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Community: What's your opinion on BW's approach to releasing the Rakghoul event?


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After the first couple of events, people complained that they were not given enough heads up of the event. So their intention is clearly not to make the event a surprise (it maybe a surprise to what is actually in the event; it may not be the old rakghoul). They are dragging out the teaser information because they are behind in their schedule release. That's my take of it.
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Half the community? These forums are tiny fraction of the actual playerbase that plays this game. You can't say half the community and only base it on responses in the forums. Neither does Bioware. They've stated countless times that the forums are a very small portion of the players of this game.


They've also stated that they trust their "metrics" more than player feedback. That's sure gotten 'em somewhere, hasn't it?

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They've also stated that they trust their "metrics" more than player feedback. That's sure gotten 'em somewhere, hasn't it?


Hmm... It actually has though. Hence why the most recent class balances patches have been good. Shadow tanks are back to being competitive. The whining about shadow protection is over now that people realize it was a good change. Sentinels were nerfed to a respectable level so that they are not OP, but just damn good. PT's gained a good boost. Commando heals will be in line, finally, with their fellow healers. Soon Juggs will be kicking *** along with Operatives. And finally the Snipers will be also toned down so that, like the Sentinels previously, they will no longer be OP and dominating most 16 man pugs. Their out of rotation divine strike aoe will now be a normal aoe in the realm of force storm/quake. So I am inclined to think Bioware's metrics have been kick *** lately.


You may disagree, but your individual opinion is not all important. General player feedback in game is what matters and in game each of the mentioned classes will be wanted for almost everything.

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