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Were plans to make "Same sex companion romances" canned?


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The easiest way around this would be impementing a follow-up quest-chain, after the main story.


Your only decision involving the story so far would be whether the character already has romanced a companion, which may lead to a divorce or OT3. The drawback would be that SGR with companions come later, and possibly even past unlock. And because none of my companions so far expressed something along the lines of 'ewww boy/girl-cooties', it wouldn't warp the character noticeably.


Story hooks are easy to come by. Iresso could get problems with his internal library. Vette's old gang could get into trouble,.....


but that would be writing new content, rather than changing old content. which is infinitely easier.... except.... how do we integrate it for people who are starting new characters? those need to be accounted for as well. which means rewrites will STILl be more extensive than it first appears.


honestly? I'd rather they introduced new companions. heck - do something with new people they added as part of galactic star fighter. it might not be individual companion per class, but if you can recruit them, have them on your ship and go through full story with them? still better then what we got on Makeb.

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honestly? I'd rather they introduced new companions. heck - do something with new people they added as part of galactic star fighter. it might not be individual companion per class, but if you can recruit them, have them on your ship and go through full story with them? still better then what we got on Makeb.


As I said above in post #8 and further in #28, the current trend is new companions are not and seem to not going to be romanceable, especially SGR. EAware is dodging the issue altogether by making new companions non-humanoid. Granted, you could pretend HK has "other skills" beyond deleting meatbags and Treek is almost certainly a freak in sack :p but they can avoid the issue altogether by giving companions that are inherently non-romanceable. They've been pretty underhanded and I dare say cowardly about this issue. limiting sg flirting to a certain gender based on faction or giving us companions that can't be romanced seems to be a fairly good indicator of how little they care about this issue or at least how little work they are willing to put into it, or worse, how low esteem they hold for the players who have been asking for this content, many since well before launch.

Edited by DimmuJanKaarl
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They charge $20 for a dye.


What possible reason could they have to invest in story or voiced content? To achieve the same return on investment they would have to charge $12,000,000,000 per plot per player.


The "success" of the CM has killed any chance of any new story content.

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As I said above in post #8 and further in #28, the current trend is new companions are not and seem to not going to be romanceable, especially SGR. EAware is dodging the issue altogether by making new companions non-humanoid. Granted, you could pretend HK has "other skills" beyond deleting meatbags and Treek is almost certainly a freak in sack :p but they can avoid the issue altogether by giving companions that are inherently non-romanceable. They've been pretty underhanded and I dare say cowardly about this issue. limiting sg flirting to a certain gender based on faction or giving us companions that can't be romanced seems to be a fairly good indicator of how little they care about this issue or at least how little work they are willing to put into it, or worse, how low esteem they hold for the players who have been asking for this content, many since well before launch.


I think EAware is still butthurt because noone realized the Mass Effect 3 endings were done in support of Rainbow Pride.

Edited by Zorvan
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I think it's safe to say all future story content is canned....


Also remember all the promises we got from Bioware was from employees that no longer work for Bioware... They pretty much all jumped shipped along with the original owners of Bioware...


The talent that made Bioware so great is no longer here, EA pretty much gutted Bioware and only uses it's name, it will toss the Bioware name once they milk it for everything they can, and then EA will look for the next company to buy so they can do the same thing all over again...


Almost everything you said is true.


However, Alexander Freed seems to be willing to return on contract to story-write for continuing content. You might be familiar with his work in this game if you played an Imperial Agent or did the Imperial side of Makeb.


I don't think story is dead by a long shot. there will be good story. It just won't be class story. It will be something else. Like Makeb. And Oricon. And Czerka.


To the OP, that's very old news and others have answered it. They're not going to retro-fit existing companions' story lines. They might add it into new companion story lines if and when we ever get another companion that is human "enough" for it.

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I think EAware is still butthurt because noone realized the Mass Effect 3 endings were done in support of Rainbow Pride.


like, supported around the office or something? iirc there were a couple of cutscenes that eluded to same-gender "activities" near the end but hardly the same as outright in-game gay marriage and same-sex non-platonic relationships :/

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I am getting so sick of people worrying about this more than making the game better, if you want a same sex relationship then go to a damn gay bar FFS


Where should I go if I want to shoot a blaster at a Rancor?


Make believe world. Real world. They are two different things with completely different ways to behave in them, right?

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Can't recall ever seeing that in a Star Wars movie. And last I checked this is a Star Wars game. Star Wars! Please leave your political agenda at the door please.


This is true, there was never any homosexuality in the star wars movies.


You know what there was though? Luke kissing his sister. Clearly this means that instead of introducing same gender romances, they should introduce incestuous ones. It fits the star wars universe after all!

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They charge $20 for a dye.


What possible reason could they have to invest in story or voiced content? To achieve the same return on investment they would have to charge $12,000,000,000 per plot per player.


The "success" of the CM has killed any chance of any new story content.


Wow...wise words CK...very wise words. And exactly right.

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I want to kill malavani queen. He is a snail and EA instead of giving me the option to kill him, they gave us the delusion that we are going to. So after I choked him, I was so happy, but suddenly, I had to be with him again.


I dont like snail companions, I want to find a way to get reed of him. They could give us that, at least..


The option to dismiss from our crew the companions we dont like and get others.

Edited by Oyranos
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like, supported around the office or something? iirc there were a couple of cutscenes that eluded to same-gender "activities" near the end but hardly the same as outright in-game gay marriage and same-sex non-platonic relationships :/


You know, the "Red" Blue" "green", ( i.e. colors of the rainbow ) etc. endings. :rolleyes:


The 1950's called. They want their prejudices back.


2014 called and said to pull the stick out of your rear and get a sense of humor.

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I want to kill malavani queen. He is a snail and EA instead of giving me the option to kill him, they gave us the delusion that we are going to. So after I choked him, I was so happy, but suddenly, I had to be with him again.


I dont like snail companions, I want to find a way to get reed of him. They could give us that, at least..


The option to dismiss from our crew the companions we dont like and get others.

Get Treek. /e kills Quinn. Never use Quinn again. "Problem" solved.

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I want to kill malavani queen. He is a snail and EA instead of giving me the option to kill him, they gave us the delusion that we are going to. So after I choked him, I was so happy, but suddenly, I had to be with him again.


I dont like snail companions, I want to find a way to get reed of him. They could give us that, at least..


The option to dismiss from our crew the companions we dont like and get others.


There was a time during game test that we could kill our companions or have them killed or otherwise lose them. The developers discovered that players got upset or angry when they did this only to find out later that the companion they got rid of was important to the story line. So they took it out.


Then don't use Treek. There, that solves your "problem."


It's not my problem. I'm not the one who thumbed my nose at the lore to get people to buy a few cartel coins. But I don't and never will use Treek.

Edited by DarthTHC
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It's not my problem. I'm not the one who thumbed my nose at the lore to get people to buy a few cartel coins. But I don't and never will use Treek.

It's apparently a problem for you that Treek is in the game for others to use. Maybe single-player games are more your speed if how others play the game gets you in such a lather.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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It's apparently a problem for you that Treek is in the game for others to use. Maybe single-player games are more your speed if how others play the game gets you in such a lather.


I never said I had a problem with anyone else using Treek.


I'm pretty sure I said I had a problem with the developers putting Treek in the game.


There's a difference. Can you discern it?

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I never said I had a problem with anyone else using Treek.


I'm pretty sure I said I had a problem with the developers putting Treek in the game.


There's a difference. Can you discern it?

It's what we call "a distinction without a difference." Players can't use Treek without the developers first having added Treek. In any event, the game is full of things many people don't like. It's a multi-player game, not made to your personal specs. Ignore the parts you don't like. And remember, it's just a game, meant to be played for fun.

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I remember a while back before rise of the hutt cartel ToR had plans to give same sex companion romance options to your characters.


Meaning a female Jedi knight could romance Kira, a Male JK could romance Doc. etc etc.

They never said that. They clearly said any same sex options would come from new NPCs or possibly new companions....not existing companions.

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Maybe you could make the same sex options a purchasable expansion. Then those who don't have any interest in the content just don't buy that expansion. There's definitely been interest in this since the beginning of the game.


Mmm, I'd rather they put it in and then have people pay to keep it out. :rak_03:

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Maybe you could make the same sex options a purchasable expansion. Then those who don't have any interest in the content just don't buy that expansion. There's definitely been interest in this since the beginning of the game.


I can just see the threads, news reports and all sort of 3 ring circus acts going on if they did that. If they ever decide to follow through with it and make player pay for it, it should be free. If its not your cup of tea. DON'T CLICK THE FRICKING CONVERSATION CHOICE. Sorry but no one is forcing you to make out with <insert NPC name>. Just like no one force you to PvE or PvP. I don't click romance option because making pixels kiss is just weird.

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