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Ranked GSF?


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I'd like to see a matchmaking system like this. That way, newbs can learn to play and I can still kill things without crushing anyone's spirit (to often). Soooo, why not create a comm for GSF and give us social awards like certain kinds of armor, pets, emotes, titles, etc. That will not only encourage more GSFers, but also caters to the individuals trying to be unique in an MMO universe. Just saying
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LoL, firstly ground pvp can barely ever support ranked for most servers, let alone in a mode that requires 24 people for a match.


Also get over yourself. I have no idea why some of the imperial gunships on JM have such high opinions of themselves, particularly since most of them are just fodder. Now shoo, Alex, Shadehawk, Tusk, satele, etc. are all better gunships that you, and that's not going into strike or scout pilots.

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LoL, firstly ground pvp can barely ever support ranked for most servers, let alone in a mode that requires 24 people for a match.


Also get over yourself. I have no idea why some of the imperial gunships on JM have such high opinions of themselves, particularly since most of them are just fodder. Now shoo, Alex, Shadehawk, Tusk, satele, etc. are all better gunships that you, and that's not going into strike or scout pilots.


To take a softer tone, I watched you fly in a couple matches impside. You've learned to farm kills from bad pilots; that's a good first step, but you now need to learn:


1) How to survive an attack from a good pilot

2) How to survive an attack from a good pilot while still contributing to the match

3) How to harass good pilots enough that they can't contribute to the match

4) How to kill good pilots


I didn't have a chance to observe your directly objective-oriented play, but you should probably also make sure you can cap a satellite from bad pilots (without support) and then defend it from good pilots.

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Anyway, ranked 8v8 warzones where plagued from the outset by the difficulties of maintain 8 man teams. Only two servers ever really managed it, the difficulties of keeping 12 man teams together and have enough of them to have a stable pop rate would be insane right now.


plus ranked would literally end up being a bunch of Dfield and burst laser Scouts circling nodes all match with maybe a couple ion spamming gunships here and there.

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Sorry, the post above wasn't clear. The "you" was directed at OP. As in: "OP, I am going to present a complementary opinion to the above quote".


And I'm Alex.


Well first I get proven wrong today about ground accuracy, and now I am totally misreading posts. I think I need to break from these forums before I lose it entirely.

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To take a softer tone, I watched you fly in a couple matches impside. You've learned to farm kills from bad pilots; that's a good first step, but you now need to learn:


1) How to survive an attack from a good pilot

2) How to survive an attack from a good pilot while still contributing to the match

3) How to harass good pilots enough that they can't contribute to the match

4) How to kill good pilots


I didn't have a chance to observe your directly objective-oriented play, but you should probably also make sure you can cap a satellite from bad pilots (without support) and then defend it from good pilots.


Next time I face an entire pub team with GSs firing ion lovetaps, I will </sarcasm>

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Next time I face an entire pub team with GSs firing ion lovetaps, I will </sarcasm>


I find it funny that someone who mains a gunship which has ion rail as a default weapon, is complaining about other gunships shooting him with a ion railgun.

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plus ranked would literally end up being a bunch of Dfield and burst laser Scouts circling nodes all match with maybe a couple ion spamming gunships here and there.


^ Yep. That's the same reason I don't really feel a need or desire for it. Also, having two separate queues would dilute the player pool. GSF hasn't even officially launched yet and we're barely getting a second gameplay mode. I'd rather see more modes of play, more ships and interesting dynamics and even more maps before seeing ranked.

Edited by TrinityLyre
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I am 100% willing to 1v1 you and limit myself to slug.


And there we have it folks. I went 7/7/0, getting as I counted it 3 kills and 2 assists on her (I told my teammates to leave her alone, but sometimes they went after her anyway). She went 6/?/5, and by the middle of the match had stopped actually seeking me out.


I did not use ion once that match, not on her nor on anyone else.

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