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Is Thermite Torpedo supposed to be useful for anything?


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i've been hit a couple of times by sab probes. survival is 99% assured.


they don't make me think "omg, must have!", more a sort of "you went through ALL that lockon hassle and that's IT?"


99%... you can't be serious. I have mastered sab probes on my Sting and it works VERY well, actually I get a kill if it hits about 80% of the time. Part of the "failing to kill 20%" is having too many others on me to fly straight to shoot the poor bastard. Save your offensive CD and HAVE some blaster pool available.


As for thermites? not better than rocket pods, imho. (too slow)

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Enough to make me consider them, but not enough to make me use them.


I'm tempted to stick them on a Nova Dive, fly up behind a Gunship or Bomber, start locking Thermite at long range, then close in to pop EMP Field while dropping shields with lasers, holding the Thermite until their shields are down for burst damage.


Long setup though, and using Rocket Pods gives similar damage but is more generally useful. That or Sabotage Probe.


I suspect you'd have to tag team with someone using Ion Missiles or Ion Rail to make Thermite worthwhile.

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There are used for VERY strategic combat. Example: you see an enemy gunship in a far distance, charging up, you know, when they are charging, they are scoping as well, sart going thowards him and start locking on. I had seen a lot of people who has an obsession about succesfull hiting the target with a fully charged shot, even when people is shooting them when they use a gunship(that includes me!). when he or she is done, its will be to late.:cool:
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