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The Official Armor Wishlist Thread

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This has probably been mentioned but I'll drop it here again:


Some of the jackets and dusters look pretty good but so many of them are open. And that's cool but (Casual Vandal, for example) I'd like to be able to have an undershirt or a version that is more closed.

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Don't know if this has been requested and not sure if it would be lore-breaking but would be nice to have armor inspired on the Crimson Empire


Example: http://momcomics.files.wordpress.com/2012/11/star-wars-crimson-empire-02.jpg


The vibrostaff looks awesome too btw


Or maybe just the helmet of the Imperial guard



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Don't know if this was requested but how about the jump suit like was wearing in empire strikes back. Don't know if there is something similar to it being that I have only been playing for a couple months now. One with a short collar or a popped collar. Lol that is all thank you
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I've been waiting for a CM version of the Kell Dragon Jedi Knight set (click) for a very long time now.

Or alternatively something like Commander Jensyn's armor -> click


Easily the best design of "non-traditional" Jedi gear in the game.


Isn't there already both a medium and heavy version of this available from one of the comms vendors?

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Isn't there already both a medium and heavy version of this available from one of the comms vendors?

The only ones that come to mind are the Verpine sets for Elite Comms. And that is hood-up and not even the "normal" hood but the one that makes you look like Rumpelstiltskin (Click) *g

Kinda ruins it for me. Still one of the better looking default Endgame sets, though.

Considering some of the extremely ugly stuff they put in the CM (Energetic/Potent Champion anyone?) that literally no one wears, they could focus on variations of sets people actually liked. Wouldn't even be much of an effort, if any at all.

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Don't you mean that you want the hood "down" behind your character? No just completely removed, right?


No. They've said that a hood toggle that shows a visible hood down is off the table. They aren't working on it. An item that HIDES the hood (that is, removes it) is something that's basically already in game. They just need one that's invisible now.


This is made pretty clear in the thread I linked.

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I may have mentioned this before and if so I apologize for repeating myself.


What I'd like to see is a cartel market item that includes a skirt, mini or otherwise. Not a dress, not pants. A SKIRT. I know of two: the one in the regal set and the one included in the last handmaiden's outfit.


I think we could use a few more.

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A piece of armor ingame thats been lacking from any form of adaptive armor is this model here:

Arakyd Industries Braceman’s Armor


You can see it as the chest for this character

Iuno - The Bastion


I would love to see it without the hood, shoulder and neck plate so its a simple plasteel breastplate with jedi robes and cape and have the robe flow beyond the belt a bit to help with mixing and matching. Simple, elegant and versatile.

Basically going for an Obi-Wan clonewars type look. Which is as a military soldier but with jedi order overlay

Obi-Wan animated Clone Wars

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  • 2 weeks later...

Probably already in here somewhere, but this version of Revan's Armor from when he was Sith:



Take my money, now!


And just because a blood red variant of his mask:



Lastly, the mask in my avatar, which I do not believe I've ever seen in game.

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