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Double XP all the time ?


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I wish lol! I'm an alt addict too and have 4 legacies >_< It's fun to try every class as a different gender, personality, and alignment. It gets super tedious leveling all those puppies. Edited by Nefla
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They should sell double XP boosts in the store. Actually they should sell fully geared level 55 characters as well.


I wouldn't mind having the double XP being a legacy option available to those with level 50 legacy with X+ characters.

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If we have Double XP all the time, it must be called just XP (just the missions should give you more xp than before and you`ll leveling faster) :p Pretend that now you have Double XP and the normal XP was -200% less than this in the moment. The current XP rate is fine.

Hm, even I cant understand what I wrote but someone may get the point ;)


One idea - maybe they should make automatic Double XP , starting on friday / saturday - ending sunday / monday. Just for the weekends.

Edited by iankalo
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Idea 1 (A bit extreme): You need motivation? Here's motivation. Go to nearest military base.. ask for an explosive ordinance technician.. have him plant explosives under your chair keyed to a detonator that will blow you up if you don't level to 55. As an alternative you could have the explosive device be non-lethal and merely spray lurid colors of paint on your walls if you fail. If you do either of these, record it for posterity and put it on YouTube. :p


Idea 2: Have girlfriend (or boyfriend, wife, whatever) stand behind you with a whiffle bat and smack you with it every time you get side tracked. Side effect: May enjoy being hit by the bat. Again.. Record it and put it on YouTube if you do it.


Idea 3: Post-it notes posted everywhere every 6" telling you to level that character. Again.. Record it and put it on YouTube


In all seriousness, give yourself a reason to want to level it.. Maybe say, Spoil yourself by going to see that movie you been putting off going to see "If" you leveled it the rest of the way by XX/XX/2014 or Treat yourself to a nice dinner at your favorite restaurant.

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Please, do this.


Since we do not have cross server queuing the only way we can play with people on different servers is to level alts on those servers.


A lot of us have played through these quest lines multiple times already, and doing so for the third or fourth time is just... painful.

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Recommend leaving your characters in the cantina for the rest XP when you're not playing them. Give it a week.


That's about the only Double XP you're going to get for awhile.


Oh, I forgot about this "rest" XP. I`ll put all my alts to recharge their XP batteries. Well, we dont need Double XP weekends then. Just leave your character on the Fleet or cantina and you can enjoy Double XP in the morning.

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Oh, I forgot about this "rest" XP. I`ll put all my alts to recharge their XP batteries. Well, we dont need Double XP weekends then. Just leave your character on the Fleet or cantina and you can enjoy Double XP in the morning.


Doesn't quite work the same. Rested xp is for kills. Double XP weekends would double your quest and mission xp also

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Doesn't quite work the same. Rested xp is for kills. Double XP weekends would double your quest and mission xp also


The problem for me is that Double XP seriously depletes my credits, since I level up faster than I can get the credits to pay for the skills (which you need to buy because the enemies get stronger). I know it's an old complaint, but it's never been fixed, and the last double XP weekends had my characters seriously out of pocket.

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Idea 1 (A bit extreme): You need motivation? Here's motivation. Go to nearest military base.. ask for an explosive ordinance technician.. have him plant explosives under your chair keyed to a detonator that will blow you up if you don't level to 55. As an alternative you could have the explosive device be non-lethal and merely spray lurid colors of paint on your walls if you fail. If you do either of these, record it for posterity and put it on YouTube. :p


Idea 2: Have girlfriend (or boyfriend, wife, whatever) stand behind you with a whiffle bat and smack you with it every time you get side tracked. Side effect: May enjoy being hit by the bat. Again.. Record it and put it on YouTube if you do it.


Idea 3: Post-it notes posted everywhere every 6" telling you to level that character. Again.. Record it and put it on YouTube


In all seriousness, give yourself a reason to want to level it.. Maybe say, Spoil yourself by going to see that movie you been putting off going to see "If" you leveled it the rest of the way by XX/XX/2014 or Treat yourself to a nice dinner at your favorite restaurant.


You should work as a motivational speaker :p

(that cracked me up :) )

Edited by znihilist
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Powerhouse it. Buff the XP pots as soon as you get em or whatever. And yes you can log of, it will save itself for when you get back and Voila. You forget about it. The Xp pots are medium drops from missions. BUT they are on the GTN as experience boosts. Search for the correct name cause there are exploration, Arena and whatever out there.
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Powerhouse it. Buff the XP pots as soon as you get em or whatever. And yes you can log of, it will save itself for when you get back and Voila. You forget about it. The Xp pots are medium drops from missions. BUT they are on the GTN as experience boosts. Search for the correct name cause there are exploration, Arena and whatever out there.


Actually, i have used the full name before and it still brings up most of them.

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