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Any long time flight arcade/sim players out there?


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I have been playing flying games clear back to the Sega Master system's F-16 game.

I have payed ALL Lucas Arts flight games, from X-wing to Secret Weapons over Normandy etc.

I enjoyed playing the Wing Commander series, Ace Combat series, Tom Clancy's HAWX duo, and many more.


I have to say I enjoy this little taste of things to come here in SWTOR. Could it be better sure, will it be sure, provided we stay active and let the dev's know everything they can do to make it the best it can be. This game can and will be constantly changing. It will be only as good as we let them know how it should be. Good grief enuff preaching, god I must be getting OLD!


What have you all played, enjoyed, hated etc.?


P.S. Welcome to GSF Beta! LOL

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Here's one, anyway!


I guess you could say my first "space sim" was Megaroids (a knockoff/sequel/whatever) of asteroids, on my dad's Atari 520 ST :p I also got to play a few more hardcore sims on that - namely Sundog, Gunship and an F-16 game - though I was very young then and always needed my dad for these games. I also played a couple of Lucas Arts titles (Rebel Assault for sure) and of course some arcade flight games on the Gameboy, like R-type (more of a platformer in space really but hey) - and I enjoyed flying aircraft on Battlefield 1942 and Battlefield Vietnam with a joystick.


I played some of the Wing Commander series (IIRC I played 2, 4 and Prophecy) and both Privateer games (plus righteous Fire expac) as well as Freelancer. These were the games that cemented my love for the genre. I did try some of the X games but unfortunately they didn't resonate with me.


I am currently waiting for Elite: Dangerous and Star Citizen, the latter of which I pledged for. I can't wait for either of these games... Thank god for GSF, it's scratching my space sim itch well enough despite its shortcomings :cool: I'm having more fun in GSF than I've ever had in an MMO, and this plus the stories are enough to warrant my resub.

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It's like 3 months since I found Star Conflict F2P game on Steam. Fell in love with that, then GSF was announced on SWTOR and trailers looked... Exactly like Star Conflict! I was very excited. And I still am, GSF pretty much fulfilled my dreams. The flight fell differently from SC the first day, but I got used to it quick and I'm happy now.


Other than that, I am absolute flight sim hater. Can't even fly straight in plane sims, and haven't played old Star Wars dogfights at all.

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I'm one.


I was first introduced to sims with X-Wing and, save for TIE Fighter, have played all the games in the X-Wing series. I've also played Rebel Assault II, all the Rogue Squadron games, and Secret Weapons Over Normandy. If Battlefront II's space mode counts I've also done that. Aside from SW games I've played all three Microsoft Combat Flight Sim games and Jane's WWII Fighters.


I tried some jet fighter sim games but overall didn't like them much and much preferred the blaster/machine gun dogfighting of X-Wing and WWII games. On a related note I was never a fan of the later developments in X-Wing of advanced concussion missiles and the like that could 1 hit kill X-Wings as it felt too much like a modern jet fighter game and not enough like the dogfighting in the original trilogy.


Being old school and all I'd probably do some things a little different in GSF to make it even more like my old favorites (*cough* joystick support *cough*) but overall I've enjoyed GSF a great deal and hope they iron out the rough edges so it gets even better.

Edited by Gavin_Kelvar
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Rise of Flight player here. Played all sorts of sims in the old days, including the Wing Commander series, Red Baron 1 and 2, and TIE Fighter, among others.


I'm pretty old-school, or just old. I don't even bother to target ships to use the lead indicator. The only reason I target at all is if I want to fire missiles, lol.

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Been a flight sim player since Falcon 3.0 on my 286 (upgraded to a meg of RAM for it!!!), and generally kept up with the new stuff as it came along (the Janes series, when sims were King, European Air War, IL-2, BoBII, now of course the DCS series, Rise of Flight, and Battle of Stalingrad).


As for space sims, been into them since Wing Commander II (retroactively to WC1). Huge fan of the Wing Commander series, then of course the X-Wing series (got my first dedicated sound card for X-Wing! :) ). I've been hoping for a good space sim for quite a while now, and while Star Citizen is a bright spot on my radar, and GSF is more arcade than sim, I find it extremely satisfying. The fact it's integrated in my favourite MMO is just gravy. :)


Love GSF, and looking forward to more. :)

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I started "flying" with "Elite" (the basic vector graphic version on the C-64, later Amiga).


Later switched to Frontier.


Took a break from flying till the ages of PC... went with X-Wing, Tie-Fighter and the whole series. I did not touch Wing Commander, cause I at that time wanted to blow up my enemies... I did not want to watch cutscenes :)

Even later, I went with the X, X² and X³ series.


Had my fun time with JTL of SWG and also briefly touched the relatively new WoWP.

Also have a 2005 account on EVE, but that is not much real flying as there is no way to directly control pitch or yaw or any axis at all. You only set a target vector.


Now playing.... GSF (15.000 ship req to go to max my first ship)

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I did not touch Wing Commander, cause I at that time wanted to blow up my enemies... I did not want to watch cutscenes :)


You should definitely get WC 1&2 (available on GOG), which is amazing fun with few cutscenes, even though DOSBox doesn't currently provide very good stick support and sometimes chokes on the totally nonexisting timing. WC5 kinda went back to those roots after 3&4 dabbling quite heavily in the whole "interactive movie" part (gameplay was still good).


Yes, I was a WC nut, including the Privateers (sadly not some side-sprouts like Academy or Armada due to bad availability back in the time) and I spent a lot of time in those games. Later, there was of course Freespace. The first I-War I didn't really "get into" (working on making that sucker work correctly with modern sticks), but I-War 2 is IMO one of the best space sims wrt balancing "realism" and fun. X can go *** ***** hairy ****.


Apart from that, aerial sims of all calibers; good ol' Chuck Yeager's Air Combat, but BoB and SWotL started that off, with the old EA sims like F-15 thrown in, went through Strike Commander, dabbled with Ocean's F-16 but never got too warm with the realism-heavier sims in that genre; DCS ist just scary. Currently, I'm sinking quite a bit of time into War Thunder, where I think GSF could get some inspiration.


And I want more games to use friggin' sticks again! Design games for that input method, make it great!

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I played the entire X-wing series, but I think my first flight sim was ye olde Sopwith Camel :p


Also Aces of the Pacific/Over Europe, Freelancer, Rebel Assault, Elite, and many, many more.


You, sir, win the screen name award!


::runs away in Spathi ship, pooping homing missiles.::


The aces game were great, yes, and props to whoever mentioned Independence War. Those were excellent space sims.

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My first was a flight sim on a 512k Mac, it may have been MS flight sim 1.0 but I'm not sure. 20 x 20 mile world, flat wireframe (well grid really) terrain, and the planes were stick figures. You could have done all the art for it in 20 minutes on MSpaint.


Later A-10 attack, Graphic Simulations F/A -18 Hornet versions 2 and 3 and X-Wing.


These days DCS World with the A-10C, UH-1, Ka-50, Su-25, and Mi-8TV2 modules, though I spend most of my time in the Su-25T that comes free with the base download. Also in the kickstarter/alpha for Star Citizen, which I should log on to because the flight/dogfighting alpha is supposed to go live soonish and I haven't been checking on developer updates the last month or so.


Looking forward to: Star Citizen release, which should be the best space fighter sim ever if they can pull it off and is tentatively scheduled for "sometime" in 2015, and the DCS world L-39, Su-27, and F-18 modules which will be released whenever they're ready to be released (presumably in the next 6 months to 3 years).

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Yes Sir!

Ive played most of em, From that garbage on the sega master system, top-gun, MS flight sim, red baron, star-trek, to rogue squadron, to warhawk. Just to name a few.


I've never been too obsessed, but they are for sure one of my top types of game.


Hated: Top-Gun!!! ^&$%^$ DIEEEEE!!!!! *goes over and kicks nintendo from repressed top gun rage*


Most memorable: Star-Trek - The first time some friends and I got this one we stayed up all night dog-fighting each other with phasers and proton torpedoes, was a great time.


Rogue Squadron = My first real Star Wars pilot experience that was worth while.

Neat ships, and realistic styled missions. Fun stuff!

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