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The Official Armor Wishlist Thread

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Master Ogrus Din set (fully dye able).

Anakin outfit from Ep. 2.

Trooper armor from Correlia or Republic fleet (no backpacks, antennas or stupid shoulders).

Trooper armor from Hope.

Properly working jet pack version of BHW set (make one from set works too).

Last pack mandalorian set with BHW type of jet pack (working one).

Middle long coats (no chest short no full length).

Black hood down simple chest as Dark Acolyte's robe (or full set of it with pants).

Similar as JVS and Eradicator (hood down) sets with short to belt robe.

Alternative version of all flapped sets with flaps on belts not on chests.

Alternative version of all extremely shouldered sets with normal or with no shoulder madness.

Knee and up short pants (yoga and wide).

Simple low shoes and short gloves.

Swimming outfits.

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Just gonna add a few armors id like to see :o


an adaptive version of this marauder helm that im dying to have on my jugg




jedi armor from kotor 1 ( this could come out in various diff reskins also! , red, blue, black, brown :D





darth bandon armor and sith acolytes from kotor



complete darth nihilus armor set




a second darth revan armor set!! that goes more with the classic look ;O







an hk47 skin for hk51 :D



a t3m4 skin for t701 :D




thats all that i can think of at the momment :D

ty have a nice day

Edited by DarthMetalJoey
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Not sure if it was mentioned in 24 pages (didn't feel like looking through them all), I really want an Adaptive version of the Verpine\Underworld Trooper armor for my Gunslinger. Swap the Verpine helmet for the Bounty tracker hat... love it.









Or as an alternative... give us an option to train a heavy armor skill. Not sure how that would work though..

Edited by OptimalPrimus
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Dear devs, would like the armour of Orth Quane ( apprentice 2 Master Rajivari, seen in hologram form during consular class quest on Tython ) Main colour black, Secondary colour red, Armour plates metallic black, and please add a black hood in the up position:) Edited by Mlnvifun
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Duster type looking chest piece (that has a shirt on it!) that goes all the way down to the ground (like in the old west)


I like the smuggler type hats but can you put some in game that are just plane hats? no blinking lights, no goggles, no masks, just a plane looking cowboy type hat, would go good with the duster and the large six shooter pistol you already have in game on the cm.


oh more jedi robes with hoods up please and full length sleeves and please don't add 500 more cc for the same armor just with longer sleeves lol

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Without anything to do with a crossover, I'd love to see some armor be added that looks reminiscent of this stuff from the Mass Effect series. You guys did an excellent job on these and armor items with a similar feel could also work here in this game, albeit with a Star Wars spin to them.





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I would like 4 Head-slot pieces...


1) Standard hood in up position that removes current hood (4 armour with hood down) so ANY armour can have a hood in up position

2) Standard hood in down position that removes current hood (like most head-slot items already do) so ANY armour can have a hood in down position

3) Standard hood in up position w/ cape (would be Head-slot item so that chest-piece is not unequipped)

4) Standard hood in down position w/ cape (would be Head-slot item so that chest-piece is not unequipped)


... this also has the potential 2 solve the hood-up/hood-down toggle issue, and as 4 the capes... well... it's coz I want them:D Rep toons would look more heroic, and Imp toons would look more sinister:cool:


Yes, please! I would love this!



bioware, please do this.

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  1. Take a Trailblazer's Helmet.
  2. Cut off the ugly Special Education bicycle helmet.
  3. Admire the awesome face mask / bandit bandana you just created.
  4. ???
  5. Profit! (... no, really... you would!)


TY and good day.




If it fits under a hood, I would definitely buy it. I even wished they would have done something like it in the upcoming Ajunta Pall-Set. Instead they went with a weird version of the Darth Malgus rebreather.


Ajunta Pall - Bandit Style

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I think they should add the Revan armour for sale on the Cartel Market itself without the pack.

should be interesting.


I'm sure they make more money off making the packs available for a short time than they would making it available to buy outright.

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