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Bug: Missing Skin colors for "Sith" Zabrak on the Republic Side.


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When the Sith Versions of the Zabrak Species are unlock for the Republic side, they have Double the skin color, and missing one color compared to them being on the Sith side.


http://i44.tinypic.com/jt9d8j.jpg The missing color that isnt on the pubside. they have 8 Color slots


The colors will repeat after number 8. and goes on to 16ish




Was disapointed to find i cannot make a clone of my Sith Sorc on the Pubside. :sul_frown:

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  • 3 months later...
I had the same problem when rolling the factional mirror of my Marauder. I've reported this as a bug. For all classes except two, "Imperial" Zabraks have fourteen slider positions for skin tone at character select, but only seven choices; the colors repeat. SI/SW have eight, including an additional skin tone that's not available for other classes. I'd like to see all skin tone choices available for all classes. Edited by Meira_Arirai
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BUMP. Would really like to see this issue fixed...


This doesn't happen for the Sith Warrior/Inquisitor, but does happen on the Bounty Hunter/Imperial Agent classes also. So it's not just limited to the Republic.

Edited by CetanSZ
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  • 2 weeks later...

You mean something that a yellow said was "going to be investigated"....wasn't?

No way - that NEVER happens /sarc


PS. You might have better luck if you ask for a cartel item that gives you the missing skin tones, that gets top priority.

Edited by Stoofa
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I've passed this along for investigation - thanks!


It's been two years and this hasn't been fixed. Any hopes of it getting changed? At this point I'd pay cartel coins for a "Zabrak Skin Tones" pack that unlocked the right one for use by everyone...

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  • 3 months later...

"I've passed this along for investigation - thanks!"


And... it's coming up on 2 and a half years now (2017!!!!) and they have yet to fix it. Such a shame considering the one skin color that is missing is my personal favorite. I would imagine it's the favorite of many others as well, if not the most popular. Guess I won't be playing a Zabrak Sage anytime soon on the republic side despite paying a lot of $$ for it... :mad::mad::mad::mad:

Edited by renegatezta
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