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The Official Armor Wishlist Thread

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This thread is for showing BioWare what kind of armor items we would like to see them add via the Cartel Market.


To start off, here are a few of the things I would like to see be added:

  • Exosuit body armor. Preferably in separate Republic and Imperial versions.
  • Rogue's concealed armor set. Smuggler/Agent-like armor with duster and concealed underlying armor plates. Preferably in Republic and Imperial versions.
  • Head armor that is similar to items from Mass Effect, such as the Capacitor Helmet and Archon Visor. Could be included as part of a full armor set.
  • Cybernetic armor which resembles Republic and Imperial trooper droids.
  • Full cybernetic armor akin to the Series 808.
  • Jet Trooper armor. Could come in Republic and Imperial versions.
  • Armored pilot suit.

Edited by Nichos_Ketra
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Can you add this to the list? They're called Jedi Adventurer Robes :)



It's already on the list by being in this thread, like with the weapon thread. If I added everything to the original post, I would eventually run out of room and it would cause problems.

Edited by Nichos_Ketra
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This chestpiece, as used by a variety of throwaway mid level greens and blues.


Heck, if they changed the colour scheme to white/red, touched up the textures a bit (and left the insignia on the shoulder this time), reworked a couple of things, added an accessory or two such as the ammo belt used by verpine trooper armour and put together some similar pieces in the other slots, we'd have actually have a half decent equivilant for That Armour Troopers Have Been Asking For Since Ever.


Alternatively, That Armour Troopers Have Been Asking For Since Ever.

Edited by Bleeters
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I would love to get adaptive versions of the Empire sided armor versions of:

Agile Judgment Vest

Inspiration Vest

Muse Vestments

Warbringer's Body Armor

Black Hole armor for Warriors (but without so much blue)



Aspiring Knight armor

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I'd love to see a version of this helmet with some new attachments




maybe without the square part on the back so it looks a bit more like the trooper helmets from the trailers, but with like a flashlight or something on the side sorta like the ord mantell separatist helmet or the TD-17 colossus helmet


or really just more trooper helmet options in general, there's a lot of different armor styles out there, but helmets seem to be lacking at least IMO, although I would like to see trooper armor and belts with some more equipment pouches, but really a new helmet is what I'm dying for

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A version of Contractor armor without the raised neck armor or at least placed at greater distance from the head. As of now, it clips through many helmets. A different texture for the unarmored portions would be nice, as would the ability to alter their color.


Plain and simple Imperial Trooper Armor.


Armor along the lines of the Hydra set, but without that awful pipe sticking out of your chest or the giant thing on the back of the belt.


Armor similar to the Classic Commendation BH armor, but without the hideous hoses on your shoulders and chest. Replacing the Power Rangers helmet with something else would also be nice.


Mandalorian Armor that doesn't have a cape hanging off the back.


T-Visor helmets.

Edited by Millardkillmoore
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Here are my ideas:


-Mandalore the Vindicated's armor (the old Tionese/Columi/Rakata Mercenary set, if I recall correctly)

-Darth Sion's Sith Assassins' armor (one of the two Sith Assassin outfits from KOTOR II, specifically the ones fought at the Harbinger and at Trayus Academy. It has red goggle-looking eyepieces)

-Darth Nihilus' Sith Assassins' armor (the second SIth Assassin outfit from KOTOR II, this variant seen on Dxun and on the Ravager, and worn by the Sith you fight in the Tomb of Freedon Nadd)

-Ubese Hunter's envirosuit (possibly the KOTOR II version, but not necessarily)

-King Adas' armor

- Vrook Lamar's robes (the red jedi robes he wears in KOTOR I and in the KOTOR comics)

-Juhani's jumpsuit

-Onderonian Vaklu Soldier's armor

-Onderonian Royalist Soldier's armor

Edited by Crimson_Paladin
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Here are my ideas:


-Mandalore the Vindicated's armor (the old Tionese/Columi/Rakata Mercenary set, if I recall correctly)

-Darth Sion's Sith Assassins' armor (one of the two Sith Assassin outfits from KOTOR II, specifically the ones fought at the Harbinger and at Trayus Academy. It has red goggle-looking eyepieces)

-Darth Nihilus' Sith Assassins' armor (the second SIth Assassin outfit from KOTOR II, this variant seen on Dxun and on the Ravager, and worn by the Sith you fight in the Tomb of Freedon Nadd)

-Ubese Hunter's envirosuit (possibly the KOTOR II version, but not necessarily)

-King Adas' armor

- Vrook Lamar's robes (the red jedi robes he wears in KOTOR I and in the KOTOR comics)

-Juhani's jumpsuit

-Onderonian Vaklu Soldier's armor

-Onderonian Royalist Soldier's armor


Yes please. I would -love- more KOTOR armor, from 1 and 2. It would bring back soooo many memories. Oh great, Nostalgia inbound. THANKS! >:(

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I would love to get adaptive versions of the Empire sided armor versions of:

Agile Judgment Vest

Inspiration Vest

Muse Vestments

Warbringer's Body Armor

Black Hole armor for Warriors (but without so much blue)



Aspiring Knight armor



This. Wouldn't mind adaptive versions of some of the Republic variants of these armors either. And I'd totally use the Aspiring Knight armor on my Guardian if I could get an adaptive version.


Oh, and Jedi Knight Character Creation Armor, pretty please? Would love to use that on my Sentinel.

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-Atris robes.

Its a very beautiful detailed jedi robe. The ragnos robe showed they can do long flowing sleeves so they can do this outfit.


-Scarf headgear.

A scarf that covers the mouth and nose.


-Torn jedi robes.

Let's see some robes that have seen action.


-Darth Bandon armor.

Has been requested many times before, so I'll request it again untill it gets added.


-More civilian clothes.

Normal civilian clothes as often seen in the movies. Nothing special. Just stuff that Han Solo, bar patrons, tatooine civilians, etc. would wear.


-Wider pants.

Why are they all skin tight? give us some variation.


-Darth Maul style sith robes.

These robes are very generic and I wouldnt link them to maul instantly. Other games have shown sith wearing similar robes.


-Palpatine style sith robe.

Again very generic black robe seen on many sith lords. Why not have such a robe in the game? The ragnos robe was a good start but was ruined by some ugly attachements and a weird collar.


-More leather and padded armors.

The original trilogy shows a lot of padded and leather armors, aside from the storm troopers plate armors seem barely existant. Yet in this game pretty much all armor is plate armor. Give us some lighter looking stuff as well please.

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There is only one set of armor I want more than anything else, and that is Mandalore the Ultimate's armor.




With the dye modules, I'd have fun just changing the color of the cloth and armor to find an awesome color scheme.

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I'd like to see a long-sleeved shirt with bare midriff, such as a duster over top of a short shirt. Especially if it was that.


Another thing that I'd love to see are hats which don't disable hair OR come with a scalp-cover of some kind. Even if this means either only some hairstyles can be displayed or a default hairstyle is displayed. Possible hats include Imperial Officer's Hat, Republic Officer's Hat, and the various Smuggler hats without the headcover segment.

Edited by Nichos_Ketra
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1) Armor similar to Darth Maul (no jutting spikes or ugly flaps hanging down in front of crotch. no stuff attached to chest piece to ruin it)


2) Armor similar to Darth Talon (no jutting spikes or ugly flaps hanging down in front of crotch. no stuff attached to chest piece to ruin it)


3) Lace and fishnets outfits. Think Gothic Lolita. Not ugly jewelry and other stuff you have added to the ugly "bikini's" and "dancer" outfits. ALL of those you guys have made are ugly. Please make them Form fitting!


4) Armor that flows and has lines going with the body. Form fitting. Not bunched up cloth at waist, jutting 2 ft long spikes, pipes, cables, or flaps hanging down in front of crotch.


5) Corsets with straps, not strapless.


6) Stop attaching things to chest piece that people may not like. Give people a choice by attaching it to belt instead. Or better yet, stop with the flaps and spikes period.


7) Thigh high boots/leggings that DONT stick out from the body. FORM FITTING. TIGHT to the skin.


8) Sith Robes that are CLOTH, not armor looking. (going back to the Darth Maul request)


9) 20 eye Combat looking boots.


10) New kinds of gauntlets with straps. (sort of like the relaxed ones, but different) that are BLACK and don't stay brown when dyed.


11) When armor is dyed stop making other colors other than what you dyed it showing. Such as the Cassus Fett cape that does not dye. In fact, redo the Cassus Fett with DYABLE cape!


12) And armor set similar to Luke Skywalker in ROTJ when he fights vader. Form fitting!!


12) Please redo the Extrovert armor set with out the UGLY front flap attached. :D


13) Armor similar to Bloodrayne.


In closing I would like to add that the people who design armor in this game have nearly zero sense of flow and form or lines with their designs. Pipes and cables and flaps that simply DO NOT belong there in so many armor sets that would look 10 times better without that stuff. All your armor would be better off without that stuff.


Thank You.

Edited by DarthVengeant
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This. Wouldn't mind adaptive versions of some of the Republic variants of these armors either. And I'd totally use the Aspiring Knight armor on my Guardian if I could get an adaptive version.


Oh, and Jedi Knight Character Creation Armor, pretty please? Would love to use that on my Sentinel.


The Jedi Knight Character Creation Armor has been put into the Cartel market already.


However, there are other KOTOR armors that have not came out in the random drop packs - Atris' Jedi Archivist Robes, Meetra Surik's Jedi Outfit, Mission Vao's Outfit. I'll add more after a while.

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Please keep commentary about personal opinions on the armor design out of the thread if you don't have anything else to contribute. There are lots of other places on the forums where you can complain about that.


Instead, you could suggest armors without those flaps you dislike so much.

Edited by Nichos_Ketra
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Full set of the armor from the Contraband Resale Vendor(The level 40 chests). I want the legs, gloves, belt, and boots for the CZ-18X Avalanche Armor. That armor set looks awesome, and in the final cutscene of the BH DK story(before you get a ship), you can see a mando with the full set. So, it's in-game, but BW doesn't want to release it.
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I would like to see a helmet like the Galvanized Manhunter Helmet, but with a plated look as opposed to a padded one. Something that would look equally fitting on a bounty hunter or a sith.


Another piece of armor I'd like to see is hand armor with a built-in datapad in the forearm plating. Something that could work for a trooper or an agent.

Edited by Nichos_Ketra
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Please keep commentary about personal opinions on the armor design out of the thread if you don't have anything else to contribute. There are lots of other places on the forums where you can complain about that.


Instead, you could suggest armors without those flaps you dislike so much.


Read my OP, thats exactly what I did. :)

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