TOR would appreciate routinely failing quests etc because the person or mob or ship they were fighting got in three extra attacks while they were frozen by lag, or because their avatar had just wandered off through a wall.


Latency's bad enough in most of the spaceports as it is, for some reason... so, I'll accept there has to be compromise... however, I don't see that the option to redesign character features would have a performance impact- all that data's already loaded *anyway*. Same, probably, with colour dyes for armour- since most pieces of armour I've seen so far seem to come in several different colour scheme variations anyway, being able to cosmetically dye it to match your character's costume scheme should not be a problem. Ideally, it should be repeatable... imagine being able to re-dye your dark and brooding Sith robes in white to visit Hoth, for instance?


There are any number of changes around this sort of thing that could- and should- be made possible as the game engine develops- it's not necessarily a bad thing that they're not there *yet*- fair enough, the game's new... but they should be things to come in the future.


Sith Corruption- be nice if that was an 'IC' ability, so to speak, rather than an odd little quirk hidden in an unexpected place on Preferences. Imagine being able to spend X amount of Force *hiding* your corruption if you chose to do so, only for taking damage in combat to jolt you back into your true form?

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