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Promising Start for Starfighter Expansion, but beware the kill ninjas.


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So far so good, for what really does look like a promising expansion in the SWTOR online universe. But the frustrations are begining to take hold. Yes I'm taking about the kill ninja's, who wait until the last moment for you to empty your missiles and blaster capacitors into an enemy ship until there is a minimul amount left on the enemy ships health bar and swoop in and get in the final shot taking credit for your kill.


This is happening time and time again, there seems to be a culture growing in SF where a number of pilots only shoot down enemies with little health left. No longer do they participate in taking down the turrets as they hover out of turret range and wait until you have done all the work and swoop in to take credit for your kill. Personally I find this infuriating. So much so that my kills hve dropped from an average of around 8 per battle down to a measely 2 or 3. Yet my assists are into double figures every match.


I wondered if there is anyone else out there who also finds this annoying?


And if so please come forward and voice your opinions because this is ruining the playing experience in SF and I call for support in requesting Bioware to change how kills are registered. Instead of the last shot being the variable that decides who to assign the kill to, I call for Bioware to change this to the person who does the most damage to an opponent as the deciding factor on who and how to assign the kill to. IMO, this should eliminate players hovering for the kills and would totally change the strategy and most importantly the mentality of battles, giving everyone a more enjoyable battle experience. I am surprised that the game hasn't been programmed like this in the first instance, as this is a far more fairer way of assigning kills.


When you have done all the work chasing down an enemy ship from satelite 1 to 3, flying down canyons, evading other enemy ships and missiles, using up your own amunition in the process, you have a right to claim the kill as your own.


Picture this, your bearly there now, you see your enemies health bar has only a fraction left, one last shot and the enemy pilot is toast, but whats this? The ships out of range now, you activate your thrusters in order to keep up, you see the range reducing until suddenly the target goes red and the ship is back in range. You are just about to fire when your enemy slips behind a canyon turn and visual targeting is temporarily no longer possible. The ship then gives you the slip again behind another canyon, your enemy is hanging on for dear life, the pilot sees smoke billowing out from the rear of his ship and is acting in self preservertion when he does 180 turn and shoots right by you. You turn after the ship and give chase again, but once again the enemy pilot is proving slippery then suddenly satelite 3 comes into view and pilots thruster energy is depleted, you hit the movement reduction skill and atlast after a good few minutes the ship is yours, you re-target and start firing, but what is this? At the same time you fired another pilot also fired and he was closer. No surely not... "that bad boy was mine," you think to yourself and then you see the dreaded words on screen, you see the name of the pilot you have been chasing for what feels like 30 minutes or so pop up on screen and then realise the kill has been awarded to another pilot who just happened to swoop in at the right place at the right time and you know all your hard work has all been for nought.


I realise that we are all on the same side at the end of the day working for the same thing, so I probably shouldn't take it so seriously, which is why I would be interested if other players are also feeling the same as me and if my request to have the starship kills assigned to the player who does the most damage justified? Just think how this would change the mentaility of pilots, as I do believe that pilots now would work together much better than being a potential rivals for getting in the final shot. The focus of urgency would change, and change for the better.


My apologies if this issue has already been raised, I did scan through the threads, but I didn't notice anyone raising this issue as yet.


I would also like to say that this gripe should not detract from what I think is a superb addition to the game. The graphics are breath taking and the ships seem to be well balanced with a good variety about them. Its just lately these annoying kill ninjas have cropped up to spoil what has been a cracking intro to SWTOR SF.


Good work so far though. Hats off to Bio-ware and here's wishing you a successfull 2014.

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It's not something that bothers me, personally. Firstly, It's a team effort and kill count is not a big thing on my list of metrics to judge how I'm doing. Secondly, matches tend to be hectic affairs, I never thought that the majority of the teammates that "steal my kill" were ever doing so intentionally.
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When you have done all the work chasing down an enemy ship from satelite 1 to 3, flying down canyons, evading other enemy ships and missiles, using up your own amunition in the process, you have a right to claim the kill as your own.


If you've spent so much time and effort chasing down a single enemy, you are contributing to your side losing the match.


I would be more sympathetic if there was any difference between kill and assist in terms of requisition gained. There's not, so I'm not. Literally the only difference between a kill and an assist is that you get a higher place on the scoreboard and thus can feel better about yourself.


BioWare: Please remove default ranking by kills. It's sending entirely the wrong message about what is actually important.

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I agree it can be frustrating at times but it depends on the match your in. If they nerf the gunships down a bit it would be fairer in that respect. In my best games I tend to just hop onto the target in the best position to kill, if another target appears in a better position I switch to that and let someone else get my last kill.


I think it is normal for your kill rate to fluctuate due to the pvp matching aspect.

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BioWare: Please remove default ranking by kills. It's sending entirely the wrong message about what is actually important.


This. The default ranking should be based on number of defends or assaults, not kills or damage done or medals earned. Especially with F2P access coming soon, it would be so nice to have more people care about actual objectives rather than their own personal score.

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Yea, I have people who just follow me around and kill my targets when I have almost killed the target. It doesn't really bother me because the assists give good req due to the medals. I was just in a turkey shoot where I had 0 kills and 14 assists with around 40k damage. I just said "your welcome" at the end and left. Big whoop we still won =)
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When you have done all the work chasing down an enemy ship from satelite 1 to 3, flying down canyons, evading other enemy ships and missiles, using up your own amunition in the process, you have a right to claim the kill as your own.


I make it a rule to NOT chase anyone down NEARLY that far.

When another pilot 'steals' my kill, my only thoughts are: "Nice, threat eliminated. Any more incoming?" If not, then: "Are the other satellites in need of back-up?"


Domination is about capturing/holding satellites point-blank period. as soon as he started running it was a victory for you, as he was no longer actively threatening the satellite you were defending. Instead of blindly following the first person to taste your blaster fire, act like you're chasing him then drop in on B unexpectedly (if you give chase at all), or turn back around to A.


As it stands, kills/assists are way less important than objective points.

I've had games that I really felt I contributed a lot even though I had very few kills/assists, simply because I held a sat under duress for a long period of time.


This could be a concern on the Team Deathmatch mode due out in Feb. though (because I assume kills will be weighted much more, since there will be no objectives to capture and hold).

Until then, focus on defending satellites until at least 1 (preferably 2 - 3) turrets spawn, then either keep defending if enemies are incoming, or get to another sat and cap or defend. You may not top the 'kills' column, but your team will be much more likely to win.

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Yes I'm taking about the kill ninja's, who wait until the last moment for you to empty your missiles and blaster capacitors into an enemy ship until there is a minimul amount left on the enemy ships health bar and swoop in and get in the final shot taking credit for your kill.


Nonsense. No-one is waiting for anything. People tab target the nearest enemy and proceed to kill him as fast as possible, as they should. They don't give crap whether you damaged him before or not. Sometimes they finish your target, sometimes you finish theirs. Ego games have no place here. Its a team effort.

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Those people, aren't stealing "Your" kills... They're assisting a wing mate. Your entire post seems to indicate that you're not a team player.


I've finished matches with single digit kills and 30+ assists. It doesn't matter. Personally, I like it when other players help out. That way the big slow gunships doesn't wind up with the entire Imp team chasing it.

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As silvershadows said earlier in this thread, kill "stealing" only hurts when you are going after certain Achievements (100 Ace/Ravage medals, for example).


On that topic, I want the "Reinforcement Specialist" title, so please steal as much kills from me as possible - the more the merrier!

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Nonsense. No-one is waiting for anything. People tab target the nearest enemy and proceed to kill him as fast as possible, as they should. They don't give crap whether you damaged him before or not. Sometimes they finish your target, sometimes you finish theirs. Ego games have no place here. Its a team effort.


Thanks all for your insights, its clear now through the intelligent responses I have had its clear I need to focus less on the kill column.


Unfortunately not all responses have been intelligent take the quote above. My response below.


Thank you for your opinion, however to state that im talking nonesense when u dont know the server im on, the battles ive been on and who with, tends to suggest that you cant respect an opinion you dont agree with, of course you have been in every battle with every pilot with every guild havent you?


heres hoping for an intelligent mature response from Sharee. Fingers crossed.

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...however to state that im talking nonesense when u dont know the server im on...


Dude. When you write nonsense, i do not need to know what server you are on to know it's nonsense, i just need to read what you wrote.


... tends to suggest that you cant respect an opinion you dont agree with


You didn't present an opinion, you complained that someone stole your kill. Thats the nonsense. There is no kill stealing, there is only teamwork.

Edited by Sharee
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I think the op is a little paranoid, when GSF first came out I would be on vent with a couple of guildies and they would always be (jokingly) yell at me for taking their kills and then do it again when I had 20-40 kills at the end of the match.


But I wasn't trying to kill steal anyone I just killed who ever was next in my tab target rotation, tabbing around trying to find people low on health is a waste of time if all youre doing is trying to get a high kill count. If youre having problems losing kills constantly its most likely you, and if those people weren't killing them for you your kill count might get slightly higher but your assists would probably drop dramatically.

Edited by Mallorik
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This is a team game. You also get credit for assists, so that is part of how it works. I thought about that too at one time but then there have been other situations where I reaped the benefits of hanging back getting missile locks while scouts occupied them dogfighting. Very effective.


Someone just hunting for kills in a domination match won't be helping the team much.

Edited by Kain_Turinbar
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Enemy with only 1% HP left has 100% of the firepower of a ship with 100% HP. The faster it goes down, the better, and the bloated ego of certain individuals is of no consequence.


Very much this. Especially if they're not located in the middle of no-where. An extra second or two alive could give them the time to make a difference in a match by either killing someone on your team or prevent/cause (depending on context) a sat to be flipped.

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Dude. When you write nonsense, i do not need to know what server you are on to know it's nonsense, i just need to read what you wrote.


The thread I started was based on my experiences playing SF, and through those experiences I formed my opinion, of which I am entitled to do. I have also had guild mail alerting me and my guildies to certain other guilds that are grouping up and employing the very strategy outlined in earlier posts.


I totally accept that not everyone will agree with me, and I also accept the fact that I and others in my guild might also be wrong. What is clear from this thread is that I possibly needed to change my own outlook and aproach to the game. Thankfully most people who offered thier opinion, did so in a polite, mature, intelligent and respectful manner and I thank them for sharing thier own experiences with me.


Your comments obviously shows that you don't respect other peoples opinion or, perhaps you are deficient in the ability of recognising what an opinion actually is. Either way, you displayed your own comments in a dissmissive manner totally not accepting my own experiences because you hadn't had the same experience in a dissapointing, I'm right your wrong deal with it, bullish sort of attitude!

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Well, first of all, this is Domination. Nodes are what matter, not kills, and striving for the top of the board isn't necessarily helping your team out. Likewise, you don't need to pad your kill count, but there's times when it is necessary to kill and kill quickly. If this means you have to take a shot, you take that shot. If you're trying to capture or hold a node that's being attacked, getting enemies out of there as quickly as possible is the name of the game. In this instance, anyone with a shot ought to be taking it. I've had plenty of times where I've been lining up that last shot, only to have the ship blow up to someone else blasting it. Am I mad? No. I switch targets and start working on someone else. It's fast pace and there's no shortage of enemies out there.


Dogfight areas away from nodes, sure. You wingman someone that's attacking a ship to make sure they don't get someone on their 6, but let them have the kill. It's proper training for other pilots, after all. If they wind up on the wrong end of the enemy, then sure, step in. That's what the wingman is for. Caveat is that if your team is down in points, and the enemy is interdicting you on the way to attacking a node, treat them like you're on the node. Kill them as quickly as possible, and move on.

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Your comments obviously shows that you don't respect other peoples opinion


For the last time: you did not come here presenting an opinion. You came here complaining that someone stole your kill.


I called that complaint what it is: nonsense. You should be GLAD the guy killed your target. Because there is no such thing as a sure kill. You have no idea whether there isn't a gunship that's going to oneshot you in the next second. And the guy who you thought you were entitled to get the killing blow against will instead, with a sliver of health left, cap a satellite and cost your team the victory they worked hard to accomplish.


Complaining that one of your teammates killed an enemy, just because you wanted to kill him yourself, is incredibly selfish.


Either way, you displayed your own comments in a dissmissive manner totally not accepting my own experiences because you hadn't had the same experience


I am not dismissing or doubting your experience, i am dismissing your "THAT KILL WAS MINE!!!" spoiled child attitude. I've had the same experience hundreds of times. It never crossed my mind that i should complain. I simply hit tab, and attacked the next nearest enemy, glad there is one less enemy craft firing at my team.

Edited by Sharee
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For the last time: you did not come here presenting an opinion. You came here complaining that someone stole your kill.


I called that complaint what it is: nonsense. You should be GLAD the guy killed your target. Because there is no such thing as a sure kill. You have no idea whether there isn't a gunship that's going to oneshot you in the next second. And the guy who you thought you were entitled to get the killing blow against will instead, with a sliver of health left, cap a satellite and cost your team the victory they worked hard to accomplish.


Complaining that one of your teammates killed an enemy, just because you wanted to kill him yourself, is incredibly selfish.



I am not dismissing or doubting your experience, i am dismissing your "THAT KILL WAS MINE!!!" spoiled child attitude. I've had the same experience hundreds of times. It never crossed my mind that i should complain. I simply hit tab, and attacked the next nearest enemy, glad there is one less enemy craft firing at my team.


You reveal your own arrogance yet further.


For goodness sake I was not complaining, I was expressing an opinion to garner experiences from other players to see if I needed to change my aproach to the game.


I know this much, if I made another person feel that I had disrespected thier opinion and was not able to express my own opinion in a manner that doesn't insult someone else, I wouldn't use these forums.


This is all I have to say on this matter, feel free to make yet another arrogant post. I have now unsubscribed from the thread and I won't be reading any replies from you because I refuse to waste my time reading another word that has been typed by your bitter hand.


Thanks everyone for chipping in, I will certainly take on board many of the comments made.

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For the last time: you did not come here presenting an opinion. You came here complaining that someone stole your kill.


I called that complaint what it is: nonsense. You should be GLAD the guy killed your target. Because there is no such thing as a sure kill. You have no idea whether there isn't a gunship that's going to oneshot you in the next second. And the guy who you thought you were entitled to get the killing blow against will instead, with a sliver of health left, cap a satellite and cost your team the victory they worked hard to accomplish.


Complaining that one of your teammates killed an enemy, just because you wanted to kill him yourself, is incredibly selfish.


I am not dismissing or doubting your experience, i am dismissing your "THAT KILL WAS MINE!!!" spoiled child attitude. I've had the same experience hundreds of times. It never crossed my mind that i should complain. I simply hit tab, and attacked the next nearest enemy, glad there is one less enemy craft firing at my team.


Spot the guy that doesn't play on vent with his friends.


When victory is guaranteed and you're good enough to compete for top of the leaderboard, there is absolutely such a thing as a sure kill, and plenty of fun to be had in joshing your friends for stealing yours.


That said, if you're queueing solo, yeah, there's no point in complaining.

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