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So is the Dustmaker / Comet Breaker really shipping tomorrow in its current state?


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Nice, ty. The one on the left is same as middle, but with half the features taken away.


Patch note: "Premium Strongarm and Demolisher Gunships can be found in Dogfighter’s packs, providing an alternate look for the Comet Breaker/Dustmaker"

Are those gonna look the same as each other?


That's how all of the ships in each class have been so far - they use the same core fuselage, but w/ extra bits added or subtracted. The Pike (2nd Pub Strike Fighter) is identical to the Star Guard (the default Strike), but w/ an extra engine stuck on top.



Yes, the Strongarm and Demolisher will look identical. Just like the existing Cartel Market ships look the same and have the same stats/components, but have a different name and description. Honestly, I think the only reason they do this is so they can say they are adding 2 ships instead of 1.

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That's how all of the ships in each class have been so far - they use the same core fuselage, but w/ extra bits added or subtracted. The Pike (2nd Pub Strike Fighter) is identical to the Star Guard (the default Strike), but w/ an extra engine stuck on top.



Yes, the Strongarm and Demolisher will look identical. Just like the existing Cartel Market ships look the same and have the same stats/components, but have a different name and description. Honestly, I think the only reason they do this is so they can say they are adding 2 ships instead of 1.

Question is, what would happen if a pub player get the Imp one, and vice versa? Sell on GTN?

Edited by Sadishist
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They're OP because you're giving the fastest ships available reliable lock on missiles, the best blaster choices, 41% passive evade, and an offensive cooldown that stacks with copilot skills to create an unparalleled dogfighter and objective taker. It's just the combination of all the components they can take, along with base scout speed and turning rates.

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i haven't logged in today yet but i have been looking around in Dulfy and it looks like one of the new packs has a toy of the Dustmaker and it's the 4 pod variant... dunno why the 3rd ship would be weaker than the 2nd... but maybe the 2 pod variant may still be the free starter Gunship...
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i haven't logged in today yet but i have been looking around in Dulfy and it looks like one of the new packs has a toy of the Dustmaker and it's the 4 pod variant... dunno why the 3rd ship would be weaker than the 2nd... but maybe the 2 pod variant may still be the free starter Gunship...


You were wrong. The new GS cost fleet req just like the others. Just thought I would let everyone know.

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You were wrong. The new GS cost fleet req just like the others. Just thought I would let everyone know.


Indeed. I tried it, and it sucks. Like, badly. Don't buy it. Just... don't. You'll thank me later


Or will you..?

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yes the Dustmaker requires F•Req., i figured the 4 pod variant would but i thought they'd give us the 2 pod first, but i guessed wrong... i'm still betting the 2 Pod Variant will be the starter/free one though... just wonder what it's gonna be called, guess i'll have to wait till GSF goes live in Feb. to find out unless it's data gets leaked earlier...
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Indeed. I tried it, and it sucks. Like, badly. Don't buy it. Just... don't. You'll thank me later


Or will you..?


Yeah, you should get it as an extra daily/weekly bucket, assuming you are willing to pay the small CC fee to turn ship req to fleet req.

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yes the Dustmaker requires F•Req., i figured the 4 pod variant would but i thought they'd give us the 2 pod first, but i guessed wrong... i'm still betting the 2 Pod Variant will be the starter/free one though... just wonder what it's gonna be called, guess i'll have to wait till GSF goes live in Feb. to find out unless it's data gets leaked earlier...


It already did. It's a dogfighter variant. Imagine the Dustmaker, but instead of having torpedoes, it has ship-to-ship missiles. It will also likely have some more "dogfightery" options of shields and engines, and some different minor components. But I suspect it, too, will be crap compared to the Mangler/Quarrel.

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ah, okies... have they named it yet?.. funny thing is i don't even fly a Gunship, i'm just curious...


All 30 non-cartel ship variants (15 per faction) had their names, models, and text descriptions datamined months ago, but I can't link to that site or any of the information on it in this forum.


Whether all of those ships make it to the game or not we can't say


But there are 5 ship classes, each with 3 variants. Here's how I speculate they break down:



Mangler/Quarrel - double railguns Gunship

Dustmaker / Comet Breaker - torpedo Gunship

Gunship 3 - dogfighter Gunship



Blackbolt/Novadrive - sensor beacon Scout

Sting/Flashfire - dogfighter Scout

Scout 3 - "Command" Scout



Rycer/StarGuard - double laser Strike

Quell/Pike - double missile Strike

Strike 3 - "Command" Strike



Razorwire/Rampart - minelayer Bomber

Legion/Warcarrier - drone Bomber

Bomber 3 - missile/torpedo Bomber (i.e. the "traditional" notion of a Bomber)


Class 5:

Class 5 variant 1

Class 5 variant 2

Class 5 variant 3


If you want a clue to what Class 5 is, look at the Targeting Telemetry ability on the Scouts.

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Class 5:

Class 5 variant 1

Class 5 variant 2

Class 5 variant 3


If you want a clue to what Class 5 is, look at the Targeting Telemetry ability on the Scouts.


But you didn't fill anything in for class 5! It's like it's invisible or something!



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Nemarus, I think the missing 3rd variant of each class in your table is actually just the CC-purchasable duplicate of an existing variant. So we already have all 3 strikes, scouts, gunships, and bombers.


No. The datamining had a 3rd faction-specific model and description for each #3 I mention, with the descriptions clearly indicating unique abilities and component configurations separate from the other two. Cartel Ships are just copies of existing models.


There are lots of pictures of these ships in BioWare's own GSF press, both in still images and in video.


The 3rd Imperial Gunship is the one with two simple gull wings (this was the model used for the Mangler in beta)

The 3rd Republic Gunship is ... a turd (this was the model used for the Quarrel in beta).

The 3rd Imperial Scout looks like a Blackbolt with S-foils open.

The 3rd Republic Scout is a NovaDrive with three engines.

The 3rd Imperial Strike looks like a Rycer with panels going both up and down.

The 3rd Republic Strike looks like a cross between a StarGuard and an ARC fighter, with 4 engines.

The 3rd Imperial Bomber looks like the Razorwire with the wings folded vertical straight up and down.

The 3rd Republic Bomber looks like a Rampart bent in half (like a T shape).

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No. The datamining had a 3rd faction-specific model and description for each #3 I mention, with the descriptions clearly indicating unique abilities and component configurations separate from the other two. Cartel Ships are just copies of existing models.


There are lots of pictures of these ships in BioWare's own GSF press, both in still images and in video.


The 3rd Imperial Gunship is the one with two simple gull wings (this was the model used for the Mangler in beta)

The 3rd Republic Gunship is ... a turd (this was the model used for the Quarrel in beta).

The 3rd Imperial Scout looks like a Blackbolt with S-foils open.

The 3rd Republic Scout is a NovaDrive with three engines.

The 3rd Imperial Strike looks like a Rycer with panels going both up and down.

The 3rd Republic Strike looks like a cross between a StarGuard and an ARC fighter, with 4 engines.

The 3rd Imperial Bomber looks like the Razorwire with the wings folded vertical straight up and down.

The 3rd Republic Bomber looks like a Rampart bent in half (like a T shape).


Simple: take a look on the PTS, in the new GSF hangar area. There's the 3rd Striker fighter right there, along with the 3rd gunship. At least for the Republic's version.

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Nemarus, I think the missing 3rd variant of each class in your table is actually just the CC-purchasable duplicate of an existing variant. So we already have all 3 strikes, scouts, gunships, and bombers.

It's not. The CM ships are just one of the ships we have now with a different model and different starting components. They say which one they are a clone of in the ship description.


They have tweaked the models of the ships over time (s-foils open closed, etc), but the stated roles have stayed the same (even though there was strong sentiment on the PTS in beta that bombers needed a complete rethink). That leads me to believe that the third ship of each class is still coming. Not sure about class 5, from what I know of it I don't really see the functional difference from scouts, but we'll see. Some of these other roles will also become more useful when we have more game modes.

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