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How do you deal with all the key binds for darkness


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I use a plain old keyboard (Rosewill) and a plain old high-DPI mouse (Razer Death Adder). I'm not sure how you would bind on a Naga, but I can tell you what I do with my setup and maybe it will help. Note that my setup isn't optimal. I'd like to shift some things around to be a bit more ergonomic, particularly in light of the 2.0 changes which nearly eliminate Saber Strike while main tanking, but I'm so used to this that I simply can't switch at this point.


Primary Abilities


  • Saber Strike (1)
  • Thrash (2)
  • Assassinate (3)
  • Maul (4)
  • Wither (5)
  • Shock (Alt-1)
  • Force Lightning (Alt-2)
  • Discharge (Alt-4)
  • Lacerate (Alt-5)
  • Dark Ward (Shift-3)




  • Deflection (Shift-`)
  • Force Shroud (Shift-1)
  • Recklessness (Shift-4)
  • Overcharge Saber (Shift-5)
  • Force Cloak (Shift-X)
  • Relic ®
  • Adrenal (Shift-Q)
  • Medpack (Shift-B)




  • Single (Ctrl-1)
  • AoE (Ctrl-2)




  • Stun Break (T)
  • Interrupt (`)
  • Stealth (X)
  • Blackout (E)
  • Stealth Mez (Shift-E)
  • Spike (Shift-F)
  • Electrocute (Alt-3)
  • Overload (F)
  • Force Pull (Shift-3)
  • Whirlwind (Shift-4)
  • Phase Walk (Shift-W)
  • Grenade (Q)
  • Guard (G)
  • Dash'roode Shield (H)


I also keybind some other random stuff, like mount and rocket boots.

Edited by KeyboardNinja
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Are you adding ctrl+[thumb buttons] and alt+[thumb buttons] to your map of available keybinds?


I realize this setup will probably look awkward for most, but it's what I am running. The left most box consists of the ctrl+[1, 2, 3, q, w, e, a, s, d, z, x, c] keys respectively. It gives me a number of utilities all within a pretty dense geographic space on the keyboard. The second box from the left is simply the number keys across the top of the keyboard. This mapping allows me to keep my left hand pretty much on the left side of the keyboard and hit anything useful with minimal movement.


The next three boxes are (mostly) mapped to the thumb buttons on my G600, which I suspect is similar to your Naga. So the first box (mostly) maps to the 12 thumb buttons by themselves, the next box is ctrl+[thumb buttons], and the last major box is alt+[thumb buttons]. The "mostly" exception here pertains to the top row of the middle box, which is mapped to my middle mouse button, ctrl+middle mouse button, and alt+middle mouse button. The reason for that is because I have the top three thumb buttons of my G600 mapped to targeting commands.


While I doubt you'll end up with something like that, as you can see, I have more real estate than abilities, and it all makes sense to me. :)

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omg IM such a noob I had no idea you could do control and alt D:, only other mmo i played was rift and I just macro'd everything for easy wins never needed a lot of keys


Thank you, two both of you

problem solved


Welcome to the MMO genre my friend.

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I use a semi-unorthodox method of keybinding, all of my main attacks are on 1 through - and I have 2 abilities, Mind Trap and Dark Ward on [ and ] respectively. then other abilities like Blackout and Assasinate are on f and g, my keyboard is also kindof an "off brand" you could say, it's the Steelseries Merc Stealth, So yea. and I have a Perrix MX-2000 so I have a few mouse keys aswell, that's why [ and ] are bound, they are on my mouse keys.


Semi-on topic, is Darkness viable for raiding still? I don't like the new Harnessed Darkness thing, but im nearing 45 and I may try Darkness again when I get to 45 and have Wither, is there some sort of set rotation that I have to follow? I really would like to like Darkness again, but the new mechanics with Harnessed Darkness really don't mesh well with me, I would much rather like it if when you cast Force Lightning you automatically get the 4 stacks of Dark Protection, I like a mobile tank, that's why I like Guardian Tank, but I really don't want to have to level my Jugg when there's my Sin that's close to 50 - 55 range and he could be a tank, just trying to get an opinion.

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Semi-on topic, is Darkness viable for raiding still? I don't like the new Harnessed Darkness thing, but im nearing 45 and I may try Darkness again when I get to 45 and have Wither, is there some sort of set rotation that I have to follow? I really would like to like Darkness again, but the new mechanics with Harnessed Darkness really don't mesh well with me, I would much rather like it if when you cast Force Lightning you automatically get the 4 stacks of Dark Protection, I like a mobile tank, that's why I like Guardian Tank, but I really don't want to have to level my Jugg when there's my Sin that's close to 50 - 55 range and he could be a tank, just trying to get an opinion.


Played correctly, Darkness takes the least damage (by a very small margin) of the three tanks while only being just a hair spikier than Juggernauts. They have some extremely powerful and useful utilities, and they're the only tank with both debuffs. Darkness is also a much more mobile tank than a Juggernaut on most fights, due to the combination of Force Speed, 10 meter range on all important abilities, and a lack of reliance on channels (you can break Force Lightning after the first instant tick).


They are absolutely viable.

Edited by KeyboardNinja
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Played correctly, Darkness takes the least damage (by a very small margin) of the three tanks while only being just a hair spikier than Juggernauts. They have some extremely powerful and useful utilities, and they're the only tank with both debuffs. Darkness is also a much more mobile tank than a Juggernaut on most fights, due to the combination of Force Speed, 10 meter range on all important abilities, and a lack of reliance on channels (you can break Force Lightning after the first instant tick).


They are absolutely viable.


can you link a build for a pvp tank? just for a friend and i hever payed tanky

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I click a lot in between but right now my core set ups are



  • Thrash: ( Mouse Button 4 )
  • Lacerate: ( 4 )
  • Assassinate: ( Shift-V )
  • Spike: ( Shift-X )
  • Wither: ( Shift-E )
  • Shock: (Shift-Q )
  • Force Lightning: ( Shift-F )
  • Discharge: ( F )



  • Overcharge Saber: ( Shift-Z )



  • Taunt: ( G )
  • AOE-Taunt: ( Shift-MMB )
  • Recklessness: ( Shift-MB5 )
  • Jolt: ( Middle Mouse Button )
  • Med Pack: ( Shift-2 )
  • Force Cloak: ( Shift-4 )
  • Mind Trap: ( Shift-C )
  • Force Speed: ( Shift-R )
  • Stealth: ( Shift-3 )
  • Blackout: ( T )


Keep in mind Deflection and Dark Ward are not key-bound because, as I said, I click so usually my Dark Ward "Up-time" is kept by clicking directly via Mouse 1. On my bar, Deflection is right next to it so it's but a click away.

Edited by tXHereticXt
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I hate having key modifiers, so I follow the general approach of having my attacks/taunts on 1-7 and F1-F6, and utility/defensive stuff around WASD. I also tend to use the same key for roughly the same effect across my chars, which sometimes works and sometimes doesn't but Q is always my 'closer' (charge for those that have it, but for Sins/Sorcs it's Force Speed) and my interrupt on E. Interrupt mashing has never been so easy.


What this generally means is that I have a lot of keybinds, but I can kite just as well as someone trying to do so with modifiers off of a programmable mouse (only have a basic one and by now my muscle memory's burned this stuff into my reactions anyway).

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Another thing I can very much recommend is switching from WASD to ESDF, as in:

E+D = Move Forward/Backward

S+F = Strafe Lef/Right


Sounds odd and takes some getting used to, but it will leave you with many, many more keys that you can use around our left hand.

Especially if you dislike modifiers (which I do due to bone necrosis in my left hand), this will usually be enough to get you through with everything you need.


I use ESDF on most games where you need many bindings, and I do fine usually. :)

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Another thing I can very much recommend is switching from WASD to ESDF, as in:

E+D = Move Forward/Backward

S+F = Strafe Lef/Right


Sounds odd and takes some getting used to, but it will leave you with many, many more keys that you can use around our left hand.

Especially if you dislike modifiers (which I do due to bone necrosis in my left hand), this will usually be enough to get you through with everything you need.


I use ESDF on most games where you need many bindings, and I do fine usually. :)


I personally dislike that, however it isn't a bad move per sé.


Forget about the moving backward part though, don't need that for anything.

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Very specific PvE tanking scenarios. In general though, strafing and simply turning around are much better alternatives.


I disagree.. There is not a single time ever where i felt like walking backwards would benefit me in any way.


Even in PvE whilst tanking.

Edited by Evolixe
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You can't play an mmo without modifiers. Not properly.


So far I've been managing just fine. The last time I used modifiers was way back in WAR, and I've known since then that they just don't seem to work for me. And as I've yet to hear any in-game complaints about my performance, it seems to be going well enough.

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So far I've been managing just fine. The last time I used modifiers was way back in WAR, and I've known since then that they just don't seem to work for me. And as I've yet to hear any in-game complaints about my performance, it seems to be going well enough.


You get like 30 effective binds at best..


That doesn't suffice period.

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You get like 30 effective binds at best..


That doesn't suffice period.


hmm ... lessee



Saber strike, Thrash, Shock, FL, Wither, Maul, Assassinate



Overload, Discharge, Spike, Electrocute, single target taunt, AOE taunt, Slow, Phase Walk


Q, E, R, F, V, C, X, Y

Force Speed, Jolt, Recklessness, Dark Ward, Force Cloak, Deflection, Unbreakable Will, Force Shroud


T, G, B

Overcharge Saber, Pull, Stealth


Just about the only other stuff I can imagine it could be useful to put on a bind that I might end up using modifiers for would be medkits, adrenals and relics. I use passive relics so that's out. And it's not like I don't have realestate still left on my number and function keys. Honestly, it's a lot like blind typing and works well enough for me.

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Are you adding ctrl+[thumb buttons] and alt+[thumb buttons] to your map of available keybinds?


I realize this setup will probably look awkward for most, but it's what I am running. The left most box consists of the ctrl+[1, 2, 3, q, w, e, a, s, d, z, x, c] keys respectively. It gives me a number of utilities all within a pretty dense geographic space on the keyboard. The second box from the left is simply the number keys across the top of the keyboard. This mapping allows me to keep my left hand pretty much on the left side of the keyboard and hit anything useful with minimal movement.


The next three boxes are (mostly) mapped to the thumb buttons on my G600, which I suspect is similar to your Naga. So the first box (mostly) maps to the 12 thumb buttons by themselves, the next box is ctrl+[thumb buttons], and the last major box is alt+[thumb buttons]. The "mostly" exception here pertains to the top row of the middle box, which is mapped to my middle mouse button, ctrl+middle mouse button, and alt+middle mouse button. The reason for that is because I have the top three thumb buttons of my G600 mapped to targeting commands.


While I doubt you'll end up with something like that, as you can see, I have more real estate than abilities, and it all makes sense to me. :)


I have almost same keyboard setup. When I played WoW I started to build it and like you its so far been for me also most convient. Personally I have not keybinded everything. I do have naga but I found it unpractical for myself to use.

Maybe I'm just lazy bastard but my fingers and workings dont seem to be able to use it effectively. :(


To me it seems more there is keybindings to remember slower you get. I basically just prioritize those abilities I know I will be using most and rest I just use mouse to press on. Maybe there is some other way but I'm pretty sure you can't control effectively more than maybe 10 or more abilties just because physical limitations given by keyboard and mouse.

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This is how i deal with it. All the rotational moves are through the 1 to 12 (on the naga). Situational moves, adrenals and medpacks and recklessness are on shift+ 1 to 12 (which shows as end to +). Defensive cooldowns are on the keyboard along with the guard and interrupt. Taunt is on the scroll click, AoE taunt in shift+scroll click. Seethe and mark of power are on shift+directional clicks right behind the scroll.

Naturally i keep everything a lot smaller, i just scaled it up so it would be clear ^_^

Edited by Kawabonga
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I come from the FPS genre, so I clicky clicky for the time being, and with good results (1.5s GCD is more than enough time for me to pick my abilities out and hit em before GCD)


The thing is when you need to deal with combinations :p


I'd suggest jumping on it and doing everything at once. Once you get a hang of it you don't look back ;)

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Mine are broken into different quickbars and I stack the second below the first with the third and fourth to the left between my frame and my companion and the last one to the right.

Quickbar 1;

1; saber strike

2; shock

3; thrash

4; Force lightning

5; Maul

6; overload

7; stun

8; force speed


Quickbar 2 (all of these are shift modified);

1; discharge

2; assassinate

3; recklessness

4; interrupt

5; lacerate

6; crushing darkness

7; overcharge saber

0; whirlwind


Quickbar 3;

F1; stealth

F2; dark ward

F3; deflection

F4; gaurd

F5; stun break

Shift+q; medpac


Quickbar 4;

Shift+f1; stealth cc

Shift+f2; rocket boots

Shift+f3; combat drop

Shift+f4; stealth lvl increase

T; single taunt

Shift+T; AoE taunt

F; force pull

Shift+f; Wither

R; Spike

Shift+r; shroud

Shift+g; rakata adrenal


And I have y setup to be a quick marker for the Dps instruction (aka "kill cog first").


I have this habit on all my toons to use f, r, t, and the shift modified versions of them for putting skills from the tree into a place where they are all nice, my Sin is the only exception with ward off on f2. I have zero desire to change around my layout for my Sin as I have been playing this specific toon from lvl 14 as a tank and its so ingrained in my muscles where all my defensive CDs are and abilities are. Plus it keeps a lot of things around my left hand as I use both mouse keys to run and turn and use q and e to strafe, I have wasd setup still as movement but I rarely use it vs the mouse movement. They come in handy though during some Ops where I need to move straight backwards while smacking the boss or just not moving side to side at all.

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