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Ideas for avoiding forced PvP flagging on PVE servers


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This is not about getting flagged when you go into a designated PvP zone (like Outlaws Den), but about preventing ‘forced’ flagging by flagged players via bug. This particular bug has existed since beta and was supposedly ‘fixed’ at one point, but has come back since then with no word that the devs are trying to fix it again. So it seems that this bug will be around for a while at least, thus I want to propose alternate solutions, some of which have been already suggested by others. These are not in any order of preference.


Note: If you are here to just say ‘Be more aware of your surroundings’/‘don’t use AOEs’/etc, don’t bother posting: most of us bothered by this bug are already aware of those supposed ‘work-a-rounds’ which are not always effective depending on the individuals situation/skill/etc. I’d rather this thread be focused on more ‘permanent’ potential solutions.


1: Remove ‘flagging’ altogether.

If they can’t fix it properly, they might as well remove it. Of course, considering there are designed ‘open PvP’ areas, this may cause issues unless they were disabled as well.


2: Make it so non-flagged players cannot affect flagged players in any way and vice versa.

No healing, no buffing, no attacking, nothing. If you’re flagged, you can only be affected by other (manually flagged) players. And yeah, how to get rid of the flag would remain as is.


3: Put in a full OPT OUT toggle (this was suggested by someone else on this forum, but I couldn’t find the post).

Similar to #2. The player with this toggle on can’t be flagged in anyway, not even manually (until they ‘opt in’ that is by turning the toggle off). For the sake of fairness, players opting out also cannot affect flagged players in any way. Not sure if this would also apply to places like Outlaws Den (where the opted out player would be basically a non-attackable NPC), as I can see how such a feature could be abused. Also, you wouldn't be able to toggle this on while flagged.


4: Set up ‘Rep/Imp only' instances for each faction on shared planets.

My own idea, though admittedly it may be too complex to code. Still, going to put it out there.


Basically, each ‘shared’ planet would have at least one instance that only one faction can use (or perhaps even see). I’ll use Tatooine as an example:


Tatooine (Republic) 1

Tatoonie 1

Tatooine (Imperial) 1


The instance without either ‘Republic’ or ‘Imperial’ would be as they are right now: shared by both factions. Heck, for those that like to PvP occasionally, I wouldn’t be opposed to the shared one being Open PvP: a PvP instance, basically. In the ‘one faction only’ instances, the automatic PvP flagging areas like Outlaws would be disabled (though the major faction bases would still be extremely dangerous due to all the champions).


Orr…to save on coding…you ‘could’ still flag yourself on your faction instance, but it would be as useless as flagging yourself on Typhon, Hutta, or any other ‘one faction only’ planets


Admittedly, these ideas could use some ironing out, but that’s why I’m posting it here ;).

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Not all of those I can see as "workable" whether logistics or coding limitations, however I like the ideas. Number 3 being one that I have argued for in multiple threads. The one thing I would add to 3 is the unflagging would occur as it currently does with the 5 minute cool down to avoid possible exploitation.




Edit: I accidentally said 2 and actually meant 3.

Edited by Hyfy
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They should at the very least put some damned feedback text to the /pvp command. You type it, and you don't know if you've just flagged yourself again, or if you've turned it off but it'll be in 5 minutes, or what. The command appears to do nothing. It's frustrating.
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I think the simplest would be number 2, and i am all for that. Number 3 I doubt would be allowed though, considering that there are certain things (such as HK parts, and the vendor) that are there. It would basically be a "cheat" for people that want to go for just that, but do not want to risk being attacked.


but yeah, I have actually experienced the idea you posted for number 2 in another game, and it helps a lot for healers that are in an (ops) group for like a world boss. Don't get me wrong, i enjoy PvP, sometimes a little toooooo much; but I like to keep my PvP and my questing separate; please do number 2!!! Sorry for all those flagged individuals that would be joining a group I am healing, but I am really tired of not engaging in group content because I refuse to take your "pvp flag" virus. And in my experience, 8 of 10 groups I was in, at least 1 member was flagged.


NUMBER 2 please.

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I'd support a way to disable the auto-flag. It is not even necessary to have aoe hit a flagged player, there is a much simpler griefing method which you simply cannot avoid if a griefer knows what it is.


I doubt they will change the griefer friendly system though as they have not done a thing about it yet.


PvP server? Ok, it makes sense. But it makes no sense on PvE servers.

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They should at the very least put some damned feedback text to the /pvp command. You type it, and you don't know if you've just flagged yourself again, or if you've turned it off but it'll be in 5 minutes, or what. The command appears to do nothing. It's frustrating.


^Soooo much this.


A CD text would work wonders here. I've tried to unflag myself countless times only to re-flag myself instead.

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  • 1 month later...

I am afraid this is something EA has no intention of solving - they have a stable strategy of luring or forcing players into using several aspects of the game beginners might initially avoid - pvp being one such aspect. It is generally a good thing - eg. I first time queued for a FP when I had to in order to obtain HK and I have enjoyed FPs very much since then. EA are trying to do the same with pvp - using things like Gree event to get more people to start pvp. I believe this "bug" or at least the lack of solving it is another intentional pvp-encouraging method. I am among those who hate pvp completely and will never participate in pvp part of the gameplay (no matter the rancor mount rewards :) ) - but I seriously doubt EA will ever give us any option to completely prevent pvpers from bothering players who dont want to pvp, so I am getting used to being killed occasionally by "brave" pvpers who wait fisrt untill I am weakened from pve bossfight. Its probably the only thing I currently strongly dislike about the game so I am likely not to quit subscribtion over it and thats the problem - I assume EA see some potential and no costs in enforcing pvp like this. (also note there are probably some pvpers who might actually quit subscribtion if they could no longer abuse this bug and harass others)


Anyhow, should some solution actually ever be applied, I would be glad - both number 2 and 3 sound good, but anything helpful would be welcome.

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  • 6 months later...
I know some say it is a pain and try to avoid it but it is getting worse. My wife is thinking about quitting. If she goes I will follow cause I enjoy gaming with her. We are both subs and also purchase cartel coin. I wonder how many others on PvE servers will end up quitting if they don't resolve this? :(
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I know some say it is a pain and try to avoid it but it is getting worse. My wife is thinking about quitting. If she goes I will follow cause I enjoy gaming with her. We are both subs and also purchase cartel coin. I wonder how many others on PvE servers will end up quitting if they don't resolve this? :(


There are 30 ways to earn conquest points in a variety of ways to suit every play style. Crafting, pve, pvp. You can easily exceed the personal reward limit without ever doing any pvp. And should all the non crafters complain about the crafting objectives and threaten to quit? Or the pvp'ers threaten to quit because there are pve and crafting objectives?


And finally, if you don't want to do it, then don't. Nothing says you have to meet your personal conquest points reward goal. The rewards aren't that earth shattering.


This is all just silliness.

Edited by MotorCityMan
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There are 30 ways to earn conquest points in a variety of ways to suit every play style. Crafting, pve, pvp. You can easily exceed the personal reward limit without ever doing any pvp. And should all the non crafters complain about the crafting objectives and threaten to quit? Or the pvp'ers threaten to quit because there are pve and crafting objectives?


And finally, if you don't want to do it, then don't. Nothing says you have to meet your personal reward goal. The rewards aren't that earth shattering.


This is all just silliness.


Who said anything about conquest points?

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A PvE server should entirely preclude PvP activity, with the exception of the use of the PvP queue system, and limited to specific PvP areas such as Outlaw's Den where you get a ten second warning upon entering that your flag is coming up. Instead of having the go to safe zone and rest 5 minutes, upon leaving the PvP specific zone your flag goes away, as it happens today with PvP queued events. I can see where a player can enter a PvP zone, and to avoid defeat leave the area and unflag, thus an exploit. The solution to this, is to treat the PvP zones as an open instance, so you can't exit the instance while in combat.



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A PvE server should entirely preclude PvP activity, with the exception of the use of the PvP queue system, and limited to specific PvP areas such as Outlaw's Den where you get a ten second warning upon entering that your flag is coming up. Instead of having the go to safe zone and rest 5 minutes, upon leaving the PvP specific zone your flag goes away, as it happens today with PvP queued events. I can see where a player can enter a PvP zone, and to avoid defeat leave the area and unflag, thus an exploit. The solution to this, is to treat the PvP zones as an open instance, so you can't exit the instance while in combat.




A PvE server should do none of what you said. System is fine as it is.


I haven't seen this bug since they fixed it. If you don't have the other person targeted, then aoe's won't cause you to be flagged. If you do target them, then wayward attacks will flag you.


If you see someone coming, put your companion on passive or at the least turn off their aoes. Simple.

Edited by azudelphi
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A PvE server should do none of what you said. System is fine as it is.


I haven't seen this bug since they fixed it. If you don't have the other person targeted, then aoe's won't cause you to be flagged. If you do target them, then wayward attacks will flag you.


If you see someone coming, put your companion on passive or at the least turn off their aoes. Simple.


so your logic is to punish the innocent party?


as for not seeing the exploits, open your eyes


last gree event was a nightmare for bad players forcing pve'ers to accidently flag while fighting pylon droids.


LOL punish the morons exploiting

dont punish those who simply want to play their pve on a pve server


simple solution, you must intentionally flag yourself by turning pvp flag on, if you wish to be in pvp

until then NONE of your attacks affect a flagged player in any manner and NONE of your heals aide a flagged player in any way (as thats the problem part normally in previous titles. non flagged players healing flagged with out flagging themselves)


Simply make it so flagged players can not affect non flagged players


non flagged players can not affect flagged players


Unless you intentionally and willfully turn on your pvp flag by right clicking your portrait and choosing "Turn PVP Flag on" option


Will NEVER have a issue if they just did it that way

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so your logic is to punish the innocent party?


as for not seeing the exploits, open your eyes


last gree event was a nightmare for bad players forcing pve'ers to accidently flag while fighting pylon droids.


LOL punish the morons exploiting

dont punish those who simply want to play their pve on a pve server


simple solution, you must intentionally flag yourself by turning pvp flag on, if you wish to be in pvp

until then NONE of your attacks affect a flagged player in any manner and NONE of your heals aide a flagged player in any way (as thats the problem part normally in previous titles. non flagged players healing flagged with out flagging themselves)


Simply make it so flagged players can not affect non flagged players


non flagged players can not affect flagged players


Unless you intentionally and willfully turn on your pvp flag by right clicking your portrait and choosing "Turn PVP Flag on" option


Will NEVER have a issue if they just did it that way


BW should just hold their hands and tell them everything will be all right?


Not in my opinion. I'm a PVE'er and I think the system works fine. If there are flagged opposite factions players around, I know not to tab target, use AoE's (even though that bug has been fixed, I still don't use AoE's), and to be a little more careful when fighting to ensure that I do not flag myself accidentally.


I know that there players that will try to get PVE'ers to flag, but a PVE'er who is careful should rarely if ever get flagged.


It seems that many PVE'ers don't want to play more "carefully", but want BW to hold their hands, and tell the big, bad bullies to stop being mean. That approach works fine for a 3 year old, but Mommy and Daddy can't be there forever. There comes a time for that three year old to grow up and learn to stand up to the bullies.

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so your logic is to punish the innocent party?


as for not seeing the exploits, open your eyes


last gree event was a nightmare for bad players forcing pve'ers to accidently flag while fighting pylon droids.


LOL punish the morons exploiting

dont punish those who simply want to play their pve on a pve server


simple solution, you must intentionally flag yourself by turning pvp flag on, if you wish to be in pvp

until then NONE of your attacks affect a flagged player in any manner and NONE of your heals aide a flagged player in any way (as thats the problem part normally in previous titles. non flagged players healing flagged with out flagging themselves)


Simply make it so flagged players can not affect non flagged players


non flagged players can not affect flagged players


Unless you intentionally and willfully turn on your pvp flag by right clicking your portrait and choosing "Turn PVP Flag on" option


Will NEVER have a issue if they just did it that way


Spoiler alert: It's a galactic war. Imperials are enemies of the Republic, Republic is enemy of the Imperials... no one is innocent. Either play well or get over it.

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There's only four things I would want to make sure didn't flag me on a PvE server for PvP combat:


1. If a flagged player - my faction or the opposite faction - is fighting mobs and I get hit by an AoE from them while running through, and my companion decides he's going to shoot the guy who messed with his boss, that shouldn't flag me. Unless I actively choose to engage the enemy, I should not be flagged.


2. If I see a group of enemies out there, nobody attacking them, and I decide to fire off an attack on them but am a split second too late because a flagged player nabbed them first, I should not be flagged for PvP.


3. If I use an AoE, and there are flagged players in the blast radius, and I'm not flagged myself, I should not suddenly be flagged for doing it, nor should the flagged player take damage from my attack.


4. If I have some sort of AoE effect active, or get an AoE effect applied to me such as the Rakghoul Plague's "burst" upon player death, I should not flag others nor be flagged myself by a flagged player.



That's about all I can think of as far as flagging goes. Targeting players flagged from opposing alignments should only apply in the same way that you can target yellow creatures, too - unless they're the only targets nearby, Tab should not target them. They're essentially "neutral."



Just my thoughts on it.

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A PvE server should do none of what you said. System is fine as it is.


I haven't seen this bug since they fixed it. If you don't have the other person targeted, then aoe's won't cause you to be flagged. If you do target them, then wayward attacks will flag you.


If you see someone coming, put your companion on passive or at the least turn off their aoes. Simple.


Mmm, seems to me as you are the voice of those who do the exploiting and perhaps you are one of them who indulges in such behavior...



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Mmm, seems to me as you are the voice of those who do the exploiting and perhaps you are one of them who indulges in such behavior...




Your response is laughable. Oh, because I don't support your coddling I must be trolling or a fan of greifing?


Give me a break....


PVE servers don't mean, 'No PVP', they mean, "Flagging is by choice". And yes, choosing to fight in a certain behavior with a flagged enemy nearby is a choice.

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Your response is laughable. Oh, because I don't support your coddling I must be trolling or a fan of greifing?


Give me a break....


PVE servers don't mean, 'No PVP', they mean, "Flagging is by choice". And yes, choosing to fight in a certain behavior with a flagged enemy nearby is a choice.


Rubbish. PVP flagging should be entirely voluntary. Not caused by something your AI companion does. Choosing to fight in a certain way outside of a warzone or PVP area means you are playing the game properly, especially on a PVE server. Being forced to change how you play on a shared planet is an absurd concept.

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simple solution, you must intentionally flag yourself by turning pvp flag on, if you wish to be in pvp

until then NONE of your attacks affect a flagged player in any manner and NONE of your heals aide a flagged player in any way (as thats the problem part normally in previous titles. non flagged players healing flagged with out flagging themselves)


Simply make it so flagged players can not affect non flagged players

and non flagged players can not affect flagged players


Unless you intentionally and willfully turn on your pvp flag by right clicking your portrait and choosing "Turn PVP Flag on" option


Will NEVER have a issue if they just did it that way


Yes, that would be the best way to set it up. Unlikely to happen, though. And judging from some replies here there are players who find current system challenging in a good way. No idea why - the game can offer much more enjoyable challenge elsewhere IMO.

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Rubbish. PVP flagging should be entirely voluntary. Not caused by something your AI companion does. Choosing to fight in a certain way outside of a warzone or PVP area means you are playing the game properly, especially on a PVE server. Being forced to change how you play on a shared planet is an absurd concept.


Expecting any game to cater to the way you choose to play, especially if you control whether or not you get flagged by how you play is an absurd concept, IMO. If you know the rules, and how the game environment works, then it falls upon you to adhere to those rules, IMO.

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Expecting any game to cater to the way you choose to play, especially if you control whether or not you get flagged by how you play is an absurd concept, IMO. If you know the rules, and how the game environment works, then it falls upon you to adhere to those rules, IMO.


Certainly. Ask anybody what the rules for PVP flagging are on a PVE server. It is supposed to be voluntary. Not accidental, and not via griefing. It is supposed to be a deliberate act, not caused by how you are fighting mobs.

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Certainly. Ask anybody what the rules for PVP flagging are on a PVE server. It is supposed to be voluntary. Not accidental, and not via griefing. It is supposed to be a deliberate act, not caused by how you are fighting mobs.


If you target a flagged player and attack, you are VOLUNTEERING for PVP. It doesn't matter whether you "intended" to attack that flagged player. The fact remains that you DID target that flagged player and you subsequently attacked him. It is up to YOU, the player, to ensure that you do not target and attack a flagged player.


How you want it to be is not necessarily the way it actually works.

Edited by Ratajack
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Certainly. Ask anybody what the rules for PVP flagging are on a PVE server. It is supposed to be voluntary. Not accidental, and not via griefing. It is supposed to be a deliberate act, not caused by how you are fighting mobs.


Exactly. There are plenty of opportunities for PVP-enjoying players to play the way they like ranging from full-time pvp on PVP servers to voluntary options on PVE servers. PVE players who dont want any part of pvp and dont want to be limited by pvp in any way should also have opportunity to play the way they like - on PVE servers, naturally.

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