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Thank you for seeing reason and agreeing with me.


Also, it's "you're", shortened from "you are". The apostrophe is used so that you don't have to type two words. "Your" indicates another's possession of something.


Please never post your fail "PvP" videos in this forum again. Have a nice day.


No, I think he said that he does suck your right. Whatever your right may be.


Also, OP, those vids were fun, don't mind them scrounchy-faced nose-turners.

Edited by Helig
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A lot of people without brain and with broken hands. They want to dominate on mid as node guarder build and won 1 vs 1 as DPS-rs. Whine and whine - Sins OP! Make us as SINS!!! But when they lvl up sins they still suck as before. And re-roll again on oper/drell and again whine - oper UP! SinS OP! On our sever only few ppls can play this class good(sins/shadow). All classes and specs are very good in good hands. Kids will always whine. Edited by helpmewin
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For all the reasons already mentioned, yes. It is a good illustration of our class being underpowered. Because your highlight reel only shows stacked fights, that YOU chose, which resulted favorably for you.


Show me a twitch stream, or a video of the next 5 ranked matches you play, regardless of outcome. Should be an uncut, 3 hour video I'd guess. That's how long it'll probably take to get that many ranked arena pops.

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For all the reasons already mentioned, yes. It is a good illustration of our class being underpowered. Because your highlight reel only shows stacked fights, that YOU chose, which resulted favorably for you.


Show me a twitch stream, or a video of the next 5 ranked matches you play, regardless of outcome. Should be an uncut, 3 hour video I'd guess. That's how long it'll probably take to get that many ranked arena pops.


Is that a request to see me in ranked? i always thought real PvPers in this game gave up on that when 8vs8 was dropped but i am tempted to post some rounds i just don't like to assume credit for team efforts. Besides debuffs, distraction and CC isnt something that's really reflected on the score board and judging from the overall response im getting for these videos i doubt many people will see beyond my DPS score anyway.


BTW i wouldn't post a fight up that wasn't a fair one, if you think the game is that imbalanced why do you play? or maybe you just have no concept of the mechanics mechanics work outside arenas. As i said already and wont repeat again, full expertise against no expertise is a 50% boost, 2 players with no expertise is a combined 100% boost with double CC and companion heals. and if you knew how the game works you would know that attacking a player that's fighting a mob immediately switches the aggro to the aggressor hence i use a HK to take some of that off myself. still think the fights are stacked? My only mistake here is assuming people actually see whats going on in my videos.

Edited by HexDecimalUK
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What I'm struggling with is that madness video. For me fighting open world is just so meh. Couple of the players you thought seemed to not even had a clue you had engaged since they were dealing with mobs. The two PT's you fought seemed pretty bad (that one at the end didn't even target you until he was almost dead). No cc, pulls, leap for the tank (heck that mara when you fought the pt didn't even leap to you). It just looked like there was 0 skill shown in that video, which is fine since you're not always going to be facing top tier talent in open world, regs or ranked.


I guess if you're going to show a video claiming that sadness for assassins is not underpowered you should strive to show some better examples of why you don't agree with that since you fought some pretty garbage players in favorable situations for any stealth class.

Edited by cycao
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What I'm struggling with is that madness video. For me fighting open world is just so meh. Couple of the players you thought seemed to not even had a clue you had engaged since they were dealing with mobs. The two PT's you fought seemed pretty bad (that one at the end didn't even target you until he was almost dead). No cc, pulls, leap for the tank (heck that mara when you fought the pt didn't even leap to you). It just looked like there was 0 skill shown in that video, which is fine since you're not always going to be facing top tier talent in open world, regs or ranked.


I guess if you're going to show a video claiming that sadness for assassins is not underpowered you should strive to show some better examples of why you don't agree with that since you fought some pretty garbage players in favorable situations for any stealth class.


your not supposed to see an assassin coming, and they dont see you coming in WZs either for the same reason, in fact the whole point on those PTs and how i play the spec is using the element of surprise and confusion as an assassin should, but in deception i find that i barely scratch PTs whereas madness seems to squash them like bugs, think about it death field/creeping terror, they are ranged when you use that instead of being all in their face about it by the time they know whats happening its too late thats how madness should be played IMO and works just the same on healers in WZs who are also not looking 30 meters behind them ;)

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your not supposed to see an assassin coming, and they dont see you coming in WZs either for the same reason, in fact the whole point on those PTs and how i play the spec is using the element of surprise and confusion as an assassin should, but in deception i find that i barely scratch PTs whereas madness seems to squash them like bugs, think about it death field/creeping terror, they are ranged when you use that instead of being all in their face about it by the time they know whats happening its too late thats how madness should be played IMO and works just the same on healers in WZs who are also not looking 30 meters behind them ;)


With the minor exception to that warzone you were setting yourself up for the best situation with every highlight (warzone being the minor since there was at least another player in that mara that didn't seem to engage outside the dual saber throw), not that it's terribly wrong or anything. Having recklessness up with combat stealth and phase walk and catching some PvE scrub while he is dealing with mobs certainly helped you out there since a competent PT tank or dps would have either grappled you or used jet packs to close the gap.


I would have rather seen a full warzone or at least a larger sample of warzones that didn't involve just a single highlight. When you walk into a warzone running lightning charge you're putting a massive target over your head since it's so damn squishy. I got bored and ran my hybrid with lightning charge the other day and holy hell I must have died at least 12 times. Good players don't let you get separation. They keep on you with gap closers and try to take away in advantage you might have.


Take it as you wish but I will need to see a much better video post 2.0 before I can agree with someone saying balance/sadness is not underpowered because I cringe when anyone steps into a warzone running lightning charge...With the exception of myself since I have ran madness and hybrids of madness since forever and I can say without a doubt that the class is broken and not in a good way.

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With the minor exception to that warzone you were setting yourself up for the best situation with every highlight (warzone being the minor since there was at least another player in that mara that didn't seem to engage outside the dual saber throw), not that it's terribly wrong or anything. Having recklessness up with combat stealth and phase walk and catching some PvE scrub while he is dealing with mobs certainly helped you out there since a competent PT tank or dps would have either grappled you or used jet packs to close the gap.


I would have rather seen a full warzone or at least a larger sample of warzones that didn't involve just a single highlight. When you walk into a warzone running lightning charge you're putting a massive target over your head since it's so damn squishy. I got bored and ran my hybrid with lightning charge the other day and holy hell I must have died at least 12 times. Good players don't let you get separation. They keep on you with gap closers and try to take away in advantage you might have.


Take it as you wish but I will need to see a much better video post 2.0 before I can agree with someone saying balance/sadness is not underpowered because I cringe when anyone steps into a warzone running lightning charge...With the exception of myself since I have ran madness and hybrids of madness since forever and I can say without a doubt that the class is broken and not in a good way.


i actually have that original full match still but remember that its more about using phase walk against people instead of a way to just duck out of bad situations you know. thats my whole point here! using your class creatively not just following the meta playstyle and expecting a free kill people know how two fight Ops because they always attack in the same manner and leg it as soon as you trip them up what do you expect? might work on NPCs but you stab me to the floor you better hope everything crits or im going to start rubbing my metaphorical nips and trip you over at every turn. as for assassins well everything Does crit, i think personally deception is totally overpowered against most classes but bad players keep it that way by having no clue how to PVP and i dont want bad players to do the same thing to Ops

Edited by HexDecimalUK
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i actually have that original full match still but remember that its more about using phase walk against people instead of a way to just duck out of bad situations you know. thats my whole point here! using your class creatively not just following the meta playstyle and expecting a free kill people know how two fight Ops because they always attack in the same manner and leg it as soon as you trip them up what do you expect? might work on NPCs but you stab me to the floor you better hope everything crits or im going to start rubbing my metaphorical nips and trip you over at every turn. as for assassins well everything Does crit, i think personally deception is totally overpowered against most classes but bad players keep it that way by having no clue how to PVP and i dont want bad players to do the same thing to Ops


Well that's my point about using phase walk. Indeed creative but how do you play out the warzone when you cant use it to create space, hit them with CT and DF?


I don't think it has anything to do with deception being overpowered or not, it's just players who want to be dps chossing a spec that isn't considered by 99.99% (you being the .01%) as one of the worst specs since launch and in imo the worst since 2.0.


As of now yes, deception is totally outperforming madness. I actually almost preferred madness to deception pre2.0 as I liked the complexity of the playstyle. Now it's just a watered down mess and it's an overall clunky spec to play.

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Well that's my point about using phase walk. Indeed creative but how do you play out the warzone when you cant use it to create space, hit them with CT and DF?


I don't think it has anything to do with deception being overpowered or not, it's just players who want to be dps chossing a spec that isn't considered by 99.99% (you being the .01%) as one of the worst specs since launch and in imo the worst since 2.0.


As of now yes, deception is totally outperforming madness. I actually almost preferred madness to deception pre2.0 as I liked the complexity of the playstyle. Now it's just a watered down mess and it's an overall clunky spec to play.


Il post the original match if you like, but when you play madness you have to think like a sorc the simplist way is to do your ranged attacks on the unsuspecting and vulnerable from a distance and close in on them as you you get the the close ranged and the melee attacks. death field and creeping terror are 30 meters, then the 15 meter discharge, then thresh and crushing darkness as it procs. all im doing is playing it back to front using my phase walk to incorporate the 30 meter reckless lightning almost like a sorc, you can be even more creative like stunning for a casted CD and coming back to proc the reset instant CD, theres allot of options and its far more diverse than the plain-jane sorc play style. for me deception is just 2 trucks hitting one after another you either survive the 2 15K reckless combos or your not a powertech lol but as i said and thankfully most deception sin players are worthless and fun to punish

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