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are you concerned ??..


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so GS has been out for a few week's and with no new announcement on the horizon what now .. i sure we was promised a rakghoul event but how long till this is out ..


GS is good for the people that enjoy it but the people that don't are dropping out the game like flie's, soon this game be dead and all i ever see on the fourm's is people quitting that have stayed with this game through out the horried times we had with it, where as people who only just started playing think they are either trolling or just being mardy this is not the case, we just want what we were promised with the content not spaced out content so it look's like new content,


i mean they brought gree back 2 year's on the trot i dont know if any other mmo has ever done that but i find it was a lack of lazyness not giving people who done it something else to do why not make 2 events at once for people that have done gree over 100s times, as a player that doe's not want to leave this game i only ask for a mere improvment on announced aswell a content give the people what they want stop listening to the people that think they are right when clearly they are not, i have read that only 2million player's play this game and halff of them anit even subs, doe's that not tell you something is clearly going wrong, you can only keep the people that love this game happy for so long....

Edited by lazze
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[blablaba] ... soon this game be dead ...[blablabla]

Again? oh, that will be the umteenth time, it died then? I lost count. Well, lucky the battle rezz timer is not on CD, so I guess the game will be ready, when I get home from work.


stop listening to the people that think they are right when clearly they are not

Good idea. Bioware should ignore your post then.


As to your question: Yes, I am concerned with the reasoning of doomsayers.

Edited by JPryde
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GS is good for the people that enjoy it but the people that don't are dropping out the game like flie's, soon this game be dead and all i ever see on the fourm's is people quitting


(1) lrn2plurals


(2) Don't spout nonsense. This forum is mainly populated and visited by people who are experiencing issues or have an axe to grind. I would assume the people in here are a single-digit percentage of the game population, and in no way representative.


There have been a bunch of announcements, you just need to read the community blog.

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give the people what they want stop listening to the people that think they are right when clearly they are not...


and who exactly are you to make the decision of who is right or wrong, and to determine what "the people" want... more doom, doom, doom is what i'm seeing here... and, no i'm not a newbie, i've been here since launch too and, you do not speak for me especially when it's as condescending as the above quote...

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so GS has been out for a few week's and with no new announcement on the horizon what now .. i sure we was promised a rakghoul event but how long till this is out ..


GS is good for the people that enjoy it but the people that don't are dropping out the game like flie's, soon this game be dead and all i ever see on the fourm's is people quitting that have stayed with this game through out the horried times we had with it, where as people who only just started playing think they are either trolling or just being mardy this is not the case, we just want what we were promised with the content not spaced out content so it look's like new content,


i mean they brought gree back 2 year's on the trot i dont know if any other mmo has ever done that but i find it was a lack of lazyness not giving people who done it something else to do why not make 2 events at once for people that have done gree over 100s times, as a player that doe's not want to leave this game i only ask for a mere improvment on announced aswell a content give the people what they want stop listening to the people that think they are right when clearly they are not, i have read that only 2million player's play this game and halff of them anit even subs, doe's that not tell you something is clearly going wrong, you can only keep the people that love this game happy for so long....


Lot's of people still like GS.

And what do you mean they brought gree back 2 year's on the trot?


Bioware is rolling out content faster then ever. If you're not happy then leave. It's much better then 2 years ago when content was rolling out every 2-3 months.

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and who exactly are you to make the decision of who is right or wrong, and to determine what "the people" want... more doom, doom, doom is what i'm seeing here... and, no i'm not a newbie, i've been here since launch too and, you do not speak for me especially when it's as condescending as the above quote...


well the people they have listened to so far is not working is it, if it was this game would be in tip top shape as you can clearly see that is not the case .. i am merely stating my opinion if people want to take offence to it then so be it...

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well the people they have listened to so far is not working is it, if it was this game would be in tip top shape as you can clearly see that is not the case .. i am merely stating my opinion if people want to take offence to it then so be it...


And your opinion is in my mind completely wrong.

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make's me laugh i am merely stating i am concerned for certain thing's and all of a sudden my post mean's DOOM DOOM DOOM wow really ... did you just read the first sentence then go into rage mode and start slating me lol,,,,
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well the people they have listened to so far is not working is it, if it was this game would be in tip top shape as you can clearly see that is not the case .. i am merely stating my opinion if people want to take offence to it then so be it...


exactly, you are stating your opinion, but even in this reply you are presenting it as fact, when it is clearly your opinion... :rolleyes:

from my point of view and in my opinion the game looks to be doing pretty good for itself, and most complaints come from people that burn through content too fast, in some imaginary race to become the best first or some nonsense like that, or people that for some reason expected a sandbox when we were told it was theme-park all along... so from my point of view things look good, from yours bad, doesn't mean either opinion is right... in my opinion i see the death of PvP as a glorious thing, but i'm sure most of PoT5 will not agree with me, doesn't mean either of us is right, we just have our own views on things, but don't go presenting opinion as fact and don't be so condescending, you're no better than anyone else...



did you just read the first sentence then go into rage mode and start slating me lol,,,,


nope, no rage, you must really get over projecting expectations on others that you clearly do not know... :p

Edited by Elly_Dawn
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***sorry double post... darned back button***


lol its fine .. but just to be clear i do love this game i just wish the content was different at xmas, then i would of not posted this, but it wasen't and that's why i have put this as a concerned player,


no matter what post people write someone else opinion's is right and there's is wrong i am gald you can see were i am coming from and i might have put it across wrong but some people just see red and bang ...

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I understand where the OP is coming from. I hope GSF is successful for those that care for it, however I also know quite a few people that don't. I happen to be one of them. I gave it a couple of tries, then deleted all my pilot suits and paint jobs to recover the room in my cargo hold :)


I just hope that GSF doesn't negatively impact the development of new WZs and general PvP improvements.

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so GS has been out for a few week's and with no new announcement on the horizon what now .. i sure we was promised a rakghoul event but how long till this is out ..


GS is good for the people that enjoy it but the people that don't are dropping out the game like flie's, soon this game be dead and all i ever see on the fourm's is people quitting that have stayed with this game through out the horried times we had with it, where as people who only just started playing think they are either trolling or just being mardy this is not the case, we just want what we were promised with the content not spaced out content so it look's like new content,


i mean they brought gree back 2 year's on the trot i dont know if any other mmo has ever done that but i find it was a lack of lazyness not giving people who done it something else to do why not make 2 events at once for people that have done gree over 100s times, as a player that doe's not want to leave this game i only ask for a mere improvment on announced aswell a content give the people what they want stop listening to the people that think they are right when clearly they are not, i have read that only 2million player's play this game and halff of them anit even subs, doe's that not tell you something is clearly going wrong, you can only keep the people that love this game happy for so long....




OK first off the Rhakgoul event, yes Bioware have said it is coming back in 2014 bu they have not given any more hints than that, all I can find on Dulfy is that it is expected to be somewhere after patch 2.5 and before 3.0. If I was a betting man I'd say maybe around easter this year but for all we know it could be scheduled for Christmas. The Gree event, like the Bounty Hunter was always meant to keep coming back, whereas the Rhakgoul and that galactic acquisition thing were supposed to be 1 time events, BW is justr bring Rhakgoul back because ppl asked for it.


Secondly GSF has only been out for Subs so far and only with 2 maps and 1 game type, 2.6 is going to open it up to the non subs and we'll get a new ship type (the bomber) and hopefully won't have to wait too long for new maps and game types, so give it time, judging it on just what the early access players have is not really being fair to it.


Also don't judge the state of this game by the people who post here. First off, unless someone is suing referral traps only Subs can post here and more players are f2p than sub, then only a small minority of the subs bother to post, so your sample of opinions is already so small I doubt even the most bent polling company would consider it a representative sample. At most I'd say the number of ppl that post here represent maybe 5% of the player base, if it is even that high. On top the ppl most likely to post here are players with something to complain about, it happens of every forum for every game in existence, the number of moaners, whiners, trolls and QQers will always outnumber the people who actually like the game regardless of how good or bad the game is.


Finally on sub numbers, read an interesting article on IGN about WIldstar where they talked to the Devs regarding sub numbers. The Devs made a good point that the success of WoW has for ever warped peoples perceptions of what is and is not a successful MMO. The WIldstar Devs will apparently be happy if they get 1 - 2 million players. They even say themselves that “Stuff like The Old Republic has been very successful and games like Rift have done very well for themselves", that is the opinion of the WIldstar Devs not me.


Anyway here's the article link http://uk.ign.com/articles/2014/01/10/what-wildstar-learned-from-bioshock-and-dark-souls so you can read for yourself.

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GS is good for the people that enjoy it but the people that don't are dropping out the game like flie's, soon this game be dead (...)


I didn't read any of the replies, but I'm sure you got a lot of beef for that sentence.


However, it is true, at least on The Progenitor. During the last 6 months, the guild I joined with one of my chars dropped members from more than 50 active ones to less then 10. I heard the same about other guilds. The planets are empty. For me, I can mainly see it on the GTN. I play the "run the GTN" game since Autumn 2012 and I basically made all my credits with it (I don't remember when I did the last daily run). During the last months, the market got worse and worse. There is neither a proper demand anymore nor a proper supply. It's like dead. The people who are still here are either fully geared up and don't need anything anymore (most of the players, I would say) and the others are F2Ps who neither have credits nor an interest in staying longer in the game. Purple grade 9 crafting materials sell for 10k or less (only exception: thermal's). Frasium is being sold for 100 credits a piece.


I don't see any proper new blood coming into the game. The regulars are still there, but even they get less and less. Then there are a lot of players who quit after few weeks.


I recently switched some of my imp chars to a newly founded guild which had a nice name and really friendly people. I joined them in October if I recall correctly. Back then, they had 36 players. One month ago, there were only 2 left! The other guy got auto-promoted to guildmaster. He hasn't logged in ever since. In 3 days, I, as the only remaining active player, will become auto-guildmastered.


These are just some examples. Whoever says this is not happening must be in denial. ;)


TL;DR: Yes, I am concerned! And I don't play GSF either. ;)

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so GS has been out for a few week's and with no new announcement on the horizon what now .. i sure we was promised a rakghoul event but how long till this is out ..


GS is good for the people that enjoy it but the people that don't are dropping out the game like flie's, soon this game be dead and all i ever see on the fourm's is people quitting that have stayed with this game through out the horried times we had with it, where as people who only just started playing think they are either trolling or just being mardy this is not the case, we just want what we were promised with the content not spaced out content so it look's like new content,


i mean they brought gree back 2 year's on the trot i dont know if any other mmo has ever done that but i find it was a lack of lazyness not giving people who done it something else to do why not make 2 events at once for people that have done gree over 100s times, as a player that doe's not want to leave this game i only ask for a mere improvment on announced aswell a content give the people what they want stop listening to the people that think they are right when clearly they are not, i have read that only 2million player's play this game and halff of them anit even subs, doe's that not tell you something is clearly going wrong, you can only keep the people that love this game happy for so long....


Firstly relax, its been one month GSF been out.


Secondly the majority of ALL updates including the surpose PVP oritated patch still had majority of PVE related content added so chill theres finally some focus for PVP now u can sit back this update and know how EVERY pvper felt during those times.


It cant be that bad since the pop times on our PVE server for GSF are almost instant anytime of the day lol


Great work guys on GSF keep it comming.

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The main issue is one of communication.


Bioware is as of right now being REALLY awful at it. And by REALLY Awful, I mean, as bad at it as they have ever been.


What sucks is in the past, under the old regime, they saw this as something to correct, and they got better with it.


Under this group however, silence to them seems to be the status quo.

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Under this group however, silence to them seems to be the status quo.

"this group" has made 26 dev posts in 2014 so far. Granted, this also includes the Tait-Welcome-thread, but it has been a long time, since there were so many golden posts in just one week.


They are just not posting the info that you want, but they sure are not silent.

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