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Super toxic negative community.


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The problem is that the compaints and suggestions are what evolve the game.


If Andryah and her crew had their way BW wouldn't hear anything from the community except "Everything is awesome, keep doing what you're doing", and the game would be in the same shape today as it was at launch.


They don't understand that feedback makes the game better, and masking and silencing that feedback makes the game worse.


Bear in mind, different points of view are good thing. Bullying and silencing critiques is bad.


Who said anything about silencing critques? What you have to understand is that these forums attract such negative publicity that people will sometimes make posts under the guise of "constructive critersism" when it is in fact just trolling or hating with no logical reason.


Like Reno said, I love the game too and will defend it when it is warranted but that does not mean I won't be critical too. True constructive critiques do make positive changes, blatant trolling does not.

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Seems like most of the defenders have posted in this thread. You lot are obviously hurt that this game flopped. Now you are here scaring off forum users to try and convince yourselves that this game is perfect and that you havent wasted your time and money. It's like you guys were bullied in school but now you've finally found a place where you can take it out on other people, because of your traumatizing past.. It's pathetic really :rolleyes:


Anyway back on topic, this community is lovely!:rolleyes:


Yeah too bad most logical people couldn't give a crap about what you think.

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I've been playing this game religiously since launch. I've been a subscriber from Day One and I've spent a sizeable chunk of change in the Cartel Market. I don't spend money on things I don't love.


My experience with this game has been 95% positive. I love character creation, leveling, flashpoints, class stories, companions, space missions, ground PvP, and space PvP.


I do have a few complaints, though, that I've been extremely vocal about, as many of you have seen. For me the issues with the engine have been a major annoyance. Tends to break my RP immersion, but that's not what gets me riled up enough to forum whine.


For me, it's the hacking and Bolster exploiting in ground PvP. I'm not a sore lose, by a long shot. I'm the Pub guy that logs onto my Imp toon to tell the guy who kicked my *** "Great moves out there". But I DO want a fair shake. And I'm not so much bothered by the glitchers, speed hackers, and such. What bothers me the most is the blatant silence of the developers. I would be WAY happier with "Hey, we know we have issues, but we honestly don't know how to fix it" than the crickets we get now. The fact that Yolo-what's-his-face can keep exploiting the hell out of the barge glitch in Arenas is a direct testament to a bothersome pattern of behavior by the developers.


To make a really long story short, I feel this is a WONDERFUL game that has been soured by a general lack of care and some serious staffing issues. Look at it this way: I LOVE a good salad. You can seat me at my favorite eatery with my favorite people and make my evening perfect.


HOWEVER, the second I find a cockroach at the bottom of my salad bowl, I'm not having fun anymore. Particularly if I'm shelling out my hard-earned money for the experience.


It's much the same here. I apologize if that sounds a bit dramatic, but I REALLY love this game. I wouldn't ***** if I didn't care.



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Thank you. You have restored my faith in my fellow gamers. A reasonable critique. But alas the apologist/fanatics will shortly come in and tell you how you are comparing apples to oranges or some other such nonsense,

That you are either flat out wrong or your opinion does not matter. No voice should ever be silenced, That path leads to tyranny.

Edited by Taorus
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I've been playing this game religiously since launch. I've been a subscriber from Day One and I've spent a sizeable chunk of change in the Cartel Market. I don't spend money on things I don't love.


My experience with this game has been 95% positive. I love character creation, leveling, flashpoints, class stories, companions, space missions, ground PvP, and space PvP.


I do have a few complaints, though, that I've been extremely vocal about, as many of you have seen. For me the issues with the engine have been a major annoyance. Tends to break my RP immersion, but that's not what gets me riled up enough to forum whine.


For me, it's the hacking and Bolster exploiting in ground PvP. I'm not a sore lose, by a long shot. I'm the Pub guy that logs onto my Imp toon to tell the guy who kicked my *** "Great moves out there". But I DO want a fair shake. And I'm not so much bothered by the glitchers, speed hackers, and such. What bothers me the most is the blatant silence of the developers. I would be WAY happier with "Hey, we know we have issues, but we honestly don't know how to fix it" than the crickets we get now. The fact that Yolo-what's-his-face can keep exploiting the hell out of the barge glitch in Arenas is a direct testament to a bothersome pattern of behavior by the developers.


To make a really long story short, I feel this is a WONDERFUL game that has been soured by a general lack of care and some serious staffing issues. Look at it this way: I LOVE a good salad. You can seat me at my favorite eatery with my favorite people and make my evening perfect.


HOWEVER, the second I find a cockroach at the bottom of my salad bowl, I'm not having fun anymore. Particularly if I'm shelling out my hard-earned money for the experience.


It's much the same here. I apologize if that sounds a bit dramatic, but I REALLY love this game. I wouldn't ***** if I didn't care.




Cockroaches are full of proteines ;)

Joking aside tho, yeah I think bioware should be a bit more vocal on their actions against people who actually use bots or hacks in the game.

I know that silence can simply mean that they are working hard on it and don't want to say anything to tip off the users of such things, but a breadcrumb here and there would be nice.

I don't pvp much myself (not beyond doing the daily and weekly) but I've never actually seen anyone hack, but if you say you have I won't contest that. If I saw someone do it I would be pretty upset if I then saw them keep doing it over and over without getting caught.

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In the in game chat box, I see people refer to the forum users as "special snow flakes" for their tendency to go rabid over the slightest detail.


In general chat, I have sees people use the N-word or use the derogatory word for gays/lesbian, Just about demean or degrade their fellow human beings at every opportunity. Not sure using General Chat as a moral compass is the way to go.

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In general chat, I have sees people use the N-word or use the derogatory word for gays/lesbian, Just about demean or degrade their fellow human beings at every opportunity. Not sure using General Chat as a moral compass is the way to go.


It's almost like we're on the internet or something.

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Sit Ubu Sit.


Ubisoft ? Wrong company.


No, that was a line from a TV production company from some show in the 80s, I think. Something like Cheers...I can't exactly recall.


Kinda like Robot Chicken, end credits, "Stupid Monkey"


I don't know why I know this.......

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I'm all for negative criticism. In fact I have been the poster child for it at times, but reading through this forum is just painful. Is there nothing about this game the community is positive about? Is it really that bad or are you all just a pile of bile and hate?


The game has seen more than it's share of issues, more than it's share of bad decisions by developers, marketers, and managers alike, but surely its not all aids and ball cancer.


Bile and hate? That's all you get from these forums?


Take a look at a forum other than here. Look at the GSF forum, the PvP forum, the FP and Ops forum...this community is AMAZING! They write guides, they offer advice, they crunch numbers to figure out formulas and they even host their own external websites dedicated to this game. They help new and Vet players, they make suggestions, they test upcoming releases...and all you see is bile and hate?


If all you see is the negative, that's because that is all you WANT to see imo.

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