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Treek questions


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Hello, all.


My first character is a sentinel and I reached level 55 a couple of weeks ago. I'm considering getting Treek since I solo quite a bit. I know it has been asked several times whether acquiring Treek is significant enough to warrant obtaining the ewok but I'd like to get my own class's perspective of the companion.


Here's some information about my jedi:


-She's a Watchman.

-All gear is at least level 53 artifact quality no augs except for sabers which are custom-orange ones with the same gear level (156) and they do have augs.

-She currently uses Doc for a companion but he's poorly geared in greens and blues.


Right now I'm having a tough time soloing non-heroic dailies in places like Oricon and CZ-198. I'm hoping Treek might help with this. If it'll make a difference, what's the optimal way to use Treek for our class?...Healer or tank? Is the gearing straight forward like healing gear for heals and tanking equipment for tanking or is it the opposite like tanking gear for healing to make her durable when she pulls agro?


On a tangent, I leveled 1-55 as Watchman with PvE FP/Ops in mind but is it optimal for solo questing dailies and farming or would one of the other trees be better for it?



Edited by tweetlek
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I'm level 45 and started the whole merc contracts and working towards getting him. Not sure if its worth it, but the exp is good, credits are good, and i can run a contract pretty quick, so why not.


But you bring up a good point, not sure if its worth it at lvl 55.



Hello, all.


My first character is a sentinel and I reached level 55 a couple of weeks ago. I'm considering getting Treek since I solo quite a bit. I know it has been asked several times whether acquiring Treek is significant enough to warrant obtaining the ewok but I'd like to get my own class's perspective of the companion.


Here's some information about my jedi:


-She's a Watchman.

-All gear is at least level 53 artifact quality no augs except for sabers which are custom-orange ones with the same gear level (156) and they do have augs.

-She currently uses Doc for a companion but he's poorly geared in greens and blues.


Right now I'm having a tough time soloing non-heroic dailies in places like Oricon and CZ-198. I'm hoping Treek might help with this. If it'll make a difference, what's the optimal way to use Treek for our class?...Healer or tank? Is the gearing straight forward like healing gear for heals and tanking equipment for tanking or is it the opposite like tanking gear for healing to make her durable when she pulls agro?


On a tangent, I leveled 1-55 as Watchman with PvE FP/Ops in mind but is it optimal for solo questing dailies and farming or would one of the other trees be better for it?



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  • 2 months later...
I'm level 45 and started the whole merc contracts and working towards getting him. Not sure if its worth it, but the exp is good, credits are good, and i can run a contract pretty quick, so why not.


But you bring up a good point, not sure if its worth it at lvl 55.


Trust me, Treek is worth it.

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On a tangent, I leveled 1-55 as Watchman with PvE FP/Ops in mind but is it optimal for solo questing dailies and farming or would one of the other trees be better for it?




I'd have to say focus is better for dailies. Its incredibly easy to learn, and its obscene AoE damage rolls through pretty much all non-bosses

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If you put them in the same level of gear, Treek might be slighty better than Doc at healing due to which abilities she has. If your only concern is making it easier to do hard content, then no it's not worth it, as she will at most slighty better than any healer or tank companion you already have, and you will still have to gear her up. So get her if you like Ewoks. As for using her as tank or healer, I would say healer. That way you can stay at high health and don't have to pause to heal yourself up between fights. With a tank companion you will have to pause to heal up the tank and possibly yourself when you eventually take aggro.


As for which tree to use, as mentioned above focus is much better for stuff like dailies. Watchman has a ramp up time and is dot based which means its strengh is in long fights, whereas focus has burst and great aoe so you can burn down groups of mobs really quickly.

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  • 1 month later...
simply dont play focus or combat if you pve, combat maybe, but focus is crap. grp heals and long fights = the win...and the right watchman always better dps then combat and smashtrash munkies. in pve its evident. the rotate is also very fun. but aside of the extra defense talents in other two specs watchman is way more tankier...in pve that is
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simply dont play focus or combat if you pve, combat maybe, but focus is crap. grp heals and long fights = the win...and the right watchman always better dps then combat and smashtrash munkies. in pve its evident. the rotate is also very fun. but aside of the extra defense talents in other two specs watchman is way more tankier...in pve that is


This isn't completely right. Sure focus is the worst single-target spec in the game, but its also the best AoE spec in the game, coming just ahead of tactics vanguards, while also having a much more forgiving resource system.


Focus is useful for:



Tactical Flashpoints

Operations: Trash in general. Specific fights listed below.

ETERNITY VAULT: Gharj fight, Ancient Pylons

KARRAGAS PALACE: Foreman Crusher


SCUM AND VILLAINY: Dash'roode (HM and up only), Titan 6, Operations Chief (infiltration section)

DREAD FORTRESS: Gate Commander Draxus, Grob'thok, Corruptor Zero



Now thats a hell of a lot more than just 'nothing'. Also Focus is more than enough damage for any flashpoints to avoid enrages, as well as all SM fights, and most HM fights (im pretty sure its actually all of them but whatever).

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This isn't completely right. Sure focus is the worst single-target spec in the game, but its also the best AoE spec in the game, coming just ahead of tactics vanguards, while also having a much more forgiving resource system.


Focus is useful for:



Tactical Flashpoints

Operations: Trash in general. Specific fights listed below.

ETERNITY VAULT: Gharj fight, Ancient Pylons

KARRAGAS PALACE: Foreman Crusher


SCUM AND VILLAINY: Dash'roode (HM and up only), Titan 6, Operations Chief (infiltration section)

DREAD FORTRESS: Gate Commander Draxus, Grob'thok, Corruptor Zero



Now thats a hell of a lot more than just 'nothing'. Also Focus is more than enough damage for any flashpoints to avoid enrages, as well as all SM fights, and most HM fights (im pretty sure its actually all of them but whatever).


Quite true. Though most of the fights you listed are best played in Hybrid (aka Dotsmash), with the exception of Draxus and Corruptor, which are "pure" Focus encounters.

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pure Focus is as viable as any other spec for endgame pve content.

I personally prefer combat and think is better suited for most HM fights, with combat you can sleep through raptus's challenges and the high burst really makes the first droid on brontes an easy thing. Also you don't have to worry about losing stacks between phases on calphyous and the long ramp up time really takes it's toll on short fights like NiM nefra; also if you have good healers then you will simply have a lot of overheal with watchman. Now, I've used watchman also, and there are fights where it performs well like tyrans and 8-manning 16HM nefra. All specs are viable but each has it's strengths and fights favor one over the other.

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  • 1 month later...

I have this rock solid rule I never break: Play the spec you like with intelligent people.


I recall my first Draxus nim kill, melee setup was a guardian + me watchman.

I recall that guy who nearly cried on TS because I refused to bow to the horse shift notion that I should respec to tardsmash (hybrid) to accommodate his elitist "copy / paste" insecurity.


Ofc I destroyed that myth and he's probably still crying somewhere in secret, as I have long left that guild.


I am just as comfortable playing watchman, combat or tardsmash. Make sure you master all too, then decide which you prefer. With the exception of focus which imho is pretty weak on single target, I assure you, once you do so you'll "own" doing any high end op, because you'll enjoy yourself.


And this takes us back to that famous rule; if you play what you like with intelligent people, nobody will ever ask you to respec.


Edited by Myriandore
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