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It's your fault if you're on a PvE server and you get yourself flagged.


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Actually in EVE this was abused pretty much.


People were dropping trash cans with a cheap item in it in newbie areas (1.0) and were naming their cans "free stuff for newbies".... trying to get the newbie to take anything from the can... which the system sees as thievery, allowing the owner of the trash can to open fire at will on the "thief".


So yes, unintentional flagging was part of EVE... for a long time however it was openly stated as "EVE is harsh and cruel and you can get killed the moment you undock!".

Later it was then labeled absue and made illegal, as far as I remember.


They made that illegal? lolz. It's been quite awhile since I played Eve myself... and the can thing was never really frowned upon at that time. Maybe things have changed - but it was not abusing a broken system, it was abusing people's ignorance of the way the system worked. You then either learned how the system worked and didn't get caught by the "free money!" cans, or opened them ready for PvP... or whined and cried on the forums and left the game.


But I do see your point, because iirc the whole flagging yourself to open targets wasn't really explained that well. The system was working as intended, but ppl weren't given the information to make the choice correctly... at least not till they got caught out and then got themselves informed, or were lucky enough to get informed before learning the hard way.


That is different to this thread situation - ppl are abusing a bug/loophole in the game to flag unflagged players when the system is designed so that should not happen.

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My lowbie operative has been flagged all of one time whilst I've done the event, and that was when I revived a flagged player. I proceeded to instantly get ganked by a sentinel and killed. I didn't ***** about it, it was my own fault for rezing the flagged player. I just took a five minute break to let my flag go away. No big deal.
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My lowbie operative has been flagged all of one time whilst I've done the event, and that was when I revived a flagged player. I proceeded to instantly get ganked by a sentinel and killed. I didn't ***** about it, it was my own fault for rezing the flagged player. I just took a five minute break to let my flag go away. No big deal.


This person gets it.

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I have done the dailies on two different characters as a 22 Guardian and as a 25 Sniper and I did not once get flagged or ganked.


Learn to pay attention to your surroundings, otherwise you have no one but yourself to blame for failing.


1.) Don't AOE if you know an area is going to be crowded with flagged members of the opposite faction.


2.) Don't be afraid to try new specs if you're currently an AOE spec.


This topic will be brought up on mass every time an event happens until the devs fix it, nothing is going to change that, so I suggest to you to either put up or shut up, because no amount of self proclaimed expertise on the matter will ever make even the slightest difference.

Telling people how to play their game, really? :rolleyes:

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It's still your fault for knowingly using an AOE attack given the potential risks.


The point of PVE servers is to remove the risk of non consensual PVP. In other words i should only be flag if and when i want to be engage in PVP , and not when a meatball decide to exploit a bug to gank me.

Edited by Miukie
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This topic will be brought up on mass every time an event happens until the devs fix it, nothing is going to change that, so I suggest to you to either put up or shut up, because no amount of self proclaimed expertise on the matter will ever make even the slightest difference.

Telling people how to play their game, really? :rolleyes:


If it makes them better players in the long run and prevents them from getting flagged, I have no issue with giving people suggestions on how to play.

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The point of PVE servers is to remove the risk of non consensual PVP. In other words i should only be flag if and when i want to be engage in PVP , and not when a meatball decide to exploit a bug to gank me.


It's a bug and you know about bug and you know the risks of your AOE causing you to get flagged and you still go ahead and do it. No one to blame but yourself if you get ganked.

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I haven't read anything past the first page, but I've been testing it out somewhat and I have not been flagged no matter how much AOE I use. I used it on a flagged guy standing around doing nothing, I used it on a flagged guy engaged in combat (I was hitting his target too), I used it on a guy fighting the same guy that myself and my healing companion were fighting. All of this AOE and I was not flagged myself.


There is one thing to note though, and I'm not sure how it happened. I was fighting a group with a flagged guy in the middle fighting with us (presumably trying to get us flagged), and all of a sudden he turns from yellow to red. Both me and my guildie saw this so we (or at least I) stopped using AOE. The weird part is that neither of us were flagged when he became red, and his buddy who was outside of this was still yellow. We stood around a few moments after the fight ended, waiting, and he turned back yellow. I've got a screen cap that I might show later.

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Exploiting a bug is other players fault than exploiter (and designers/programers that allow this) ... you are not smart enough to troll :D


About all those gankers wanabe - I have never been flagged on this or last Gree event due to AOE, NEVER ... stop feeding other players trash.

Go to therapist for your own sake ... or reality will show you the other side of the coin.

Bugs you exploit are related with companions (healing and AOE), auto target when mob die and so on, but not with AOE over mobs.

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I call ******** on your claim that you're trying to help players. If you were you wouldn't have given the thread such an obnoxious title. Which is a shame, as you never came across as a troll before.


So having a different viewpoint, opinion and expression of helping is considered trolling? :confused:

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Exploiting a bug is other players fault than exploiter (and designers/programers that allow this) ... you are not smart enough to troll :D


About all those gankers wanabe - I have never been flagged on this or last Gree event due to AOE, NEVER ... stop feeding other players trash.

Go to therapist for your own sake ... or reality will show you the other side of the coin.

Bugs you exploit are related with companions (healing and AOE), auto target when mob die and so on, but not with AOE over mobs.


I'm not trying to troll? :confused: I'm looking at it with a realistic approach.

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I haven't read anything past the first page, but I've been testing it out somewhat and I have not been flagged no matter how much AOE I use. I used it on a flagged guy standing around doing nothing, I used it on a flagged guy engaged in combat (I was hitting his target too), I used it on a guy fighting the same guy that myself and my healing companion were fighting. All of this AOE and I was not flagged myself.


There is one thing to note though, and I'm not sure how it happened. I was fighting a group with a flagged guy in the middle fighting with us (presumably trying to get us flagged), and all of a sudden he turns from yellow to red. Both me and my guildie saw this so we (or at least I) stopped using AOE. The weird part is that neither of us were flagged when he became red, and his buddy who was outside of this was still yellow. We stood around a few moments after the fight ended, waiting, and he turned back yellow. I've got a screen cap that I might show later.


Interesting. Please tell me what AOE's you were using?

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I have done the dailies on two different characters as a 22 Guardian and as a 25 Sniper and I did not once get flagged or ganked.


Learn to pay attention to your surroundings, otherwise you have no one but yourself to blame for failing.


1.) Don't AOE if you know an area is going to be crowded with flagged members of the opposite faction.


2.) Don't be afraid to try new specs if you're currently an AOE spec.


If you find it fun fighting with one hand behind the back. The best solution is to wait until they loose attention, lead them to believe you're not going to use AoE, and then attack. Either way, you can't really ignore PvPers who force themselves upon you, you have to play there game, one way or the other.


From the perspective of a PvEer it's not even ideal to fight and defeat a PvPer who's haressing them, because then you end up having to stand over there bodies and kill them over and over before they learn it; as opposed to just doing the stuff you came for. Not many PvPers seem to have the decency to accept defeat once they are beaten.


Basically, by fighting them, you just give them what they want, regardless of whether you win or loose or continue to quest with one hand behind the back.


Any PvEer can be forced into being the personal entertainment of a PvPer, no matter what you do.


Besides, you're overlooking something important. My number one source of being unintentionally flagged during the Gree event was flagged friendly players who came by my healing companion and weren't entirely healed up. It is entirely possible to get flagged while doing nothing and just standing around out of combat, if you have a healing companion out.

Edited by Rabenschwinge
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If you find it fun fighting with one hand against behind the back. The best solution is to wait until they loose attention, lead them to believe you're not going to kill them, and then attack. Either way, you can't really ignore PvPers who force themselves upon you, you have to play there game, one way or the other.


From the perspective of a PvEer it's not even ideal to fight and defeat a PvPer who's haressing them, because then you end up having to stand over there bodies and kill them over and over before they learn it; as opposed to just doing the stuff you came for. Not many PvPers seem to have the decency to accept defeat once they are beaten.


Basically, by fighting them, you just give them what they want, regardless of whether you win or loose or continue to quest with one hand behind the back.


Any PvEer can be forced into being the personal entertainment of a PvPer, no matter what you do.


Besides, you're overlooking something important. My number one source of being unintentionally flagged during the Gree event was flagged friendly players who came by my healing companion and weren't entirely healed up. It is entirely possible to get flagged while doing nothing and just standing around out of combat, if you have a healing companion out.


It's not fighting with one hand behind your back because the Rakghouls you fight die pretty easily with basic attacks to where AOE isn't needed.


If they can't get you to flag yourself, than you have beaten the griefers. They will eventually get bored and move on.


You're right about other party members but that's easily fixed by waiting for the flag to drop before venturing out and if it's a pug, then it's on you if you want to risk getting flagged cause of them.


Like I said it's all on "you". (Note not directed at you personally but you in as in general.)

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