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Let's Meet Up And Test! 8pm EST Sat And Sun


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Hi. My guild would really like to test out the new bombers and see what they are going to do to the game but there's nobody on the PTS. So, I was thinking we should get as many pilots as we can to get in there and que at the same time.


This also might be a good chance to see the relative strengths of all squads across the servers.


So, we should all get on the PTS around 8pm Saturday and Sunday. Let's see if bombers were fixed or are still broken.

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This is Lytewraith of Black Squadron of the Pot-5 Server.

A lot of you from pot-5 know us and we love GSF.

I would like to take this opertunity to test out the new changes comeing and invite all

Guilds on all servers and especially all the ones who love GSF as much as we do to come and test with us at these times on the pts so down load the patch and lets get out drones on


Ill see you guys on the launch deck and for those who don't know yet you have to que for the kuast drive fp first

it is the only way to get to the launch deck you que up and go into the fp and then you can exit area and your there

but you can only access it from in the fp itself

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I'll be flying on the Pub side. And from the posts here, I see the best Pub guild will be playing.


What about the Imp side? Death Squadron, are you going to show? How about that so called Eclipse Squadron? I'm ready to turn those hunks of metal that you call Starfighters into vapor.

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Wow, so there's really no point in trying to keep testing GSF at this point. Whenever someone dies, there's a good chance they won't be able to see any enemies, and you won't be able to target them either. I've seen exactly one match where this bug didn't affect a significant number of players. As long as this bug is present, it's almost impossible to actually test anything else.


Let's hope this bug gets fixed asap so we can get back to testing out the new stuff.

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