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The Flawless Victory


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So congrats, I guess? Keep it up and before long you'll come crying "no one on my server does GSF anymore!'. Its amusing to see it once. If you constantly slaughter the other-side, be it same faction or not, then they will stop queueing. On our server I've actually been trying to push fellow Repubs to atleast let the Imps keep it a game. Let'em rack up 400-500 points, you DONT HAVE to 3 cap them just because you can!


THAT is the real problem most players have with pre-mades. Its not that they win, its HOW they win. Its not enough to win, some fill the need to completely humiliate their opponent just because they can. Call it E-Sportsmanship or whatever you want, but encouraging more people to play and improve only benefits everyone.


But hey, keep it up! As long as you're having fun then who cares right?

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I ran into a good Pub premade this morning.


Just PUGs in our group, and they ended up 3-capping us. I was staying alive but just barely since they were focus-firing me. By the time they got me, we were already down about 600-0. Most of group was off doing their own thing, so when I respawned, I decided to Ronin one of their quiet sats. Chased off their one node guard and capped the Sat, then finished up the guard when he returned. Held the node by myself, but the premade could have easily retaken it IMO. For whatever reason they didn't, and our group got to end the match with a little dignity.

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So congrats, I guess? Keep it up and before long you'll come crying "no one on my server does GSF anymore!'. Its amusing to see it once. If you constantly slaughter the other-side, be it same faction or not, then they will stop queueing. On our server I've actually been trying to push fellow Repubs to atleast let the Imps keep it a game. Let'em rack up 400-500 points, you DONT HAVE to 3 cap them just because you can!


THAT is the real problem most players have with pre-mades. Its not that they win, its HOW they win. Its not enough to win, some fill the need to completely humiliate their opponent just because they can. Call it E-Sportsmanship or whatever you want, but encouraging more people to play and improve only benefits everyone.


But hey, keep it up! As long as you're having fun then who cares right?


Well said. I've actually seen you doing this. I hope it catches on, I enjoy playing but you can already see the slow down in pops.

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Don't see what the issue is here really. Crying over pre-mades? this is an MMO. when you learn what MMO means, then you will understand what premade means. geared or not, premades are a group of players who want to play together. This team had a 1000-0 win. so what? either make some friends and queue up, or shake it off and move on. either way, crying about it or down playing it does nothing. what makes the haters mad, not being apart of that 1000-0 win, or not having enough friends in this game to queue up with to begin with. you wanna be a solo hero? go play CoD.
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Don't see what the issue is here really. Crying over pre-mades? this is an MMO. when you learn what MMO means, then you will understand what premade means. geared or not, premades are a group of players who want to play together. This team had a 1000-0 win. so what? either make some friends and queue up, or shake it off and move on. either way, crying about it or down playing it does nothing. what makes the haters mad, not being apart of that 1000-0 win, or not having enough friends in this game to queue up with to begin with. you wanna be a solo hero? go play CoD.


Wow someones a little butthurt that people dont think premades rolling over the enemy is impressive aren't they?

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Don't see what the issue is here really. Crying over pre-mades? this is an MMO. when you learn what MMO means, then you will understand what premade means. geared or not, premades are a group of players who want to play together. This team had a 1000-0 win. so what? either make some friends and queue up, or shake it off and move on. either way, crying about it or down playing it does nothing. what makes the haters mad, not being apart of that 1000-0 win, or not having enough friends in this game to queue up with to begin with. you wanna be a solo hero? go play CoD.


You sir, don't see the big picture.


There is a solo queue. Obviously someone developing this mini-game decided that somebody should be able to to queue up and have an enjoyable game experience without needing to join a guild, set up a group, get on teamspeak, etc. I highly doubt that the devs approached with the elitest, frankly rude attitude that you seem to have. I'm 100% certain nobody at Bioware said "People should be able to queue up solo, but because they aren't in a group they should get facerolled and humiliated."


Because the ability to queue up solo and be placed into a pick up group was designed to be a part of the game from the get-go, some measures should be in place to ensure that those pick-up groups are put into situations where they will have a fun gameplay experience. Because this is game, and it is supposed to be fun.


Personally, I would be happy with integrated voice comms to allow the PUGs to coordinate better.

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Personally, I would be happy with integrated voice comms to allow the PUGs to coordinate better.


isnt' that what a guild is? funny, you proved my point. the ones who don't have a guild cry the loudest cause they get rolled. at least with a guild, those who queue together have a fighting chance. in your attempt to flame my point, you proved it. get a guild or some friends, or shhhhhhhhh.

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Wow and I thought it was just BC's imperials that are crappy. I guess the good guys always have better pilots than the bad guys.


Yeah getting facerolled in games like isn't fun at all. Its slightly better dealing it than recieving it. The most fun I have in games, win or lose, are games that are relatively won or lost by close margins.

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Personally, I would be happy with integrated voice comms to allow the PUGs to coordinate better.


WoW has that. how well does that work out? not very well at all. Integrated voice comms for PUGs is no substitute for a guild/friends to play with. Wanna make it better? get a guild/friends to queue up with.

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WoW has that. how well does that work out? not very well at all. Integrated voice comms for PUGs is no substitute for a guild/friends to play with. Wanna make it better? get a guild/friends to queue up with.


EVE has it, and it works damn well. My corporation used EVEvoice almost exclusively. I flew with RvB, and so I would often be flying with completely different people from day to day. Being able to speak with eachother made it much easier to pull things together and get coordinated, especially because we rarely knew what ships and loadouts everyone had ahead of time. Kind of like a PUG, imagine that.


Guilds are always going to have good players, and that advantage (which is fair) is amplified when they can get on voice comms. PUGs have some damn good players too, and integrated voice would make it much easier for those players to coordinate and give the premades a better challenge. For some it won't make a difference, but for others it will make a huge difference. Arguably, PUGs have an even greater need for comms than guilds do, because they don't often fly together like a premade does. Where a premade might not need to speak a whole lot, for a PUG it could be essential.


1000-0 facerolls are not fun for either side. The guys beating down PUGs in curbstomp battles should be just as eager to even the playing field as the ones getting stomped. 1000-0 is not a good match for anybody and is bad for the game as a whole. I don't want premades nerfed somehow. Just give PUGs the tools to compete on an even playing field.


Some people, some really good pilots, just want to hop in the game and have fun. Some people aren't interested in making "friends" with a bunch of neckbearded mouthbreathers just to play one or two matches of GSF for their daily and log off. Personally, I can't understand why you are so opposed to anything that gives PUGs an extra tool in the toolbox. It sounds like you don't want to lose your sacred advantage in this Serious-business make-believe internet spaceship mini-game. It's a little sad.


As I said (and you ignored, because it doesn't support your argument), GSF was designed for PUGs and Premades alike. These people railing on about how GSF is a team game and it is totally fine and dandy that premades are rolling PUGs are forgetting that.

Edited by Svarthrafn
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Wow someones a little butthurt that people dont think premades rolling over the enemy is impressive aren't they?


just because I have a good group of friends to play with and win, doesn't mean that I feel sorry for those that solo queue. MMO means play with FRIENDS. don't like being rolled over by a "pre-made", make some friends and try to change the balance.

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just because I have a good group of friends to play with and win, doesn't mean that I feel sorry for those that solo queue. MMO means play with FRIENDS. don't like being rolled over by a "pre-made", make some friends and try to change the balance.


I'm confused. You come into this thread and say you fly with friends and blah blah, then in another thread on the first page here you complain the pug groups on your server suck and you want to group with other good pilots. Which is it? Perhaps its Option:C, You need attention?

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1. your screenshot is not displayed on that page and it does not allow me to download it.


2. While a perfect game sounds nice, I personally am far more happy to have a screenshot of a 1000:999 win, where we really managed to flip the tide on the last possible second. It was also for sure a much more interesting fight than a 1000:0 could ever be.


Might be nice to win that way, haven't done that yet, but I have lost to that score. We nabbed the second base with about 30 seconds left in the match, and it would have been enough, but the other team must have got 1-2 more kills in those seconds than we did. It was one of very few matches I've played where there was actually some ops chat after the match finished, the disappointment of having come so close to taking it back. Should be an achievement to lose by that score really :)

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1000 to 0 is hard to pull off.


I've been playing GSF for nearly a month now and just learned something last night: if you die it is a point for the other team. I always thought sats were the only way to gain points as I had never seen my team's score increase before while holding 0 satellites.


I found out because last night just random solo-queuing like always I got put in a 12v12 where the whole other team was 2 ship players except for two guys with 5 ships and my team only had 2 "lowbies" like that. We capped all 3 sats right away and got up into the 600-700 to 0 range when suddenly I saw red team had 1. I typed in the OPS chat I don't know how that happened and one of the other players told me it was from someone on our team crashing. We won 1000 to 1.

Edited by Kain_Turinbar
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