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Gunshipes Ruining Starfighter


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GSF is not newcomer friendly. All the skill in the world won't save you against someone who's unlocked all the shenanigans. My weapons go plink against them and they two-shot me in return. It's an uphill battle.


And I wish I could zoom out - the current zoom level is just ridiculous. I've suicided so many times on stuff that was just outside the FOV.

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GSF is not newcomer friendly. All the skill in the world won't save you against someone who's unlocked all the shenanigans. My weapons go plink against them and they two-shot me in return. It's an uphill battle.


I am flying a flashfire in the rep side, and a sting on the imp side. They both have the same components, but the flashfire has them all mastered, while the sting upgrades are mostly level 1-2. My performace using either craft is nearly identical.


If they two-shot you while your weapons go plink its not because of upgrade levels but because they use a slow-firing, hard-hitting weapon while you use a spray weapon that fires rapidly but does low damage. If you want to 2-shot people, use burst laser.

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I have been in quite few warzones now which have just been a group of 3-4 people in gunships sitting near their capital ship camping and sniping and if you try to engage one he will boost away then the other 3 will shoot you. I understand the mechanics of scout close, strike is a mid range then gunships are long range but maybe 15km is too much. I find by the time you have got to them they have boosted away or they have that engine which turn directly to face you which is a good tactic so i can't blame them i just wish there was some way a group of gunships could have a weakness.


I think the one shot thing should be removed or remove the bypass ability from gunships which would stop one shots. I don't know how to fix it but i just wanted to see other peoples opinion on the whole we camp and one shot to guard thing :/


In general when gunships aren't in the masses and camping i really enjoy starfighter, i think it just needs a little more balancing.

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What I find funny is that you know you wouldn't win without cheap tactics. They take away your barrel roll spam, Ion cannon debuff on an uncharged shot and bypass ability...I wonder how long you'd fly a gunship then. Also; I never said I had any trouble fighting against a gunship. It just gets old chasing you guys down.


As far as the scout burst cannon goes, well...you have to be in close for that to work not camping 15km away.


You can close that 15000km distance awfully quick though. Barrel roll breaking when you go into scope is the only thing I could see as a worthy change. If I'm playing against people that have geared ships, it's often more than 1 fully charged slug on a strike fighter, and a double fire for scouts too. The purpose of the gunship is to be a fortress. If you can't kill me when I'm a GS and you're a scout, you're playing the class wrong. Scouts manuverability is what gives them power. Barrel roll is our only way to ensure that we're able to even have a chance at staying alive. I can barely hit some scouts even though my reticle is right on them (max out your distortion shield). The gameplay isn't unbalanced (besides the ion not needing the full charge and the barrel roll / scope thing).


Biggest issue I've seen with GSF isn't the gunship. It's 90% of my team going 0 and 5+ while I'm 8 and 4, or 6 and 5, and that just means that my allies don't have geared ships. If you have no pvp gear as a sorc, don't you think you'll fall afully fast to a fully pvp geared sentinel? Mechanics aren't wrong, just the strategy / gear

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In general when gunships aren't in the masses and camping i really enjoy starfighter, i think it just needs a little more balancing.


This exactly. The only people who don't see a problem are gunship pilots and those who aren't on the wrong side of one of their premades.

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Gunships are not ruining gsf. Ion cannon aoe love taps are. One ship should not be able to shut down 5, pure and simple. Keep the love tap and remove the aoe or remove the love tap (meaning requiring a 75% charge to apply the debuff) and keep the aoe. Otherwise gunships are fine yes it sucks to get hit by one however its a two shot kill. The first hit should be a hint to do something different or at least start looking for a gs.
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GSF is not newcomer friendly. All the skill in the world won't save you against someone who's unlocked all the shenanigans. My weapons go plink against them and they two-shot me in return. It's an uphill battle.


And I wish I could zoom out - the current zoom level is just ridiculous. I've suicided so many times on stuff that was just outside the FOV.


way of the mark, im a experienced gsf player through skill, i have started rolling gsf on all my chars, a new char i have that i have done zero mods to can quite easily take gunships out because i know the mechanics of the game and the gunship, with gunship being my main normally, but on a scout with no mods i can get experienced gunships, thise that see me comming ofc they will win but average skilled gunships or equal skilled gunships i can take out. when i play my gunship the number of scouts that fly straight line towards me or have no engine power going slow etc and wonder why i kill them every time.


skill is the most important part of gsf and mods just are a bonus. anyone that disagrees are lesser skilled players that havnt took the time to learn the game and each class of ship perks and limitations.

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A gunship that runs all the way back to the capitol ship is essentially the same as a kill. He's back where he'd be if he'd exploded and his engines are likely depleted taking him that much longer to get back to the fight.


Sure, but it also depends on how stupid the guy(s) chasing the gunship is. If i can make 2 - 3 nubs tunnel-vision on me and chase me all over the map just because i'm a "easy kill" gunship then I win. Because my team only lose 1 gunship, but the enemy loses 2 - 3 ships for however long it takes them to either get bored or kill me (and sometimes they can be REALLY persistent).


And i win twice over if i can drag them over to my spawn point and have them killed by respawning team mates.

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Sure, but it also depends on how stupid the guy(s) chasing the gunship is. If i can make 2 - 3 nubs tunnel-vision on me and chase me all over the map just because i'm a "easy kill" gunship then I win. Because my team only lose 1 gunship, but the enemy loses 2 - 3 ships for however long it takes them to either get bored or kill me (and sometimes they can be REALLY persistent).


And i win twice over if i can drag them over to my spawn point and have them killed by respawning team mates.


It's pretty amusing when you can one shot one scout once, and they spend the rest of the match completely tunnel visioned on you, they'll run through the turrets and get rocked 2, 3, 4 times in a row, not learning from their mistakes.

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I went 15k-5a-1d last night in my gunship and we still lost. Granted, I was the only one on my team who went positive, and was one of 3 to even get 1 kill. In short, my gunship ruining gsf is not the case. My allies are ruining gsf, but that's the nature of the beast. They need to suck because they're new in order to eventually get better
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I'm in-between liking and hating gunships. I have good games and bad games like anyone else, but when you're facing a team full of gunship users its kind of ridiculous. Of course, you can argue I should just use the same tactics or be a better scout pilot, but no amount of skill in the world is going to prevent a gunship from popping you when there's a multitude of them gunning for you.


The problem with gunships right now is that there's too many. I'd go as far as saying the match should limit the number of gunships allowed, but then that makes it potentially exclusive to noob or bad players on a first come first serve basis. So instead of standing by that notion, I'll say the mechanics of gunships need to change to make them require some measure of skill rather than being a campy-go-lucky player option.

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Gunships are not ruining gsf. Ion cannon aoe love taps are. One ship should not be able to shut down 5, pure and simple. Keep the love tap and remove the aoe or remove the love tap (meaning requiring a 75% charge to apply the debuff) and keep the aoe. Otherwise gunships are fine yes it sucks to get hit by one however its a two shot kill. The first hit should be a hint to do something different or at least start looking for a gs.


^ Quoted for emphasis.


Tier 4 ion railgun pick one: (get rid of crit, it's a terrible idea on a shield wrecker anyway)

AOE shield wrecking

Energy Drain single target (level of energy drain should scale with charge)

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I went 15k-5a-1d last night in my gunship and we still lost. Granted, I was the only one on my team who went positive, and was one of 3 to even get 1 kill. In short, my gunship ruining gsf is not the case. My allies are ruining gsf, but that's the nature of the beast. They need to suck because they're new in order to eventually get better


Sometimes you get games where the top 5 killers are on your team and you still lose because you later learn half your team switched to gunships so nobody was capping satellites and gunships are often at a disadvantage if they're the only ones defending a satellite (by the time you move into LOS, the satellite is capped)

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I'm in-between liking and hating gunships. I have good games and bad games like anyone else, but when you're facing a team full of gunship users its kind of ridiculous. Of course, you can argue I should just use the same tactics or be a better scout pilot, but no amount of skill in the world is going to prevent a gunship from popping you when there's a multitude of them gunning for you.


The problem with gunships right now is that there's too many. I'd go as far as saying the match should limit the number of gunships allowed, but then that makes it potentially exclusive to noob or bad players on a first come first serve basis. So instead of standing by that notion, I'll say the mechanics of gunships need to change to make them require some measure of skill rather than being a campy-go-lucky player option.


see my above post.. having a ton of gunships is actually detrimental to your own team, as gunships aren't effective at capping and short range defending satellites, you need strikes and scouts for that.

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