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Suggestion for the premade groups and veterans this week


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This sort of came up in another thread, but I'd been planning to make a post addressing this point.


Veterans and people who fly in coordinated groups: Please go easy on the newbies this week. Don't underestimate the value of first (and second and fifth) impressions. Don't make it easy on them, but give them something to practice against. Getting repeatedly blown up three seconds after you enter any engagement is one of the most frustrating things even for a veteran, and if it happens in more than one match it may just get new guys to wash their hands of GSF altogether. I might suggest staggering your queues so there are only two or three of you in an engagement at the same time.


The best way to keep GSF going is to foster a good community. So make sure to support people with questions and back them up in a fight. Give newer opponents something to practice against and push them - while still crushing opponents that know what they are doing. And if you're of the inclination, adopt a newbie. Find someone asking questions, then send them whispers after the match giving them whispers with tips and suggestions. Next time you fly with them (or invite them to group and fly with you) have them act as your wingman or you as theirs.


While some people enjoy curb stomping the opposition, I think most of us prefer it when the other side puts up a fight. So lets not make ghost towns on one side or the other and try to help this work. This will apply again next month when full lauch comes out.

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Just went thru it...12 Imps in a balanced force of 4 scouts, 5 SFs and 3 Gunships...against a Pub force made up of 6 gunships flown by experienced pilots stacking 2 GS's over each satellite. 5 runs against this GS heavy premade resulted in 5 defeats...once we got 300 plus points before losing...the other 4 times it was under 200. Wasn't bad flying, most of our guys were solos but mostly experienced. By the time we got to the last couple of fights only the experienced players were still trying; the newbs had given up. Fully tricked out gunships making up half a squadron essentially reduces the game to gunship vs gunship duels. Dual Gunships flying wingman and lead over each satellite and covering their lower class allies are going to wipe every raid that comes against them unless it's half Gunships as well.
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I just encourage the new guys not to give up. Learn how to fly..learn the mechanics of the game. I got my rear blown off so many times until I learned just the basics, but I didn't give up. Once you have it down you will be able to take on the upgraded ships with the skills you learn.
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Won't happen, its even worse on my server (The Progenitor) due to low population. You have the rep side Vets arranging and queuing Double and Triple premades just to farm the Impside preferred newbies. Its kind of silly when you enter a game as an Imp as myself and one other Imp pilot will have 5 ships unlocked, while the other 10 Impside players only have their basic 2 ships (aka 2 vets and 10 noobs) VS 12 Reps with 5 ships unlocked, minimum 4. I've played about 15 games today, only 1 game was vs full Rep pugs, 2 against 1 premade group, other games usually had 2-3 full Vet premades. On average, the Asteroids and Mountain rocks killed my teammates in total at least 5 to 8 times per game


They also do it at the low population times so as a double premade, they will always group with each other against Imp Pugs. basically its the same premade problem in normal PVP, except its much much worse as the newbies don't even know how to play. They even have a chat channel just to specifically arrange this silly double/triple premading.


So yes OP, good suggestion but due to Human Nature (gamer), it won't happen.

Edited by Warhams
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yea Black Squadron has been trying really hard not to 3 cap but we cant stop the pugs from oing it even if we have 8 of the 12 which by the way isn't all black squadron on pot 5 but most of us are also running baby ships with no upgrades to lv 1 upgrades


We also picked up 2 new GSf Guildies tonight but all inall I think it has been a decent launch especially with the gs

its a good thing they didn't give that ship evasion shields or charge plating

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I just felt bad about a match on my jedi before it even started. I was the only pilot of all 16 that didn't have just 2 ships. So my upgraded pike went and sat on c and didn't move. I let them fight it out on the other satellites :) It isn't even the number of ships you have, but if you have the fleet comm ones instead of the CC ones you have a good amount of experience and that makes all the difference.

If the other side has only like 2 ships each I just go on light mode unless someone actually starts getting into a dogfight with me :).


They really should have had the matchmaker system in place for this, atleast this first week. I'd almost say put preferred in a separate bracket until they buy a few upgrades of a ship or do the weekly or something.

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The Progenitor server, some complained about pre-mades yesterday.

I was begging pub side vets to go on imps easy yesterday; however sad fact remains that we had a match yesterday with 1000 / 0 score and we had only one (I wouldn't even call this) pre-made group of 4 veterans there who weren't on TS and just used normal Ops chat from time to time, the rest of the team had 2 ships in their hangars. Out of those vets: 1 was sitting at the sat whole match, another one decided to fly in front of imps capital ship as training dummy without firing back.

It is not a secret that pubs normally dominated GSF on that server even before Preferred access, so I decided to switch sides and I would ask others do so as well from time to time and give some people help/advises. Sadly, not many willing to listen, and I was quite disappointed seeing people not able to use their weapon/shield/engine power switch. Some didn't even know how to boost at all it seemed.


P.S. problem is everyone wants to be on the winning side. That's why so many servers have obviously dominating sides in GSF and normal PVP. I play on 2 servers and on both if imps dominate normal PVP, pubs dominate GSF and vice verse (and people stop joining queues where they lose ending up imps playing against imps, pubs vs pubs and complaining about queues). I'm sure it has some psychological explanation that people stick to where they can get "i own ya" feeling and stop playing where they can't.

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The Progenitor server, some complained about pre-mades yesterday.

I was begging pub side vets to go on imps easy yesterday; however sad fact remains that we had a match yesterday with 1000 / 0 score and we had only one (I wouldn't even call this) pre-made group of 4 veterans there who weren't on TS and just used normal Ops chat from time to time, the rest of the team had 2 ships in their hangars. Out of those vets: 1 was sitting at the sat whole match, another one decided to fly in front of imps capital ship as training dummy without firing back.

It is not a secret that pubs normally dominated GSF on that server even before Preferred access, so I decided to switch sides and I would ask others do so as well from time to time and give some people help/advises. Sadly, not many willing to listen, and I was quite disappointed seeing people not able to use their weapon/shield/engine power switch. Some didn't even know how to boost at all it seemed.


P.S. problem is everyone wants to be on the winning side. That's why so many servers have obviously dominating sides in GSF and normal PVP. I play on 2 servers and on both if imps dominate normal PVP, pubs dominate GSF and vice verse (and people stop joining queues where they lose ending up imps playing against imps, pubs vs pubs and complaining about queues). I'm sure it has some psychological explanation that people stick to where they can get "i own ya" feeling and stop playing where they can't.


I play both sides on Progenitor, mostly my pub scout... Maybe it would be a good idea for those of us who use the forums to go on the GSF chat channel (I know it exists pub side) and suggest the points in the thread to the veteran pilots there. I haven't been too active on the channel but they do seem like reasonable types. If enough of us make this plea I believe the others will listen. I'm not sure posting in general chat though would have this effect o.O


I would also think we could post on general chat or something and make people aware of the channel (I only learned about it on these boards), and encourage new pilots to join and seek advice if they want.


Edit: I am one of those guilty of denying sat access yesterday - though I just played a single game on my pub :p The points in this thread hadn't occurred to me TBH, but I don't mind sacrificing some good play for a better GSF community.


A though! Maybe some vets could organize some group games consisting mostly of newbies, with one or two veterans per side. These would not be winning matches, just sort of intros to show newbies the ropes and give them advice. The vets wouldn't even have to fight, they'd just be there to give them tips and pointers based on what's happening in the map.

Edited by archifikoss
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Yeah I had a match come up like this yesterday.


It was so bad that Alor felt bad and just flew his strike around in a lazy circle near the imp spawn with power to shields and the poor imps still failed to kill him, even tho he would not even bother to break missile locks or even do basic evasive manuevres.


Oh well the one pref player in our group was trilled at getting some kills in.

Edited by Zoom_VI
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Yep, played last night and there were a LOT of new imp side players...


...who were relentlessly farmed by the experienced pub pilots. Most matches were 1000 to 100 or less, mostly 3-caps by the pubs. The queue would pop and you'd see tons of imps with 2-3 ships, and a full team of pubs, mostly with 5 ships, and many matches featured half the pub team flying fully upgraded gunships.


Clearly any hope anyone had of matchmaking taking ANY sort of effect when premiums got in were in vain. Matchmaking is not taking effect and the new players are being farmed mercilessly. I absolutely expect people to stop queueing; I stopped queueing last night too. Over 500 matches played and I love GSF. But I'm strongly inclined to take a break, it's just depressing. Every match is a gunship battle with experienced pilots destroying the new players and teaching them never to queue again. You can't take a single step out of cover without 2-4 gunships using the BS Ion Cannon love tap to cripple you then destroy you.


Absolute mess. I've been one of the strongest supporters of GSF since it launched. But the lack of matchmaking and the endless gunship farming sessions are too much. I might start queueing regularly again if things change, but it's simply not fun for me at the moment unless you're a gunship pilot.

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On my server (Harbinger) the matches are usually mirror matches, guess the Imperials on it don't like GSF.


It was interesting last night to say the least. I played maybe 12-15 matches and had it both ways. Paired up with nothing but noobs against a team of vets and getting raped and going vs a bunch of noobs and just sitting on a sat and killing a guy every 2 minutes or so when he flies straight at you. Not very fun but it will get better. I was on a team that won 1000 to 16 and the second half got so ugly that 4 or 5 guys moved off sats to just camp outside their spawn ship and repeatedly hose them.

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Yeah I had a match come up like this yesterday.


It was so bad that Alor felt bad and just flew his strike around in a lazy circle near the imp spawn with power to shields and the poor imps still failed to kill him, even tho he would not even bother to break missile locks or even do basic evasive manuevres.


Oh well the one pref player in our group was trilled at getting some kills in.


Heh in one match we were outnumbered badly at A and B, so I finally went to C to figure out why we couldn't cap it with 4 ships there. There was one enemy circling under the sat and 4 of my teammates making fruitless strafing runs at him and the turrets. My burst cannons finished him in seconds and we finally capped it. I couldn't believe it.

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Heh in one match we were outnumbered badly at A and B, so I finally went to C to figure out why we couldn't cap it with 4 ships there. There was one enemy circling under the sat and 4 of my teammates making fruitless strafing runs at him and the turrets. My burst cannons finished him in seconds and we finally capped it. I couldn't believe it.


Are you on Harbinger? That could have been me. If I'm defending a sat alone and the odds turn badly against me (3 or 4 to 1) I do that all the time and you'd be amazed how many people struggle to dislodge you. I literally held B like that on Kuat Mesas last night against 3 scouts for 5 minutes.

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I've been trying to pull my punches a bit for the last couple of days, but sometimes it's just like... What have you done. You choose a battle you are ill equipped to fight, meddle with powers you cannot comprehend.


And then they won't leave me alone, I shoot them with mastered burst lasers and feel slightly bad about myself.

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The problem we have on the Progenitor compared to the Harbinger or any other non-RP /non-US server is the very low population. Hence it is very very easy to face the same 2-3 Rep Vet premades over and over again over the space of several hours. I'm not accusing people of anything but just like normal pvp, its easy to not 'take the pop' to ensure that you get your full team into the same match.


Hell, I wish I remembered to take screenshots but having 2-4 people on impside with 3-5 ships, rest only unlocked 2 ships (aka new players) VS the same 8-12 names, all either in Flashfires, Quarrels or the odd other ship doesn't exactly make a good game. In games like these, I either just quit or just sit at spawn taking pot shots at Reps who were farming the newbies. Average score was about 1000-50 in Rep favour. The only 3 games I'd won was when by chance we got enough experienced Pugs to counter their premades and even then final score was like 1000-950, no joke.


What made me laugh was last night we had a 8v8 of 2 Vet imps and 6 pugs vs 2 Rep premades (same 2 groups and names we fought for past few hours). I told the new guys straight off, no point playing and just leave the battle. We all did and did not bother queuing for more games. Next thing you know we had someone from Rep side log on his Imp alt to ask us to queue as they were waiting for more than 40 minutes for a game (this was past midnight). The other Imp vet helpfully told him that we weren't interested in feeding premades.


I've been telling players who want to learn starfighter to go Rep side, join the channel they use to gather , 'Aces' I think and get carried while learning at the same time. Theres are very few premades Imp side and we have yet to really gather into 'doom premades' of 8-12. The biggest 'Vet' group I was able to gather was just 3 people including myself. All my other friends and guildies are so turned off by the useless tutorial and the skill imbalance in the game they don't event want to play.


Like a previous poster said yes, everyone wants to be on the winning side but I can predict if this goes on for another week or two all the Rep Vet premades will be more civil war matches against each other than vs imps. This in turn will get them bored and stop playing as they can't get easy games and/or rack up 15+ kills/assists no deaths.

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The problem we have on the Progenitor compared to the Harbinger or any other non-RP /non-US server is the very low population. Hence it is very very easy to face the same 2-3 Rep Vet premades over and over again over the space of several hours. I'm not accusing people of anything but just like normal pvp, its easy to not 'take the pop' to ensure that you get your full team into the same match.


Hell, I wish I remembered to take screenshots but having 2-4 people on impside with 3-5 ships, rest only unlocked 2 ships (aka new players) VS the same 8-12 names, all either in Flashfires, Quarrels or the odd other ship doesn't exactly make a good game. In games like these, I either just quit or just sit at spawn taking pot shots at Reps who were farming the newbies. Average score was about 1000-50 in Rep favour. The only 3 games I'd won was when by chance we got enough experienced Pugs to counter their premades and even then final score was like 1000-950, no joke.


What made me laugh was last night we had a 8v8 of 2 Vet imps and 6 pugs vs 2 Rep premades (same 2 groups and names we fought for past few hours). I told the new guys straight off, no point playing and just leave the battle. We all did and did not bother queuing for more games. Next thing you know we had someone from Rep side log on his Imp alt to ask us to queue as they were waiting for more than 40 minutes for a game (this was past midnight). The other Imp vet helpfully told him that we weren't interested in feeding premades.


I've been telling players who want to learn starfighter to go Rep side, join the channel they use to gather , 'Aces' I think and get carried while learning at the same time. Theres are very few premades Imp side and we have yet to really gather into 'doom premades' of 8-12. The biggest 'Vet' group I was able to gather was just 3 people including myself. All my other friends and guildies are so turned off by the useless tutorial and the skill imbalance in the game they don't event want to play.


Like a previous poster said yes, everyone wants to be on the winning side but I can predict if this goes on for another week or two all the Rep Vet premades will be more civil war matches against each other than vs imps. This in turn will get them bored and stop playing as they can't get easy games and/or rack up 15+ kills/assists no deaths.

Exactly. As I wrote in another thread, these premades are really only interested in one thing: to show others how "ace" they are. This thread carries many good advices how to go easy on the newbies - use unupgraded ships, let them have one satellite, don't chase/farm them all around the map etc., heck even relog to opposite faction and balance things - but they will do none of that.

Which is funny, because they would most likely still win - but the newbies wouldn't feel hopeless and without a chance to fight back, and probably would queue for more matches.

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Hmmm...if the devs applied some kind of "State of War" or "Balance of Power" faction buff to the ground game after a side accumulated a set number GSF wins, would it encourage more players to jump into the action?


Maybe the buff could be reset every few days until either the Imps or Pubs again reach the number of wins needed for the buff to be applied to their faction. A ground game buff resulting from a particular side's GSF dominance would give a faction an advantage in both PVE and PVP. Maybe the faction wide buffs could be called something like "Imperial Pride" and "For the Republic"....granting +10 to Stats or whatever would be fair.


Edit: If something like this were implemented I definitely think Ground PVE and PVP purists would start appreciating their Star fighters more. Lol.

Edited by Kaivers
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I played 4 games on Progenitor last night pub side, one was pub vs pub but the imps won 2 out of the other 3... A welcome change :p And I did see a person I recognize from the forum post in aces, encouraging vets to solo queue and go a bit easy on the new players - which seemed to resonate with at least a few of the people there.
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