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What's the point of gearing comps with level 55 gear?


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Once you finish Oricon, you get a set of level 53 gear (66 mods), but after you gear up using flashpoints and operations, where your comp is not present. Is there any part of the endgame where a comp with level 55 gear is necessary?


The only thing I can think of is doing Kingpin Bounties solo. Everything else seems perfectly doable using a comp with level 50 gear.

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Once you finish Oricon, you get a set of level 53 gear (66 mods), but after you gear up using flashpoints and operations, where your comp is not present. Is there any part of the endgame where a comp with level 55 gear is necessary?


The only thing I can think of is doing Kingpin Bounties solo. Everything else seems perfectly doable using a comp with level 50 gear.


It's obviously easier when your companion has higher gear. Some of the bosses in Oricon are tougher for certain specs, so a higher geared comp is helpful.


Plus it gives you something else to do with Basic comms (and even Elites) once you don't need them for yourself any more.

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The better gear your companipn is the fast you kill/down time between kills. This help alot for dailies.


Yes you can do them with you comp in lvl 50 gear it harder and some thing you will need to group for cause you will no be able to do it solo with your comp in low lvl gear.


If you do dailies alot and have to wait to get groups for stuff that is soloable it a pain and waste of your time.


Mostly i use just one comp per character and try to gear that comp as best i can either with my old gear or spending coms.


Also when you do agro a couple of packs or more your 50 comp will die and mostly probably you after. Bes tto give you the best chance of surviving

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Plus it gives you something else to do with Basic comms (and even Elites) once you don't need them for yourself any more.


This, pretty well, while only chasing some ultimate comms, I was getting plenty of elites which I have no use for, so when close to being capped, off to the vendor and purchase some verpine for my companions, now im done with ultimates, they are going towards the companions as well, My Blizz is close to full oricon now, sitting around 46k HP :)

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Once you finish Oricon, you get a set of level 53 gear (66 mods), but after you gear up using flashpoints and operations, where your comp is not present. Is there any part of the endgame where a comp with level 55 gear is necessary?


The only thing I can think of is doing Kingpin Bounties solo. Everything else seems perfectly doable using a comp with level 50 gear.


My shadow's Nadia is geared in DF and 78s because that's my dps set she's wearing. Just as she has been wearing it for the past two years.

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A lvl 55 geared comp is sometimes better than an actual player.


You can run dailies on Oricon, weeklies etc on other planets, or even downright duo FPs if geared enough. 2 really well geared toons can solo some of the hardest HM FPs in the game.


But as others have said, why not.

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Once you finish Oricon, you get a set of level 53 gear (66 mods), but after you gear up using flashpoints and operations, where your comp is not present. Is there any part of the endgame where a comp with level 55 gear is necessary?


The only thing I can think of is doing Kingpin Bounties solo. Everything else seems perfectly doable using a comp with level 50 gear.


This is kind of an odd attitude to me. Why wouldn't you want your companion to be as good as it possibly can? Whatever it does, it does better with better gear, just like you. If you ignore dailies and such (or just in general don't ever use your companion) I guess that makes sense, but that's certainly not typical.

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You can tear through dailies fast with a strong DPS and strong healer companion.

Or DPS/hybrid(merc, sorc, op) + DPS comp


You dont think you will use your companion anymore but you will.


Maxing out all your toons companion affection helps too. You get +10 presence for each one maxed. On the legacy. Makes a new toon have a very strong companion.

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